
019 Savings

บรรณาธิการ: Dragon Boat Translation

After adjusting his mentality, he no longer expected anything from Li Kai.

Then, Lu Wu started working hard to get the ingredients for Skeleton. This time, he would need about 1300 yuan worth of bones.

Lu Wu really didn't want to ask for money from his family.

To be honest, there were only two people now whom he could ask for money without any hesitation -- either Pang Tutu or Li Kai.

From Li Kai, his only choice was to ask for his salary in advance

As Li Kai was someone who was easy to talk to, it wouldn't be a big problem to ask for it.

Li Kai agreed to change Lu Wu's payment from monthly to daily. He even increased Lu Wu's salary by 500 yuan which meant that Lu Wu would get about 150 yuan per day.

Yeap, Lu Wu was sure that the only reason why Li Kai added the 500 yuan wasn't because he was a good worker, but instead, it was just easier for him to pay Lu Wu daily.

Well, this wasn't the main point. The most important thing here was that Lu Wu finally had 150 yuan in his bank now.

By the sixth day, he would have about 900 yuan. Although this was much less than the amount he needed, it was already better than nothing.

After dealing with the bigger part of it, the rest would be easier to deal with.

Lu Wu would usually work till late at night at the grocery store and continue with another part-time job after that.

However, Lu Wu was out of luck as he still hadn't found a suitable one.

He only managed to find a job at a barbeque store on the fifth night. Lu Wu would be paid by the number of skewers he made that night.

In order to make sure that Lu Wu would get enough money for Skeleton's second bone stew, Lu Wu even got Pang Tutu to come and help him.

Both of them worked for about four to five hours and even injured their fingers while preparing the skewers to the point that their fingers turned bloody. In the end, they got about 500 yuan that night.

When they got the cash, Pang Tutu directly handed all the money to Lu Wu.

The owner of the barbeque stall and another man who was watching this entire scene at the corner held their breath.

Then, they saw that Lu Wu took over the entire stack of cash from Pang Tutu's bloody hands without any hesitation.

The owner looked at Lu Wu and was judging him for being a scumbag. The other man who was watching them as well was already on the floor looking for a piece of brick.

However, Lu Wu wasn't even aware that he was taken as a scumbag. After keeping the money, he went up to the owner and was asking if they could have two free drumsticks after working so hard for the entire night.

The owner initially didn't want to give them to Lu Wu; he even thought of slapping Lu Wu in the face.

But, when he heard Pang Tutu's stomach growling, the owner, who's face had already turned dark by now, gave Lu Wu the drumstick he requested.

Lu Wu didn't even feel bad about it. He thanked the owner with a huge smile on his face, took the drumsticks and gave both of them to Pang Tutu.


"What…. What about you?"

"I'm not hungry. I don't like the skewers here!"

Lu Wu didn't even care if the owner was just right next to him. The owner's face completely turned even darker when he overheard Lu Wu.

Pang Tutu slowly turned away from the drumstick and said, "Then, I…"

"Just eat it!"


"Let's go home. It's getting late already!"

In the end, Lu Wu also had hands that were bleeding and walked home with Skeleton following behind him

Right behind him, Pang Tutu was also holding onto Piglet with a happy look on her face. She followed closely behind Lu Wu as she took small bites of the drumstick.

Under the streetlight, Lu Wu's tall and skinny shadow overlapped Pang Tutu's chubby shadow and both slowly disappeared into the night.

As both of them saw this scene, the owner of the barbeque store and the guy who was holding onto a brick let out a huge sigh. 

Then they looked at each other.

The owner let go of the judgemental look on his face while the guy holding onto the brick shook his head. After that, he threw the brick onto the ground and left the stall.

The man's figure looked like there was a story to tell and it caught the owner's attention. He didn't even realise that the man had not paid for his food until the man completely disappeared…...

The man who threw the brick went towards Lu Wu's direction.

This man was following them, or to be more accurate, he was following Lu Wu.

The reason why he was following Lu Wu was because he wanted to find the right opportunity to beat him up.

That's right. In order to make sure that Lu Wu didn't recognise him, he even prepared a gunny bag.

He had done this several times before and had received good comments on it as well!

He had to find the right time, place the gunny bag over Lu Wu's head and Lu Wu would never know that the person beating him up was actually his own father!

You saw it right. The man who was following behind Lu Wu was his father, Lu Haikong.

He had just finished his job and returned home this morning after Lu Wu left the house.

When Lu Haikong went home, he realised that Lu Wu's situation was so much worse than he had expected.

As soon as Lee Ruyu saw Lu Haikong, she couldn't hold it in any longer and started crying.

This was the woman that he loved the most in his entire life. She had been the treasure that he dearly held in his arms for the past twenty years and has never let her drop a single tear. But now, she was crying like a baby all because of Lu Wu?!

How could this happen?

Lu Haikong obviously couldn't stand it! How could he?!

So what if Lu Wu was his son? Since he dared bully his wife, Lu Haikong would definitely beat him up even if Lu Wu was his son!

Therefore, Lu Haikong went looking for Lu Wu after comforting Lee Ruyu.

He wanted to see what this bastard was up to and to find out why Lu Wu had upset his wife!

Well, after following Lu Wu for the entire day, he didn't see Lu Wu doing anything bad. Instead, he really saw a changed boy.

It felt as if his son was a completely different person.

From the slacker that he knew before this, Lu Wu had become someone who was hardworking and motivated.

He worked hard during the day and was experimenting with the items at the store.

After work, he even found another part-time job. According to what Lu Haikong heard, Lu Wu took up the extra job because he needed money for Skeleton's training ingredient.

Lu Wu didn't want to ask for it from his family and wanted to be self-reliant.

When Lu Haikong saw all these, he really felt like this new son was much better than the one before this.

However, these changes were not important to Lu Haikong. The most important thing here was that Lu Wu's changes really upset his wife!

Lu Haikong felt that he had to beat up Lu Wu, no matter what.

Plus, Lu Wu's action just now pissed him off.

He was sure that he never taught Lu Wu how to be a scumbag!

Their family has never had any scumbags. Lu Haikong was not a scumbag himself and Lu Wu definitely couldn't be as well!

Therefore, even if Lu Haikong had already thrown away the brick, he was still planning to teach Lu Wu a lesson. 

The only thing that was stopping Lu Haikong now was Pang Tutu who was talking to Lu Wu.

Lu Haikong would definitely beat him up as soon as Pang Tutu and Lu Wu parted ways!

Soon, the time that Lu Haikong was waiting for arrived. Lu Wu walked Pang Tutu home and they parted ways.

Lu Haikong knew that this was his opportunity.

But then, he saw Lu Wu going into a small department store and even ordered Lee Ruyu's favourite snack with that small amount of money that he has left for himself. Then, Lu Wu simply bought himself a piece of bread for dinner and ate it as he walked back home.

Upon seeing this, Lu Haikong thought about it and then threw away the gunny bag.

'Let's see what he's up to now. I'll find another chance to beat him up!'