
Sister, Will You Be Pregnant With My Husband's Child

"Will you sleep with my husband until you are pregnant and give birth to his child?" Elena Wasley was reunited with her twin, Elise. She asked Elena to help conceive a child from her husband, Brian Fernandez. Of course, Elena refused because soon she would marry her lover, Diego Orlando. But all changed because of one unexpected incident. Elena wants to conceive the baby by asking for expensive fees. Make Brian and Elise make a written agreement for an agreement with Elena. On the other hand, Tiara Jackson, Brian's ex-fiance, still expects the man to be her. She was determined to get rid of Elise and the baby in various ways to get Brian. What was the reason Elise asked Elena to have Brian's child? Why did Elena agree to the crazy agreement? How would Diego react if he knew everything? What would Tiara do to get rid of Elise and her baby? Can the baby be born into the world safely? How does this end when love shakes things up? ....sorry, if my English is bad. because I'm not very good at translating into English. but I hope you can still enjoy reading this story. thank you....

MaylisaAzhura · สมัยใหม่
221 Chs

66. His heart is getting hot and burning

Damn, just thinking about such things wakes up junior Brian. What's wrong with him? Is this the effect of being away from Elise? Is it because of his need for sex? Or is it something else? Gosh, Brian feels really frustrated. In like a man thirsty for caress and pleasure.

 Brian needs to take his mind off and focus on doing his job. The man is now sitting behind his oversized table. His eyes focus on the laptop screen.

 A knock on the door was heard. Brian loudly said come in. Brian's door slowly opened, a woman stepped into the room. She smiled at Brian, who remained focused and undisturbed by her presence. A woman wearing a knee-length dress and carrying a tote bag in her hand.

 She walked slowly over to Brian.

 "Looks like you are very busy," said the woman which immediately made Brian surprised and raised his head. His body jolted in surprise to see Elena standing in front of him. The woman smiled broadly to greet Brian.