Ivy smiles at her sister, sister-in-law and Maggie as they enter the elevator with Meredith's kids. She joins them with the twins, "Well, I can safely say I never through this would be my life."
"What? Being a kick a-s-s surgeon, mom, or pregnant?" Maggie asks.
"Mom and pregnant. But mostly the riding an elevator with five kids and three other adults," she gestures to the group.
"Yeah, when did the kids start to outnumber the adults?" Amelia questions.
Ivy laughs, "Your house is even. Three adults, three kids. My house is about to be overrun by kids yet I'm not hating it."
Meredith asks, "Know the sex yet? Got any names picked out?"
She shrugs, "We don't know yet, but we do have names for either outcome. Secretly, I have my hopes."
"Come on, give us a hint. Named after anyone in particular?" Maggie begs.
"We have people we are wanting to honor. Although, Chris honors my dad and my brothers. And Allie honors a few friends. I guess it's just our theme," Ivy thinks.
"Yeah, it's sweet," Amelia nods.
Ivy smirks, "I mean, it's no naming my youngest after a woman who called me ordinary but..."
Meredith throws back, "Oh, so Carolyn is out?"
"No doubt."
Standing in front of a couple of moms, Ivy asks, "I'm sorry. I'm confused. Your son is here?"
"Yes! We think so. Hers or mine," one starts.
"They said there was a shooting," the other says.
"Who said-who said that?" Ivy questions.
The first one names, "The police. When they called, we were-"
The second one interrupts, "We were at work, and-and our sons are at-at home with the sitter."
"The last names are Green and Cole. Can you just look it up?" The first mother asks.
"I'm here," Alex tells her.
Ivy looks through the tablet, "I'm sorry. I don't see any record here for either of those names."
Alex jumps in, "I got paged. Gunshot kid?"
The first mother ignores him, "They said the ambulance was coming here."
The second turns to Alex, "Wait, gunshot kid. That-is that our kid?"
Owen joins them, "Karev, let's move. We have an incoming GSW. Victims eight years old."
"Oh, my God. Our sons are both eight years old. Which one is it? Which one of our sons has been shot?" They ask.
"Ma'am, we'll know more soon. But right now-" Owen starts.
"-Right now, we just need you to have a seat, and we'll get back to you when we know something," Alex cuts him off.
Ivy steps in front of them, "Come with me. Come with me. Come with me," she guides them to the waiting area.
Once she settles them in, her and basically every attending joins Alex and Owen in waiting for the ambulance. Alex turns to them, "Guys, I appreciate that you want to help, but all I need right now are Hunt, Wilson, and maybe cardio and neuro. So, the rest of you can go."
No one leaves. As the ambulance pulls up, the moms run out, "No, we have to see who it is!"
"Who is it? I can't see him!" The first mother calls out as the surgeons Alex need run forward.
"Its all right. We're gonna take care of him, okay?" Ivy tells them.
As a shoe is revealed, the first mother cries, "No, it's Brandon! It's Brandon!"
The other boy is helped out of the cop car as the second mother runs to him, "Peter! Peter, there you are."
Attendings gather in the trauma room as others work on Brandon, "E.T. tube in good position."
Owen says, "Breath sounds clear and equal bilaterally."
"Well, does anyone know what happened?" April asks.
"Was it a drive by?"
Maggie asks, "Where the hell was the babysitter?"
Bailey shushes them, "Hey, everybody, shush!"
Owen calls out, "GSW to the right upper quadrant. Belly is soft. Okay. I'm gonna need a..."
"An ultrasound," Ivy finishes, leaning close to Jackson.
"You know-you know, let me get in there. I'll do it," Webber says, grabbing the machine.
Wilson tells them, "He's a little tachycardic, but his pulse is strong."
Bailey asks Amelia, "Shepherd, any reflexes?"
Amelia shakes her head, "Spinal shock. The bullet must have penetrated the spinal cord."
"All right, let's get him to CT. Everyone clear the room," Alex calls.
"All right, you heard him. Thank you and goodbye," Bailey shoos them out.
Ivy turns to Jackson, "Want to go see the twins?"
Jackson nods, "You read my mind."
As they walk down to daycare, Ivy whispers, "He's so little."
"He's so little," Jackson echos.
"The twins are never aloud to leave our sight," Ivy tells him.
"I'm right there with you. Neither is this baby," he rests a hand on her stomach.
Ivy shakes her head, "Oh, no. This baby is going to stay in here forever."
Jackson laughs, "I have a feeling that in about three months or so, you'll be saying you want them out," he notices Ben, "Oh, hey. What are you doing here?"
"I'm doing it?" He claps.
"You're doing what? What did you tell him to do?" Ivy turns to her husband.
"What? Why am I getting-"
Ben interrupts them, "Something other than literally- literally watching the clothes dry at my house."