
Sirilia - The Fight For Humankind

“I am sorry I did not let you know that I am alive earlier. But you have to understand the distance of a few light years between us is pretty big. I know what you think. I know what you feel. But you have to listen. The Earth is in great danger. Even greater than the biggest nuclear bomb humankind would ever create. The Harvesters are coming. In short: those are alien forms that created life on the Earth just so they can harvest it later… We are like crops for them. Things. There is future of humanity in my hands. I will not let you down. When it´s over and there is still home to return to, I will come. Love you mum and dad. Sara”

Sirilia_writer · ไซไฟ
3 Chs

Granny Visit (Earth)

Sara checked her clock. It was already ten past eight. She sighed, got up her comfortable chair and entered her cozy small room. It was not the biggest room in whole flat, but for her it was more than enough. The view was not the best though. Staring at blocks of flats became her daily routine she would love to get rid off. That is also why she spends time on the balcony only at late nights.

"Sara! We are ready!" Shouted her mom from downstairs. "I´m coming! Give me five minutes please…" She took her bag with tissues and phone. As if anyone would text her just to check how she is doing.

Sara was not favorite in school. Since her family moved to town, she felt like a foreigner in every collective of young people. For a whole year, she has struggled to find deeper connections with her classmates. All conversations she has with them are mostly casual. Best friends? None. It is like this term is non-existent in her life.

They were on their way to see granny. It was dark, Sara could not take a peek out of the window and daydream through passing trees. Her random thoughts led her to her uncle. He invited her and her father to see meteorite tomorrow. According to his calculations, it should hit the field nearly behind his house. Sara admired her uncle. He never gave up his dreams of becoming astronomer. Unlike her ordinary family, her uncle has very interesting personality. Nobody would be bored with him.

"Alright, we are here. Sara don't forget to speak up a bit in front of your granny. Last time she complained she had not heard you at all. Can you do that for me?" "Sure thing mom, also should I tell her she should go see a doctor about her hearing problems?" Her dad grinned. "Sara. Stop it. It is not polite".

They entered the old house. Sara could literally smell the age of that ruin-looking building. The old person stepped out of creaking door. "Hi mum! It´s been a while, how are you?" Mum rushed to hug granny as if she had not seen her in eternity. Sara did not feel any special connection with her granny. She liked her, but that was where their family relationship ended. Maybe it is caused by the lack of time she had spent with her. Even though she lives just a few miles away from the town, they do not visit her that often.

"So how are you doing Sara? What about school, friends?" Oh small talk.. There we go. "Actually it´s going pretty well. Just finished a school project I have been working on for a while.." Granny fortunately seemed satisfied enough with her answer and did not ask further.

The room was very cozy. Walls were decorated with sewn carpets that her granny has apparently made in her free time. She must have noticed the way Sara looks around the room. "These were sewn in sewing club approximately fifteen years ago. Me and your grandpa used to compete who is going to sew better and bigger carpet. This one is made by him." She pointed at the wall behind Sara. Grandpa died a few years ago. Sara barely remembers him. "That´s … great!"

She tried very hard to appear at least a bit interested. In fact, her only concern was tomorrow´s meeting with uncle.

After awesome dinner, by the way, the best one she had in.. forever! People don´t say: food from granny is the best just for nothing, they drove back in complete dark. Carl, Sara´s father, was not a fan of driving this late in coal black night. However they had no choice. Granny would love us to stay, but mom did not want to bother. Sara was glad. She did not want to spend the night in suspiciously stained couch.

Sara was up pretty early. Usually she gets up after her parents. Today was different though. Excitement from following visit at her uncle´s house was immeasurable. "Wow, you are up early." Said her dad while entering the kitchen. Sara was already having bread with butter and leftovers from yesterday´s lunch. "I think I don't have to ask twice if you are ready to see your uncle today?" She did not have to answer that. Eyes spoke for her.

"Oh, good morning honey." Mum also entered the room. With less excitement than her dad. "Are you going with us today mum?" "Huh?" She seemed to be surprised by that question. Carl looked at Sara and said: "She does not like uncle John. You don´t remember?" She completely forgot about the incident her mum and uncle got into. Well, Sara was not even born yet, but Carl told her that mum was John´s girlfriend when they all were teenagers. And he cheated on her. That is how her mum and dad got together. They did not tell her all details, but Sara assumed she does not want to know more. These stories did not make her think anything bad about her uncle though. She loved him just as much as she loved all the other members of their family. Maybe even more?

And Sara´s mum? She accepted that her daughter likes the man that cheated on her more than her granny.

"Take your things and meet me at the car"