
Lonely Messenger

From a nearby river a series of screams and yells is heard in the distance, people starting to be attacked by a platoon of soldiers as they are gathered. Screams of the elderly and children trying to escape their culling reach. Powerful strikes begin as some try fighting back, hollars of pain and pride are heard from men and women in the midst of battle. At that river currently is Fluere, a small, light pink skinned agile little half human with a resting face scowl so terrifying it makes demons quiver, and a very unique hair style of dirty blonde. She is scouting ahead of the group when she hears these sounds and immediately turns around to head back to notify the others. Her speed unrivaled, she begins to flash step and becomes a blur.

Back at the camp her allies are either resting, training, or messing with gadgets. Radix in all his massive size is still resting in the shade away from the morning light. Noctua using a rock as a table, she has a pale brown perfect complexion. Her hair has a natural split of color in a crescent, back and left side a calming brunette shaped with a solid braid and a rare, magically infused owl feather. The front and right side are an uplifting blonde, with lots of little braids held by stones. Klavis and Lilith are through the trees in a valley. Klavis has bright bronzed skin and overly defined physique, hair a odd dark metallic, shaven on right side with one long braid in reverse along hair line, rest natural loose past shoulders. A thick equally long beard has various runes and stones in it. Lilith is a brightly tanned freckled beauty, with hair so red and bright it looks like moving flames in the sun, held into a solid braid with loose bangs askew. She is built like the ideal female warrior, in powerful armour and a pure white cloak.

Once Fluere arrives and catches her breath, she tells them what she heard.

"There is a raid happening right now we need to go!"

Radix sits up, his monstrous wolf pelt cloak falls off his face and meets her eye to eye. He reaches and picks up his massive specialized claymore and stands. Towering over all like the giant as he is leaving the shade, the sun hits his dark face, showing his overly kind and caring features. He picks up Fluere and plops her on his shoulder as he starts to run towards where she came.

"Let's head back little Vulples."

He says sluggishly.

She shouts from his shoulder and points up river.

"Mush my mighty Lupus!"

Noctua stops messing with her recent gadget and quickly goes to inform Klavis and Lilith just through the trees. As she arrives at the clearing she yells to them.

"Klavis! Lilith! We have trouble!"

He looks over as Lilith launches at him swinging her fist right at his side exposed side, taking the full hit unprepared he is flung a fair distance before catching himself and stumbling up. Acting casual with a slight wheeze in his breath.

"What trouble?" Coughs slightly.

Noctua yells as she turns around to catch up with Radix and Fluere.


Before he can react, Lilith takes flight and grabs Klavis before meeting through the trees at the camp where Noctua just herself took flight. They speed over the water against the current causing the river to slow down a bit due to the pressure they emitted. Just as they meet up with Radix and Fluere Klavis asks.

"How far ahead was it!"

She replies back.

"Just around the next bend, we need to head past the small cavern and you'll begin to hear them!"

Without a moment to spare Lilith picks up speed as Noctua heads to the skies to get an overview of the area. Radix begins to amp his legs strength to pick up speed and keep up with Lilith best he can.

As they reach the cavern they see children running out of the forest, they hear a scream and see further behind them one of the mothers is struck with two arrows while covering the children from inaccurate shooters. Lilith immediately launches Klavis towards the soldiers, he lands between an incoming soldier and the woman. Draws his combat blade and with one perfect motion he swings his blade. Right backhanded vertical blade from sheath, lifted just at neck before horizontal twist, swings across his throat and through the wrist before a quick flick and return to sheath. The soldier's body locks up after the attack, before it falls backwards to the ground, hands severed and a seamless slice across the neck slowly streams blood. He stands still till he locks eyes with a specific one of them. He casually steps forward towards the locked on target. As he is closing in on his mark two soldiers charge at him from both sides, he doesn't even value them with a response. The soldier to his left swings aiming right for his neck. The moment he takes that step forward to put power into his swing, Fluere appears and with a series of attacks made in a flash he goes limp and falls just before Klavis' feet. The man who Klavis' eyes has locked on drops his weapon and gradually backs up against a large tree. The soldier to the right of Klavis ignores him and aims for Fluere. The moment he lifted the weapon towards her his head seemed to just explode, Radix had thrown a rock at it. Klavis' just feet from the one he has been glaring at drops to sit against the tree. He draws a blade and holds the tip upon his temple.