
Sinnocent: She Was Too Innocent, So I Got F*cked Alongside Her

They say innocence is bliss, but what happens when innocence meets corruption? Fair as a maiden, Maya had no idea what she was getting into when she first heard the one she loved speak of the 'Underworld'. A criminal organisation fuelled by drugs, sex and cold hard cash for the super-rich. Even worse, she had kept her 'nightly duties' there hidden from her for years. "Please... Mie.. I'm telling you.. I won't recover from this..." I breathed exasperatedly, rattling the chains that tied me to the bed. She was no longer the innocent and naive girl I once knew, but a wild animal pinning down her prey. "I'm not telling you to recover.." Maya's voice echoed coldly in the dark, "I'm telling you to go insane~" [Mature Content Warning: Explicit Sexual References] -- Note: If you like this novel, check out Sinnocent Dark, the mega R-18, guilty adaptation of Maya and Veronica's story. Twitter: @p_slarom Come bother me for updates! I don't own the cover, I just edited it. If the creator wants me to take down the cover or put credit, please notify me by replying to my review at the Review section. That being said, credits go to MiraiArt, feel free to support her works!

Professor_slaroM · LGBT+
25 Chs

You did WHAT?


Jake paced back and forth nervously on the top balcony floor.

He was usually a calm and collected man, cold and vicious even.. able to think of solutions in some of the most dire of situations..

But not now.

It had been three hours since he called Reta and there was still no response from her.

"What should we do?" A burly man voiced beside him. Bruno. The man had surprisingly caught on to the situation despite the fact that Reta had failed to reach him.

"I have no idea.." Jake groaned.

Jake had already enforced some unpopular security measures in the brothel building to ensure that the girl would not be able to slip out, going as far as to check Guests for their ID and luggage before they exited.

But the thing was.. the girl didn't seem to want to leave the building.

Occasionally abducting Attendants, the number of staff in the building was slowly diminishing, leaving Jake with an increasingly desperate situation.

What made it worse was that the Guards weren't even allowed to open and check the closed doors, lest they walk in on some of the Guest's sticky situations and leave Guests with a sour taste in their mouth as they shot out their hot juices into the squad of Attendants serving them.

The brothel Attendant staff was slowly diminishing, and just before the busiest evening hours too..

'Did the girl get to her..?' Jake contemplated. While there were over a hundred staff in the building, the twelve attendants on the desert floor were still out of commission, sweating heavily after their lesbian orgy.

Who knew how many more Attendants the girl had kidnapped and placed under her sexual torture..

"Shit.." Jake repeated. If things were left like this, the brothel establishment would soon be placed under suspension..


Jake stared at the name in the communicator device in his hand. His finger trailed over the surface of the dial button again..

"Just call her already" Bruno rolled his eyes.

Haii- With a heavy sigh Jake pressed the call button, reaching out to the woman he feared and respected the most.

[Veronica POV]

(Early evening, Veronica & Maya's House, Bedroom)

Ring- Ring– Dadidaaa-

"Fuck" I groaned, a pounding headache echoed in my mind as I experienced one of the worst hangovers of my life.

"Shut up.." I mumbled before burying myself deeper into the covers.

Covers that smelled like Maya..

'Shit.. Mie.'

I sprang awake, diving out of bed to grab the phone that I had tossed away.

'Did she call? She finally called? What happened to her.. Where did she sleep? It was cold last night..'

A myriad of questions exploded in my mind, as joy and concern replaced that empty lonely feeling which plagued my heart..

In between bottles of alcohol, my phone lay face down, echoing the stupid ringtone that Maya had set for me since highschool..

"Fuck.." Vision blurry, the phone almost dropped between my clumsy fingers as I fumbled to answer the call.


"Mie.. Are you okayy.. I.." I slurred, barely able to think straight.

'Crap why didn't I think of what to say beforehand.. Ehh..' I cursed inwardly, afraid she would find me weird. I was on my last strike.. One more and she might really leave me for sure..

But before I could continue, I was interrupted by a masculine voice on the other end.

"Umm-" Jake mumbled into the communicator, making me sigh with disappointment.

"What. Make it quick." I snapped, as if a headache wasn't enough to kill me. Now I had more problems..

"Veronica.. Umm.. I have to tell you something.."


"You did WHAT?"

Speeding through the dark evening sky, I turned a steep corner into the brothel district of the Five Floors.

Frustration. Rage. Disbelief.

I vented while I drove, cursing and swearing whilst I swerved left and right to avoid the incoming traffic, the alcohol making the release all the more miserable.

It was almost a miracle I arrived in one piece, as I avoided the incoming cars by just a few inches..


Arriving at the back door of the establishment of La Laxure, tacky french for lust, I gripped the collar of the man who had been partnered with me for more than three years.

"Um- Veronica.. Hey.."

"Don't fucking say hey to me" I brought a fist into his stomach, making him flinch visibly.

Cough- cough- he spluttered, sending slobs of spittle to the side.

The group of Guards behind him all averted their eyes- it was never a good thing to watch your superior get reprimanded, unless they were willing to forego next month's bonus..

"Why did you do it..? I told you not to do it.. I told you.. not.. to.." I gasped for air.

Shit.. Of all the times, I had to be so fucking drunk.. I was not a heavy drinker, and five bottles of whiskey was by all means enough to make me black out till the next morning..

"Fuck.." I mumbled as I stumbled backwards. Weak. My body was weak.

"Veronica.. Are you okay..?" Two rough hands grabbed my waist before I smacked them away.

"How.. dare you.." I shook his shirt pathetically, making him wince.. Perhaps out of embarrassment.

"I'm sorry" He apologized, though his apology did not make me feel any better.

"You son.. Of a bitch.. Where's my Mie.." I held my head as he guided me inside. I was a mess, but for Mie I had to stay strong..

Wiping my tears to the side, I breathed in deeply.

'I have to stay strong..' I repeated to myself.

"MotherfuckEr-" My voice cracked as I delivered a harsh slap onto his chest.

Smack- A hollow sound echoed in his body as his facial expression contorted slightly.


Much better.

"So where the fuck is she?" I cussed, my head feeling heavier than ever.

"The thing is.. I don't know.."



Sorry for the late upload!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

Mie and Veronica will soon meet.. sexually. Who's ready for the action..?!


Twitter: @p_slarom

Come once, come twice, come three times.. Oh wait.. that's too much..

Professor_slaroMcreators' thoughts