
Ryuu Lion

Shiro, accompanied by the merchant caravan he had saved, finally arrived at the legendary Dungeon City of Orario. The city, often referred to as the center of the world, was the only place where a Dungeon existed. It was also a gathering place for the most powerful Familias and adventurers, a place where legends were born and stories of bravery and heroism were crafted.

The grandiose walls of Orario loomed over them as they approached the city gates. Shiro couldn't help but feel a mixture of awe and nostalgia. He had seen these walls before, but only through the lens of a screen or the pages of a book. Now, standing before them in reality, the scale and majesty of the city were overwhelming. The towering walls, adorned with ancient engravings and sturdy battlements, spoke of the city's rich history and its unyielding resilience against the forces of darkness that often threatened it.

Their entry into the city was surprisingly smooth. Shiro presented a letter from Goddess Artemis to the Guild members in charge of scrutinizing those entering Orario. The letter contained a personal assurance of Shiro's identity and intentions, a gesture that immediately cleared any suspicion. The Guild members, recognizing the authority of the Goddess, nodded respectfully and allowed Shiro to pass without further questions.

The caravan, having safely delivered Shiro to Orario, prepared to part ways. The merchants, who had come to see Shiro as more than just a traveling companion but as a protector and friend, expressed their gratitude repeatedly. They had been impressed by his bravery and skill, qualities they knew would serve him well in this city of adventurers.

"We owe you our lives, Shiro," said the lead merchant, a middle-aged man with a grizzled beard and kind eyes. "If it weren't for you, those wolves would have torn us apart."

Shiro smiled modestly, bowing his head slightly. "I'm glad I could help. Please take care on your journey back. I'm sure our paths will cross again."

The merchants nodded, offering Shiro a small pouch of valis as a token of their gratitude, and payment for the protection he provided during their journey, along with a promise to meet again someday in their free time. Shiro accepted the gifts graciously, knowing that the valis would be helpful as he settled into this new chapter of his life.

With their goodbyes said, Shiro watched as the caravan disappeared into the throng of people entering and leaving the city gates. Alone now, he took a deep breath and turned his attention to the sprawling city before him.

Orario was even more magnificent up close. The bustling streets were alive with energy, filled with vendors hawking their wares, adventurers in full armor, and citizens going about their daily lives. The architecture was a blend of old and new, with towering stone buildings adorned with vibrant banners and modern shops selling everything from weapons to exotic foods. The air was thick with the scent of roasting meats, fresh bread, and the occasional waft of some strange, foreign spice.

As Shiro wandered deeper into the city, his eyes were inevitably drawn to the massive tower that dominated the skyline—the Babel Tower. The imposing structure was the tallest in the city, standing at the very center of Orario. Babel had been built to seal the Dungeon and prevent the monsters within from escaping. Originally, it had been just like any other building, but when the first Gods descended to the mortal world, they had destroyed it, only to rebuild it into the grand tower it was now. Shiro marveled at its height, the white stone gleaming in the sunlight, casting a long shadow over the city. The very existence of such a structure was a testament to the power and influence of the Gods, as well as the ever-present danger that the Dungeon represented.

Shiro spent the next few hours exploring the city. Every corner he turned revealed something new and exciting—a shop selling magical artifacts, a blacksmith hammering away at a sword glowing with enchantment, a street performer juggling balls of fire to the delight of onlookers. He bought food from street vendors, savoring the taste of fresh Orario cuisine, and made mental notes of landmarks to help him navigate the city more easily.

Despite the wonder of it all, Shiro remained vigilant. He knew that Orario, like any large city, had its darker side. Amidst the peace and prosperity, there was always an undercurrent of chaos, a lurking danger that could strike at any moment. The city was home to not only heroes and adventurers but also criminals and those who thrived in the shadows.

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the cobblestone streets, Shiro found himself wandering into a less populated area of the city. The once vibrant streets gave way to narrow alleys, the cheerful noise of the market replaced by an eerie silence. Shiro's senses heightened. He could feel eyes On him, the sensation of being watched.

Before long, his suspicions were confirmed. Three figures emerged from the shadows, blocking his path. They were thugs, adventurers by their armor, but they looked rough and unkempt, more like street ruffians than true warriors. Their sneers and leering expressions made their intentions clear.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" one of them jeered, a tall man with a scar running down his cheek. "A pretty little thing like you shouldn't be wandering around these parts alone."

Shiro sized them up quickly. They were weak, all of them level one, and though not complete novices, they were no match for him. He had spent the past six months under the tutelage of Goddess Artemis and her Familia, honing his skills and learning techniques that far surpassed those of these lowly thugs.

Still, he knew better than to be overconfident. He prepared himself for a fight, but before he could make a move, something unexpected happened.

The three thugs suddenly dropped to the ground, unconscious, as if felled by an invisible force. Shiro blinked in surprise, his hand still poised to draw his weapon. Behind the fallen thugs stood a figure he hadn't noticed before, a woman dressed in a green maid outfit with a white frilled headband, a matching white apron, and a pair of brown boots over black leggings.

Shiro recognized her instantly. It was Ryuu Lion, the elusive adventurer known as Gale. She was a level 4 adventurer, a fugitive who had taken justice into her own hands, and now worked at the Hostess of Fertility, a popular tavern in the city. Despite her past, Shiro knew her as a major character in the original story, a heroine with a tragic backstory and a strong sense of justice.

Ryuu's calm, stoic expression betrayed no emotion as she regarded Shiro. "You should be more careful," she said in a soft, even tone. "These parts of the city are not safe for someone like you."

Shiro nodded, still somewhat in awe of her presence. "Thank you," he managed to say, his voice steady despite the adrenaline still coursing through his veins. "I'll keep that in mind."

Ryuu's gaze lingered on him for a moment longer, her eyes narrowing slightly as if trying to discern something about him. Shiro felt a slight unease under her scrutiny, but he didn't look away. Finally, she seemed to make a decision.

"Come with me," she said, turning on her heel and walking back toward the more populated part of the city. Shiro hesitated for a moment but then followed her.

They walked in silence, Ryuu leading the way with confident strides. Shiro observed her as they went, noting the fluidity of her movements, the way she seemed to glide across the ground with the grace of a seasoned warrior. She was powerful, that much was clear, and her reputation as a level 4 adventurer was well deserved.

After a short walk, they arrived at the Hostess of Fertility, a lively tavern that was already bustling with patrons despite the early hour. The smell of roasting meat and the sound of laughter and clinking glasses filled the air. Shiro recognized the place immediately; it was a central location in the original story, a gathering place for many of Orario's adventurers.

Ryuu led him inside, the noise and warmth of the tavern a stark contrast to the cold, dark alley they had just left. As they entered, Shiro felt eyes on him again, but this time it was the curious gaze of the tavern's patrons. He caught a glimpse of Syr, the kind-hearted waitress who was actually the disguised form of Goddess Freya, but he quickly averted his eyes, relying on his Anti Skill to avoid drawing her attention.

Ryuu gestured for Shiro to sit at one of the empty tables near the back, away from the rowdier crowd. She didn't join him immediately but instead went to speak with the tavern's owner, Mama Mia, a large, imposing woman with a heart of gold. Shiro watched as they exchanged a few words, Ryuu nodding occasionally before returning to where Shiro was seated.

"Order whatever you like," Ryuu said as she sat down across from him. "It's on the house."

Shiro smiled, grateful for the gesture. "Thank you," he said again, meaning it. He was still a stranger in this city, and Ryuu's kindness, though reserved, was something he appreciated deeply.

As he looked through the menu, his eyes lit up at the sight of the desserts section. Shiro had a particular fondness for sweets, a trait he had inherited from his past life. Without hesitation, he ordered a variety of cakes and pastries, along with a hearty meal to satisfy his hunger.

Ryuu watched him with mild curiosity as he ordered. "You have quite an appetite," she remarked, her tone neutral but with a hint of amusement.