
Sinful Duty; Falling For The Devil's Son

The demons of the underworld had had enough of their status, so their leader Lucifer, decides to release his son; a deadly creature named Haden, who took the body of a human on earth. He was released to disrupt the link that protected the Havens and the Earth from them. When the Angels of the Havens heard about this, their Superior appointed a level 3 Angel by the name of Jordan to help stop Haden and restore the balance to the link. All hope and faith are placed on Jordan as she descends to earth to take her new form, a human by the name of Kate to stop Haden and the underworld. It becomes even more complicated for Jordan when she's hit badly with the unending drama in Kate's life. Jordan is now faced with more responsibilities. Will Jordan restore the balance between the heavens and the earth? Will she successfully overcome the drama in Kate's life? or Will she end up falling in love with the devil himself?

wild_dreamer17 · แฟนตาซี
143 Chs


Mark and Kaleb's House Party,

 Everyone was dancing and having fun, whereas, Antonio couldn't stop looking for Kate, Sadie couldn't stop looking for Keith, and Kate was busy, eavesdropping on Mr Simmons and Bryan's sex talks.

 "Now, I want you to lie on the bed," Mr Simmons said to Bryan. Bryan was reluctant to do it at first because he still had his penis. 

 "I think it's late, I had better be on my way," Bryan said with edginess in his tone.

 "After that wonderful fellatio, no way," Mr Simmons said after which he chuckled.

 "You mentioned two ladies' names during the blowjob, how do you want me to continue with this if you can't get their name's out of your head," Bryan said.

 "Okay fine, during the sex, I'll call out your name. I didn't catch your name again," Mr Simmons said waiting for Bryan to tell him his name. 

 "I didn't throw it," Bryan sassily said.