
Sinbad's adventure in the multiverse

Sinbad, the once-mighty ruler of a prosperous kingdom, finds himself in the twilight of his life, yearning for adventure and purpose. His decision is clear: he steps down from the throne, entrusting his legacy to a capable heir, and sets forth on an epic journey into the uncharted realms of the world. Roaming the far reaches of this vast realm, Sinbad's path leads him to a desolate cave, nestled at the very edge of existence. Determined and unyielding, he ventures inside, unearthing a hidden tower, a relic of time untouched by human hands. The tower harbors relentless adversaries, each challenging his strength and resolve. With unwavering determination, Sinbad defeats monstrous foes, advancing through the tower's treacherous depths. At the tower's zenith, a radiant orb emanates an enigmatic power, casting a mesmerizing glow. Sinbad reaches out, believing it to be a Djinn's sanctuary. Yet, no Djinn emerges, leaving only questions in its wake. When Sinbad claims the Orb of Nexuse, an unforeseen force binds it to his forehead, an indomitable connection forged in an instant. Desperate to resist, Sinbad's attempts prove futile. The orb surges, merging his consciousness with a labyrinth of ancient memories. A torrent of experiences floods Sinbad's mind—his past lives, their wisdom, and the truth behind the Orb of Nexuse. Transcending time and space, Sinbad is now bestowed with the knowledge of countless worlds, unlocking an unimaginable source of power within him. follow the journey of a man who relinquished his throne to seek meaning, only to discover that the universe had a grander purpose for him—one that intertwines his past and present. PS. In my fanfic, I'll be making some changes to elements from various anime and movies. If I come across something unfamiliar, I'll rely on my own imagination to bridge the gap.

DraculaSwift · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
16 Chs

Gift of Yggdrasil

The following morning, Sinbad arose with a sense of purpose. As he stepped outside, he observed the remarkable changes taking place. The earth was rejuvenating, with patches of vibrant green grass sprouting around the garden and the once-smog-filled sky transitioning to a clear blue. Drawn to the heart of the garden, Sinbad approached the ancient tree that stood as a beacon of nature's resilience.

"Good morning," Sinbad greeted the tree, which responded telepathically. "The world is healing well. It might not be long now, perhaps a year, given the surge in mana countering the residual pollution," the tree conveyed.

Sinbad frowned in contemplation. "I've been thinking of departing from this world. It appears to be on the mend, but I worry about your safety. The actions of the conglomerates serve as a reminder of humanity's potential for greed."

He paused, then decisively said, "I'll ensure you have complete administrative access to the internet. With this control, you can maintain the world's equilibrium. And remember, with this privilege, no one else can override your authority or compromise your digital reach."

The World Tree spoke with a hint of vulnerability, "Thank you, Sinbad. You know, all World Trees have a guardian to protect them. The only thing I've been missing is the requisite energy to manifest one."

Sinbad responded with a knowing glance, "I have an abundance of energy stored within my pocket dimension. Initially reserved as a backup to rejuvenate my mana, I've yet to use it. Can I channel this energy to you?"

The World Tree's relief was palpable, "Indeed. Simply place your hand on my bark and let the energy flow into my core."

Sinbad complied, pressing his hand to the ancient bark. As the energy coursed from him into the tree, he observed a wondrous transformation: an egg, resplendent with golden scales, began taking form amidst the tree's boughs.

Intrigued, Sinbad inquired, "What creature will emerge from this magnificent egg?"

The World Tree answered with a hint of relief "A dragon. It will wield enough power to shield me from any threat, even a nuclear detonation. Expect its emergence in about a month's time."

Switching gears, Sinbad shared, "I'm preparing to dive into the game soon. Any guidance for me?"

With a tone of profound wisdom, the tree advised, "Steer clear of confining yourself to a particular class. Such commitments set boundaries. The moment you choose a class, it restricts your scope, preventing you from mastering a broader set of skills. And for a race, humans are your best bet. They might appear mundane, but they have two formidable evolutions: High Human and Primordial Human. Astonishingly, across the Omniverse, humans stand out as a race with untapped, boundless potential."

With genuine appreciation evident in his demeanor, Sinbad responded, "Your guidance is invaluable to me, World Tree. Interestingly, I had already been leaning towards choosing the human race for my journey. It seems our thoughts align in this regard."

Sinbad, with curiosity sparkling in his eyes, inquired, "I remember you mentioning a gift for me within the game. What exactly is this gift, and how can I obtain it once I start playing?"

The World Tree responded with a serene clarity, "Indeed, there are two specific gifts awaiting you. Upon finalizing your character creation, these will be directly bestowed upon you. The first gift is a unique power: the ability to extract whatever you desire from the game, be it items or knowledge. Furthermore, this power also grants you the capability to transport other players to different worlds. Fear not, I've already marked you as the recipient, ensuring you receive this boon without fail. The second gift is more tangible but no less precious – a golden apple. This rare fruit, produced by the World Tree, ripens only once every millennium. Consuming it can alleviate any ailment or side effect you've ever experienced, restoring you to peak condition."

With heartfelt gratitude, Sinbad expressed, "Thank you. Such gifts are invaluable."

The World Tree, emanating warmth and benevolence, replied, "Embark on your journey with joy, Sinbad. Know that we'll reunite once I've regained the totality of my original strength. Until then, tread cautiously. The Omniverse, with all its wonders, also harbors perils that can challenge even the mightiest."

Alright, it's time for me to set out," declared Sinbad, a hint of excitement in his voice.

He paused and chuckled, a realization dawning upon him. "Before I go, I need to modify the Gaia Cube so that you can access the internet. Can't believe I almost overlooked that," he said with a lighthearted laugh.

The tree nodded gently, and the shimmering cube slowly emerged from its depths. "Understood," the tree whispered.

"I'll need about an hour to make the necessary adjustments," Sinbad assured. With a determined stride, he began his walk back to the castle. Reaching his well-equipped office, Sinbad meticulously began to reconfigure the Gaia Cube. His fingers danced across various tools and devices, ensuring it retained its original functions but now with the added capability to tap into the vastness of the internet.

Once satisfied, Sinbad made his way back to the World Tree. With great detail, he explained the modifications he'd made to the cube, ensuring the tree knew how to utilize its newfound capabilities. Additionally, he informed the tree that he had transferred all his accumulated wealth and resources into the cube for its use.

Before departing, Sinbad added, "And remember, once I leave this realm, all my employees, including Alfred, will be here to serve and assist you. I've made sure they're informed and prepared."

"Alright, it's time for me to depart," announced Sinbad, a hint of determination in his eyes. He took one last glance at the majestic World Tree, silently expressing his gratitude. With each confident step towards his castle, the weight of anticipation grew. Upon reaching the threshold, he delicately picked up his state-of-the-art Nano headset. With a deep breath, he initiated the game.

The ethereal voice resonated, "Welcome to YGGDRASIL, "Almost as quickly as it began, the voice faded, and the ambiance around him shifted.

Sinbad found himself standing in a vast, virtual space, where he was presented with an array of options for character creation. The silhouette of a humanoid figure awaited his customization. Drawn instinctively to the 'Human' option, Sinbad meticulously shaped his virtual avatar. He took care, sculpting every facial feature, ensuring the representation mirrored his own likeness in the real world.

With his avatar crafted to perfection, Sinbad proceeded to christen it with his name. However, a chime sounded, indicating that the name 'Sinbad' had already been claimed by another player within this vast digital universe. Mildly irked but undeterred, he opted for a random name generated by the system. The name, unfamiliar and inconsequential, flashed briefly before him.

Once satisfied with his choices, Sinbad's attention was drawn to a floating 'Start' glyph, glowing invitingly amidst the virtual void.

Upon entering the expansive realm of YGGDRASIL, Sinbad's field of vision was momentarily inundated with a flurry of notifications. They swirled around him, each vying for his attention.

Prominently displayed amongst them was a gilded message embossed with intricate patterns. It read, "Congratulations! You have received a special gift from YGGDRASIL." The message shimmered with a golden hue, indicating its significance and rarity in this vast virtual world. 

Congratulations! You have received a special gift Yggdrasil's Grand Decree

Type: Worldly Transfer / Creation

Description: Bestowed only to a chosen few by the World Tree, Yggdrasil itself, this transcendent skill bridges the chasm between the digital realm and reality. It grants unparalleled powers of creation, extraction, and transcendence.


[Genesis Craft] Any item, weapon, armor, or artifact created or acquired within the game can be manifested in the real world. The user can bring forth even the most mythical of items into reality, granting them unmatched power and resources.

[World Weaver] The user can transcend the boundaries of the game, taking with them all their in-game abilities, skills, and powers into the real world. This includes physical, magical, and other specialized skills.

[Realmwalker's Decree] The wielder of this skill can select other players, transporting them along with all their in-game equipment and abilities to another world or reality. This can be used to save allies, banish foes, or even reshape the fabric of a different reality.

[Sovereign's Edict] As the chosen one of Yggdrasil, the user has the authority to modify, alter, or even reset the in-game world's parameters. This ensures they always have the optimal environment to suit their needs.

Congratulations! You have received a special gift. 

Gift of Yggdrasil - The Universe Apple


The Gift of Yggdrasil is a wondrous apple that, at first glance, appears to contain an entire universe within its ethereal confines. While it may not house a genuine cosmos, its power is vast and transformative. This extraordinary artifact holds the capacity to grant incredible abilities and remove various limitations from the one who partakes of it.

[Unlocking Primordial Essence]:

The Universe Apple harbors the extraordinary capacity to awaken and magnify the dormant primordial essence within its user. By partaking of this celestial fruit, the user's innate boundaries, which once confined them to certain limits, are transcended, allowing their essence to align with the ancient and fundamental energies of the cosmos. This profound connection grants the individual unparalleled might and dominion, positioning them on a plane higher than they ever imagined.

[Immunity to Afflictions]:

Upon consuming the Universe Apple, the user becomes impervious to all negative effects that may afflict their body and soul. This divine immunity renders them invulnerable to curses, ailments, and malevolent forces that seek to harm or corrupt them. It extends not only to the physical but also to the metaphysical, granting a state of perpetual well-being.

[Cleansing of Past Sins]:

One of the most remarkable abilities of the Universe Apple is its power to cleanse the soul of all curses and lingering negative energies from both the present and past lives. It releases the user from the burdens of any malevolent actions or experiences that may have haunted their soul throughout the ages.


The Universe Apple's blessings include the gift of immortality. Once consumed, the user ceases to age and becomes exempt from the inexorable march of time. They will live on, unburdened by the weight of mortality, traversing the epochs with vitality and vigor.

The Gift of Yggdrasil is a symbol of renewal, transformation, and boundless potential. It bestows upon its recipient not only incredible power but also liberation from the shackles of limitation and affliction. As a harbinger of enduring life and eternal well-being, it is a true marvel among mystical artifacts.