

A teenager finds himself mysteriously transported to a new world without understanding why or how. However, upon glimpsing a colossal tower outside his window and discovering that this realm resembles a game with dungeons, monsters, and skills, he resolves to conquer the tower known as 'Amartia.' His goal is to become the most powerful entity in this world while unraveling its secrets along the way. This is my first novel, and English isn't my primary, secondary, or even tertiary language. Nevertheless, I've made an effort to share my story and have received assistance in editing from some of my friends.

Teaaddict03 · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

System shop, First floor.

In a room, kai was sitting on the ground panting and grasping for air and surrounding him where corpses of goblins and broken remains of his sword with only a hilt remaining which was in his hand. He was looking at a blue panel in front of him with a creepy smile while giggles escaped his lisps from time to time.

[Sin point:10]

"System how should I use my sin point "he asked.

[ Report: You can use your sin points in system shop or to increase your Stats].

Suspicion crept into his voice as he asked, "And how much does it cost to increase each stat point?"

[Report, it only costs 100 sin point per stat point till It's reaches 50. After 50 the amount will increase].

"Well, that's reasonable I guess, as after 10 points per stat human are no longer just normal mortals, as a person with 10 stat point can lift a heavy boulder with ease. Now let's check the shop". After that he asked system to open the shop.


[Fire ball(E): 10 Sin points]

[Water ball(E): 10 Sin points]

[wind blade(E): 10 Sin points]

[earth wall(E): 10 sin points]




The shop interface was displayed, presenting numerous lines of skills, yet none of them managed to capture his attention.

"system why are you only showing E rank skills"

[Report: As host is dirt broke it took liberty upon its self to only show affordable skills]

"Are you insulting me" kai asked with annoyance in his voice.

[reply: But it is a fact]

"System do you have skill 'aura master'". Kai said with annoyance trying to ignore the previous conversation and changing the subject.

[Report: Yes, but host is too poor and cannot afford it] system replied upbringing the previous conversation.

"Just show me" kai asked in anger and embarrassment.

System dropped the subject and filtered the skills related to aura.


[Aura Control(D): 1,000 Sin points]

[Aura Materialization(C): 10,000 Sin points]

[Aura Apprentice(B): 100,000 sin points]

[Aura Master(A): 1,000,000 Sin points]

[Aura Grand master(S): 10,000,000 Sin points]




Upon examining the necessary skills and sin points needed to acquire them, he felt a profound sense of dread as if his very soul were on the verge of departing for the afterlife.

While he possesses a certain level of proficiency in aura control, thanks to his exceptional SS rank talent in manipulating aura, the same cannot be said for his proficiency in other skills.

"Are you kidding me" thought kai in utter disbelief.

[Report: No host I'm serious].

"Did you just read my mind?" asked kai with scrutiny.

[Report: Oh dear host, your emotions are etched upon your countenance, as clear as day, decipherable even to the most oblivious souls.]

"Wait, I only asked to be showed the skill [Aura Master], Why are you showing me the whole dammed family tree. Is it just me or are you making fun of me now".

[Report: No host, it's all in your head].

"You look even more suspicious now." thought kai

"So, which skill should I buy, all the skills are the same rank anyway" kai asked to himself trying to bury the whole incident as if it never took place in first place while ignoring the system.

After going through bunch of skill their where no skills that interested him as they were only low tire and did not have much effect and practical use.

After much contemplation and searching for skills. He noticed the skill "Slip".

[Slip(E): 10 Sin points]

-A null attribute skill that can make enemy lose their Footing by reducing the friction below the target making them fall to the ground.

"Okay, then I choose [Slip]."

After making his decision he said to the system.

[Report: The skill "Slip" has been added to your status]

"System show me my status" He said


Name: Kai Springfield

Race: Human

Rank: Player








UNIQUE SKILL: [lord of Mana(SS)]


Passive: [None]


[Slip: E]

System: [Open]

"hehehe~, I'm really something else".

Afterwards there was creepy laugh heard in the room but no one was there to hear it. Bit before he continued his laughter ant further a mechanical voice interrupted him.

[Congratulations to the player on passing the tutorial with the difficulty level Hard, reward is being allocated. Player is granted entry to the first floor of the towers. Player is awarded a well-made sword now Player will be teleported to the first floor in 10, 09, 08, 07,....02,01]

Before Kai could process what was happening, he was already transported to the 1st floor.

He found himself in an uncharted territory, surrounded by a rugged path paved with ancient stones. The atmosphere was untainted, with not a trace of pollution to be found, and the weather was delightfully temperate.

Suddenly, a voice broke the silence from behind, jolting him out of his reverie. "Hey there, what's the deal with you standing in the middle of the road like a living statue? Are you some kind of performer or what?"

As Kai stretched out his arms, basking in the glorious atmosphere like a whimsical scarecrow, his tranquil moment was abruptly shattered by the unexpected presence of an elderly gentleman sneaking up from behind.

Startled, Kai's gaze fixated on the stranger, his eyes brimming with intrigue. Before him stood a seasoned man, seemingly in his golden years, clad in earthy brown trousers and a modest top. Yet, there was a hint of mockery dancing in the depths of his eyes, as if he found Kai's peculiar stance utterly absurd.

After the elderly gentleman observed Kai more closely, he proceeded to mock him, remarking, "Ah, a rather unintelligent-looking young man; no wonder you appear unsettling." However, before he could further indulge in his ridicule, Kai interjected.

"Hey there, oldie foldie, what captures your gaze? And who dares to label me as dim? I am well aware of my striking charm, an abundance of it, an overflow of irresistible allure, yet..."

"Hey there, who do you think you're labeling as an oldie foldie? Show some respect for your elders, you little rascal!" Kai's words were cut short as the old man interjected once more, fueling his frustration to new heights.

He vehemently retorted, "And pray tell, who do you think you're addressing as a dim-witted lad? I am far too dashing to be reduced to a mere simpleton. Can you even comprehend, you oldie foldie ancient relic ?"

"Once more with the oldie foldie, do you yearn for your demise, you insolent whippersnapper?"

"You've already danced with death, you oldie foldie, so what power do you possess to rattle me? Count your blessings that you can even rise from your slumber," Kai's words pierced the old man's soul, leaving an indelible mark.

Before they could proceed with their argument, their exchange was interrupted by a female voice inquiring, "What is the reason for your presence in the middle of a thoroughfare? Are you both engaged in some form of performance?"

"No, I'm not" Both of them denied at the same time.

But as her gaze fell upon Kai, the woman's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Ah, a fresh face in the game," she remarked, her demeanor exuding a serene wisdom that belied her youthful appearance. Clad in attire reminiscent of characters from fantastical anime or manga, she effortlessly radiated beauty that transcended the ordinary. Her humble garments failed to conceal her alluring figure, while her enchanting brown hair and mesmerizing eyes possessed an irresistible power to captivate any unsuspecting soul.

Then she walked towards kai.

"I would be more than happy to assist you in navigating to the nearby town and providing you with essential information that every player requires. However, I kindly request that you consider staying at our inn and perhaps even recommending it to others. Would you be open to such an arrangement?" The Woman inquired with a warm and inviting smile that was difficult to resist.

But he successfully reigns in his impulses and contemplates the proposition. What he craves at this very moment is a wealth of knowledge about the towering structure and its inaugural level, the plight of its inhabitants, and an inn seems to be the prime hub for such valuable information.

It is a bustling haven where individuals congregate and engage in lively conversations pertaining to their respective occupations. Moreover, he requires a cozy abode to rest his weary bones for the night. Thus, without a moment's doubt, he eagerly embraces the opportunity.

"Well, I appreciate your help, then I won't be polite".

Then, the two individuals proceeded towards the inn, capturing the interest of both male and female passersby with their striking appearances. The men expressed their disapproval towards one of them in hushed tones, while the women observed him with a sense of fascination. This continued until they arrived at the inn, completely disregarding the presence of the old man they had left behind.