
Simulating Life in Life Simulator

Einar Drakos, a man that is somewhat above average is given a Life Simulator, will he use it to become strong? Or will he fail to use it properly? Find out in the next episode of Dra- oops wrong Universe. Disclaimer: This is my first story so don't expect too much. As for the Cover, it's not mine so if you're the owner of it and want to take it down just say so.

Lazy_am · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Chapter 2

[ Starting Simulation... ]

[ Year 1,1st month you were born in a hunter's family, your Father is the head hunter of the Village, while your Mother is a doctor, in the 9th Month you can already speak fluently and walk. The entire Village thought of you as a genius. ]

[ Year 3, 3rd month, you started doing light exercises without anyone knowing, in the 4th Month you're already stronger than most 5 year olds in your Village. ]

[ Year 5, 7th month, because of your [ Charming Aura ] and your strong Physique, the kids there thought you as their leader, and because of that, the Villagers called you the Young Lord there. ]

[ Year 7, 1st month, your Father gifted you a Bow and arrows on your Birthday and started to train you, in the 4th Month you asked your Mother if she could teach you on how to become a Doctor. ]

[ Year 8, 3rd month, you started to go with the Hunting Team in your Village to gain experience. ]

[ Year 8, 8th month, you also started to brainwash the kids as you know they're gonna be the Pillars of the Village in the Future, you also started to train them, which they happily followed because of your speech of them being the strongest in the sorld if they did that. ]

[ Year 10, 11th month, you've mastered Unarmed Combat because of your Father teaching you at 9. ]

[ Year 13, 7th month, while your Father was hunting he was injured by an animal that was passing by, while not enough to take his life, it was enough to take his hunting career out of him. ]

[ Year 15, 6th month, you've decided to go to a City in your Kingdom which is the Navarre Kingdom while bringing 6 the same age as you, you all enlisted to be part of the Army there. ]

[ Year 17, 3rd month, you heard that the Neighboring Kingdom launched an Attack against the Navarre Kingdom, as you are close to the border of the Enemy Kingdom you were assigned to the Frontlines. ]

[ In the 8th Month you were promoted to 100-Man Squad Leader because of your successful tactics in the war, which is still ongoing. ]

[ Year 18, 3rd Month, while walking in the night around the Camp you suddenly saw a couple of 200 people silently approaching your Camp. ]

[ With a shout, you immediently woke up all the soldiers under you, while preparing yourself. ]

[ Within 3 minutes, all of your soldiers are in a formation which consist of 150 people, and with a resolve, they all charged into battle. ]

[ You and your men started to overwhelm the enemy at first but the huge disparity of numbers still made you lose. ]

[ With an arm limping and having an arrow stuck to your leg you still managed to kill 2 enemies in total. ]

[ Even with that you still died because of your injuries, but because of your Low Regeneration you lasted enough to kill all of your enemies in sight. ]

[ You died. ]

[ Ending Simulation... ]

'Well, that was quite a life, albeit short it was an exciting life.'

When I looked at the clock, I saw that not even 1 minute has passed.

{ Every Year you spent on the Simulated World is 1 millisecond on the real World Host. }

[ Please choose 3 out of 5 of the rewards. ]

[ Talent: [ Charming Aura ]

Talent: [ High IQ ]

Money: 10 silver coins you've managed to keep.

Body: The peak of your body in the Simulation.

Special: 2 World Tickets. ]

'Hmmm, well this is hard'

After a short but careful consideration, you chose...

[ Talent: High IQ, Body, and Special: 2 World Tickets. ]

'While [ Charming Aura ] can be useful in a lot of situations, I lean more towards on protecting myself.'

'About money..... what am I gonna do about it? I mean I probably can sell it for a few thousand, but I don't need to worry about money at this time, and considering I have a rich beautiful girl to marry, it's a bad choice.'

{ Good choices Host. Please prepare as it will assimilate with your body. }

Suddenly I felt in my mind that what I imagined as locks, opened and I feel like I understood some things I didn't understood before.


Meanwhile in my body I could only feel pain, but after 3 minutes it was gone, when I moved my body it felt so light.

I stood up, familiarizing myself to my new body which I experienced for about 2 years in the Simulated World.

Oh right, did I forget to mention that I experienced the Life in my Simulation personally? Well I did now.

And since I experienced it personally did my personality changed? No, apparently the system assigned some Supernatural stuff to not let me get affected by it, so by chance I turn into a Homicidal Maniac in the Simulation, it won't affect me in my real body, but of course I still get affected by it but it's just on a smaller scale, like right now, thanks to my experience in the war I can kill somebody without remorse.

And how did I figure that out? Ehem, secret....

Back to my new changes.

About my new IQ, I tried it on solving puzzles that I downloaded on my phone and I solved it pretty quickly, so nice I guess?

And when I tried lifting the couch I somehow managed to lift it easily, even though it is 160-200 pounds.

Apparently it was because of my Low Regeneration healing my muscle fibers quickly resulting in quick growth and can be compared to athletes that have trained for more than 25 years even though I was just training for about 12 years in my Simulation.

Getting onto my stance that I learned in the Simulation World, I started to practice the Unarmed Combat Technique that my 'Father' there teached me.

~1 Hour later~

"Ahh nothing beats cold shower after exercising" I said while coming out of the bathroom.

Suddenly my Cellphone rings, I looked on who it was but it was an unknown number, but nonetheless I answered it.

"Hello, who is this?"

"I believe it's your Fiancée, Einar." Said Astrid, surprising me a bit.

"Oh its you Astrid, it's just a bit more than hour and you already missed me?" I said with a smile.

"Oh shut up, anyway can you meet me in this location XXXXX within 30 minutes? My dad can wait to see you." She said with sarcasm in her voice.

"Sure, is that all?"

"Yup, and make sure to dress well, that's all, byee."

"Wai- she didn't even wait me to finish haaa" I said, sighing a bit.

'Well I have a lot of time for more simulations, Start.'

[ Starting Simulation... ]