
early on

in a city born a child named carter, in a friendly environment and from a simple family, Carter is the last child of 3 siblings, precisely in Bandung, March 21, 2001. his life is not far from children as usual, living with a harmonious family. his life began to fall apart when the father with his ego accused his wife of having an affair. The family relationship was broken when the father began to dare to hit his wife and children including Carter, since then the mother began to be afraid and repeatedly went to his sister-in-law for protection, several times from Carter's father reprimanded, but Carter's father's selfish and fearless attitude did not result in anything, instead he dared to hit his wife and children. , even without anyone knowing. Since then, Carter's brother, including Carter, was entrusted to his parents (grandmother/grandfather). Carter's mother and father were in Cianjur, Carter was left with Carter's mother while his brother was left with Carter's father's mother, while Carter's father chose to stay in Bandung to earn money.