
Chapter 16: Gospel

Both Aubrey and Matthias were pleased to have Nicholas finally leave his room and out into the world again. People were sympathetic and gave him his space. Nicholas went to class and was seen at the Dining Hall but didn’t really interact with people. He was physically present but emotionally distant.

She had a feeling Nicholas was in his favorite hiding spot and there she found him in the classroom watching the view outside the windows. She didn’t uncloak herself until she was behind him and whispered into his ear, "Boo."

He didn’t jump. He shook his head, exasperated with her behavior.

"Hello, trouble," he said. "What are you up to today?"

She gave him an innocent smile. "Who says I’m planning something?"

He almost smiled back, his lips quirking up but he forced it away.

"Do you know what I thought when I first met you?"

"That I’m pretty?"

"No." That made her pout and he continued, "I thought ‘there goes trouble’. And I was completely right."

"And why am I trouble?"