
Chapter 10

|Tyrion Lannister - Dwarf of Lannister|

I don't know what made my father mad, but whatever it was made him call all of us into his solar. By the look of it, it was something to do with the Mountain.


Just as we are about to get inside my father's office, I can smell something awful. It was like someone had been murdered there for a few days.

"You! Open the door!"

My father shouted at the guard coming with them. When the door is open up, I widen my eyes as I see a bunch of heads being impaled to the floor. What makes matters worse, I know who they are.

Among the impaled heads are Sir Gregor Clegane and Ser Amory Lorch, the personal attack dog of my father. If they are being sent somewhere, that means my father wants someone dead, and by the look of it, they failed whatever mission my father gave them.

"My lord! There is a letter on the ground!"

"Pick them and read them!"

I could hear the anger coming from my father; it was the anger that I had rarely heard of. The only time I hear him have this much anger is when the Mad King humiliates him.

"To the Old Lion, This is the gift we have for you after what you tried to do to our family member. However, we are feeling generous at the moment and decided to give you another gift. Look at the port and you will see what we are talking about."

We quickly run toward the window and look at the port. When my eyes land on the Lannisport and widen my eyes, I can see a massive smoke billowing into the sky. The thick smoke continues to rise high as we watch it from the Casterly Rock.

"My lord! My lord!"

I look at the door and see a man arrive at the office. I can see him widen his eyes for a second before looking back at my father.

"My lord! All of the ships in Lannisport catch on fire! Every ship that we owned in Lannisport is currently burning!"


I can hear my father roar in anger, punch the table, and snap it into two.

"Put down the fire immediately! Save as many ships as you can!"

"Yes, my lord!"

My father looks at uncle Kevan and says,

"Take as many men as you want. I want the bastard that burns the ship to be found! I want them to tortured until they cannot speak! I want them to be paraded around Lannisport for what they have done!"


I don't know what my father did, but the other person did not like it and decided to teach him a lesson. It is somewhat ironic, huh? Lannister always pays its debts, but my father never thinks that the others will also pay their debts to us.


|3rd POV|

While Tywin is busy searching for a ghost who burns all of his ships, a man arrives in the middle of the Great Hall of Red Keep. He is the Sealord of Braavos, and following him from behind is his bodyguard.

He came here for one mission: to make the Seven Kingdoms suffer from the folly of his one lord.

"Your highness."

"Just out with it! I'm in the middle of a business!"

He means by business that he is just about to fuck a whore in the whorehouse before they come to King's Landing. Robert's friend and foster father, Jon Arryn, shake his head at Robert's behaviour.

"Very well. I came here with the representative from the Iron Bank to inform you that we want you to pay your debt."

"Bah! Jon! I will leave this copper counting business to you. Oi! Bring me more wine!"

Just like that, Robert Baratheon, the King of the Seven Kingdoms, walks away from the Great Hall, ignoring that the Sealord is equal in position with him. The Iron Bank's high-ranking officer also has the same opinion as Belaro, the Sealord.

King Robert is a barbarian king who did not know basic etiquette.

Seeing a frown on their face, Jon decided not to make things even worse.

"Ah, I'm sorry for his behaviour, my lord. He is very busy and not in a good mood."

Both of them did not believe his word but decided to get into the business.

"I see. Anyway, the reason why we come here is to inform you that the Iron Bank has tightened up the rules regarding debt. We decide that every debtor needs to pay their debt to us every year."

"Can't you make it a little bit lighter for us? We just finished a rebellion, we did not have much money in our vault."

"Because of this reason we decided to let you pay us with other goods."

"What kind of goods?"

"Woods, steel or wine. Anything we can sell back to the other."

Jon starts to think for a second before an idea gets inside his head.

"What about food? Can we pay you with grains?"

Jon and Robert are already talking about how to punish the house of Tyrell, and with both Sealord and the Iron Bank demanding for their money to be returned, he has a solution for both.

"Food? We will take them but it will not be worth much."

"It is not a problem. We have plenty of food."

He successfully solved the problem in Jon's mind, but he did not think about the long run. With the House Tyrell focusing on paying the Royal Debt, the price of food in Westeros will increase as they are the main supplier of food on the continent.

He thought that each kingdom was self-sufficient in food, but he was wrong. The only kingdom that has food self-sufficiency is the Reach and the West. The Reach is because its land is very fertile and can easily grow any food they need, and the same with the west, but they can only feed their people and cannot sell the food they have.

The Storm's End will barely stand, but they will fall if they cannot buy an external food source. The same with Crownsland, the Riverland and the Eyrie. On the other hand, the North and the Dorne cannot survive without external help. They can only survive for a few years at best without the help of the other.

"I see. When do you want to pay this year's payment?"

"Three days. In three days we will pay you with food and some gold."

"Very well."

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