
SILVER FANG : The tale of a white haired wolf

"Even in a world of darkness, a heart of gold can shine brighter than any moonlit fur." ____________ there was a legend that spoke of a rare creature, a werewolf with fur as white as snow. It was said that this creature possessed a heart of gold, silver fangs, and would never harm a soul, unlike its vicious counterparts who preyed upon humans for their own selfish gain. One fateful day, a little girl, no more than eight years old, found herself lost in the heart of the woods. As she wandered, she could hear the eerie growls and snarls of a pack of grey werewolves drawing closer, their eyes gleaming in the darkness. Terrified and alone, the girl huddled in a small clearing, surrounded by the pack of grey beasts. She could feel their hot breath on her skin, their claws scraping against the ground, ready to pounce. Just as she thought all was lost, a flash of white caught her eye. Suddenly, a white werewolf leapt down from a nearby tree, its movements swift and deadly. The creature attacked the grey werewolves with a ferocity that left the little girl in awe. Despite being outnumbered, the white werewolf fought valiantly, tearing through the pack with ease. The grey werewolves tried to stop him, but he was too powerful. In the end, the white werewolf saved the little girl from certain death. As the girl watched in amazement, the white werewolf turned to her and spoke, "We will meet again, little one." From that day on, the little girl never forgot the white werewolf who saved her life. She knew that there was still hope in a world filled with darkness and despair. She knew that even in the midst of chaos and destruction, there could still be goodness and light. When would the white werewolf return to fulfill its cryptic pledge?

Daoistzdgxbx · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Chapter three

The morning after finding the cryptic note, Heaven awoke to a gloomy, overcast sky. The clouds hung heavy in the air, like a thick blanket that refused to be lifted. It was as if the world itself was holding its breath, waiting for something to happen. The sky was a canvas of muted greys, as if even the colors were afraid to be too vibrant.

The air was damp and chilly, causing goosebumps to rise on Heaven's skin. The wind whispered through the trees, creating a haunting melody that sent shivers down her spine. It was a day where the world seemed to be holding its secrets close, unwilling to reveal what was hiding just beneath the surface.

As Heaven walked through the streets, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The world around her felt off-kilter, like something was waiting to pounce at any moment. The clouds seemed to be closing in on her, as if they were suffocating her with their weight. The air was thick with tension, as if the world was about to break at any moment.

Heaven's heart skipped a beat as she heard a low growl coming from behind her. She spun around, expecting to see someone or something there, but there was no one in sight. The street was empty, and the only sound she could hear was the rustling of leaves in the wind.

She shook her head, thinking that she was just being paranoid. Maybe it was just a stray dog or her imagination playing tricks on her. However, as she continued walking, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was following her.

Suddenly, she heard the growl again, louder this time. She whirled around, but still, there was no one there. She started to walk faster, feeling a sense of urgency to get away from whatever was making that noise.

As she quickened her pace, the growls continued, seeming to come from all directions. She felt like she was being surrounded by some unseen predator, ready to pounce on her at any moment. She looked over her shoulder once more, but still, she saw nothing.

Heaven froze in terror as a figure suddenly leaped onto the roof of a car parked nearby. It was a werewolf, a massive grey creature with a scar over its eyes. Its fur was bristling with aggression, and its eyes were glowing an unnatural bright blue.

Her first instinct was to run, but she knew deep down that it would only provoke the creature. She took a step back and raised her hands in a defensive gesture, hoping to show the werewolf that she meant no harm.

"Please, back away," she said, her voice shaking with fear.

But the werewolf didn't seem to listen. It bared its teeth, growling menacingly as it took a step closer to her. Its eyes locked onto hers, and for a moment, Heaven felt like she was staring into the eyes of a monster.

Her mind raced, trying to come up with a way to escape. She looked around frantically, but there was nowhere to go. The werewolf had her cornered, and she knew that she was in trouble.

"What do you want from me?" she asked, her voice trembling. "Please, just leave me alone."

But the werewolf didn't seem to be interested in leaving her alone. It continued to advance; its eyes fixed on her.

Heaven's heart pounded in her chest as the werewolf spoke in a deep, scary voice. "I am a king," it growled. "You will come with me to my kingdom."

Heaven's mind reeled at the words. A werewolf king? It seemed impossible, but she couldn't deny the power and authority the creature exuded.

"I can't just go with you," she stammered, trying to reason with the creature. "I have a life here. I have family and friends."

But the werewolf didn't seem interested in her objections. It continued to move closer, its eyes glowing brighter with each step.

Heaven's fear turned to desperation. She needed to get away, to find a way to escape this terrifying creature.

"I won't go with you," she said, her voice trembling.

The werewolf snarled, its patience wearing thin. It lunged at her, and Heaven screamed, bracing herself for the impact.

Heaven's head spun as she struggled to keep consciousness. The last thing she remembered was the werewolf's voice booming in her ears, and then everything went black. The next thing she knew, she was dropping to the ground, her body feeling limp and unresponsive.

The werewolf was confused, not knowing what he had done to cause the young woman to faint. He approached her cautiously, sniffing at her body to check if she was still alive. Suddenly, he heard a voice behind him, saying, "How many times do I have to warn you to leave her alone?"

The werewolf turned around to face the newcomer, recognizing the voice. It was a white werewolf, one that he had encountered before. This one was bigger and more muscular than him, with a fierce look in his eyes.

"What do you want, rival?" the werewolf growled, standing his ground.

The other werewolf didn't flinch, maintaining his intimidating posture. "I want you to leave this girl alone," he said, his voice low and threatening. "You know what will happen if you don't."

The werewolf hesitated for a moment, considering his options. He knew that he was no match for this rival, and that he would be better off retreating for now. With a final growl, he turned and bounded away, disappearing into the trees.

The white werewolf turned to Heaven, who was lying unconscious on the ground, and approached her cautiously. He lifted her gently into his arms, surprised at how light she was. He could feel her heart beating faintly against his chest, and he knew that he had to get her somewhere safe.

In an instant, the white werewolf moved with lightning speed, sprinting through the streets towards Heaven's house. He ran faster than any human could ever hope to, his powerful legs propelling him forward with incredible force.

Before long, they arrived at the front door of Heaven's house, and the white werewolf didn't hesitate for a second. He kicked the door open and bounded up the stairs, carrying Heaven as if she weighed nothing.

He laid her gently on her bed, tucking her in with a gentle touch. As he gazed down at her sleeping form, he felt a strange sense of protectiveness wash over him. He knew that he would never be able to leave her alone, not after what had just happened. But then, he had to keep his distance to avoid scaring her or anyone else who might see him. So, he leapt out of the open window, landing gracefully on the ground below.

He made his way into the woods, settling in a hidden spot where he could watch over Heaven without being seen. He would wait there, keeping a vigilant eye on her and protecting her from any

danger that might come her way.