
silent sinner

_blackinfinite · สมัยใหม่
4 Chs

chapter 3

I would risk anything for you...

fuck he cursed out mentally in his head. Right at the end of the stalls she stood, smiling beautifully at the flower. a normal and typical that girls always do but when it came to her, it felt different. He watched silently. She bent over to pick one and that action was erotic, this is crazy, he said to himself. He noticed he was getting hard from all of her actions. Why now? what changed? James wondered.

Averting his thoughts from what had brought him to the stalls he left, he needed to understand what was happening to him.


Frustration over frustration. She had seen him from the corner of her eyes but she seemed not to have noticed thanks to the her hair that was covering her side of the face. Her heart beating rapidly and not knowing what came over her she seductively bent to pick the flower, a gesture that may have seemed harmless but meant something completely different. Then he left just like that and it hurt although she could not understand why.

___ little did she know.

'We left honey something came up we will be back late.' linah's mother had left a message.

This did not matter to her, she was already frustrated sexually especially with herself for allowing James to occupy and invade her thoughts again. Kicking her shoes off and stripping her clothes only to be left with her undies she dropped on her bed and let her thoughts drift.

Like an amateur that she was it did not matter anymore she lost to fighting her thoughts.

'Would he like what I am wearing? What is his favorite color? i think it is black. she let a small grin dance on her lips seductively.

Running her hands slowly all over her body her imagination kicked in.


Her nipples had hardened almost so painfully that even touching them was too much for her. She pinched them in her hands causing a shiver to run through her body. Her back left her bed so slowly as she gave in to her desires. She left her left hand linger on her breast as she played with each nipple at a time while the right hand dropped down her stomach till reaching her throbbing core. Her clit begged to be touched and be relieved. Running her hands on her clit led to her juices running down her thighs, she parted her lips and wetted her hand fully then went back to her clit. All along imaging it was James doing his magic with his devilish lips and his hands that had experience. She moaned loudly without any care. Her motions fastened and soon exploded. As she came down from her high she felt semi-satisfied 'well this will do for now'. She still had to yet admit to herself that deep down she wanted one thing James, the real person.

James pov.

uuurgh fuuck! He relieved himself on one of his women that spent time with him. This however did not help as much as she still haunted him even in his normal day to day activities. It had been four days and she still lingered in his head like a strong lover's perfume.

'Are you okay?' She asked in agentle slutry voice. He just looked at her and smiled.

'We have a small social gathering at the society square today. Do you want to join me?' He asked. Mallory was one of his lovers , he knew he was off his game today and asking Mallory for her company would be a way of making up to her.

'Yes!' she responded happily.

'Be ready by seven pm. No specific dress code just be comfortable.'