
Silent Resolve

In the once-respected hero's fall from grace, he stumbles upon the injured vampire in a moment of self-doubt and isolation. Despite the disdain of those he once called friends and allies, he chooses to extend a helping hand to the creature of the night, leading to a tumultuous journey of self-discovery and redemption. As they confront their inner demons and face external threats, the unlikely duo must navigate a world that has turned against them, forging an unbreakable bond in the shadows of their past mistakes. ▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎ Just wanted to say a few things. First of all, as this is my first book, i accept all kinds of criticism. That helps me become a better writer and it is welcomed but i don't want any hate. If you don't like my book, drop it and don't hate on me. Anyway thanks for giving this book a chance.

FugiTee · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs


Currently, an extremely handsome man is walking through the corridors of a large mansion. He has strikingly beautiful blue eyes, silver hair and a cold demeanour fitting for someone of his calibre.

This man is Adam Vyne and he is accompanied by nothing but the sound of his footsteps. As he continues walking, he has an expression that would make one keep an arm's length away from him. Normally he would be accompanied by a maid or butler however it seems that there is a shortage of people in the mansion, and he knows exactly where they are.

He approaches a door that is worth more than some people's annual salaries. He doesn't bother knocking as he knows that no matter how polite or courteous he is, the event about to happen is inevitable and yet it seems that he doesn't care and accepts it wholeheartedly. He opens the door to reveal a large room full of maids and butlers standing on both sides of the red carpet along with multiple people with enough power to tip the scales in a war with just a word sitting on the sidelines.

Adam glances at these authoritative figures and continues onwards until he stops in front of a man with an air of arrogance however it is justified as he has the power to back it up. This man is Anthony Vyne and he is the head of the Vyne family. Currently Adam is looking at his father who is looking down towards him with disdain but more prominently disappointment.

"Why Adam, how did I fail you". Anthony asks Adam as his expression softens. "Was I a bad father, do you hate me for the pain I put you through even though you know that without it, you wouldn't be the man you are right now". Adam looks at his father without a change in his expression, "Let us get on with this, I don't want to be in this place any longer, not when I can barely handle you let alone all these idiots". The unknown figures narrow their eyes at him which seems to cause the air to grow heavier and this visibly affects Adam as his breathing turns heavy and he seems to be carrying a weight on his shoulders. His father glances at them causing them to cease their attack on Adam.

As Anthony sighs, he says "Adam, maybe we can compro-". "Forget about it, I'm never forgiving you or them for that matter", Adam says as he interrupts his father before continuing "You all lied to me saying that my mother died because of an illness she contracted giving birth to me, but I knew it was far from the truth. How do you feel knowing that you not only destroyed your son's childhood, but you also killed his mother just because she knew what you did and that you were the start of this pointless war because of your stupid lust!!"

Adam took a glance to the people revealed to his siblings before spreading his arms out as if waiting for something. "Come on then, kill me, I know you want to. It won't make any difference; it will just add to your list of murders". Anthony sighs before gathering energy into his hand forming it onto a rectangular shape and firing it towards his son. As Adam sees this, he closes his eyes and awaits death as he feels an energy envelope him however there was no pain, only the familiar feeling of spatial transportation as he finds himself in an unfamiliar environment along with the words hovering in front of him:

'You have been exiled for the entirety of my reign, never enter my country again.'

Adam took a deep breath before smirking and saying to himself " Big mistake".

First official chapter, what do you think, let me know how i did and what you expect from this novel and we will see where to go from here, Thanks

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