
Sign in The Multiverse

[Sign in System Activated, Sign in every day to earn rewards based on where you Sign in.] Thus Leon embarked on an adventure across Westeros and then, across the multiverse to sign in at different worlds and become a supreme god. ----- Begins in Game of Thrones and then goes to other worlds. Possible worlds: Lord of the Rings, Azeroth(WoW), Skyrim, Earthland, MCU, DC, HP, and way way more... 1 chapter every day...

ArchAn · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs


As the sun rose in the sky its light shone upon the city, I left the Inn and headed towards the center of Lannisport. I had heard the best blacksmith in all of Westernlands was there. For what I had in mind, I needed a man of skill.

The streets were clean, the air fresh, and the buildings beautiful. I enjoyed everything.

Finding the smith was not difficult, albeit getting his attention was...

"Hello? Can you hear me? Hey..." I said from behind him, an elderly man that seemed to be too focused on his work, while he ignored me completely. Looking more closely, his body was one belonging to bodybuilders back on earth, his age didn't fool me though.

A minute passed and seeing no result, I took a deep breath and crouched to become face-to-face with him, he was sitting and looking at a drawing of armor. I could smell the thick scent of iron and sweat, felt the hot air coming from further within, and of course, saw all the pieces of metal, armor, and weapons around.

"Hello there." I said quite loudly, which seemed to get his attention.

He looked up at me with raised eyebrows, "What can I do for you?"

I stood back straight and gave him a piece of paper, I had drawn some things early morning using the paper scrolls I had bought for cheap.

He took it and looked at the drawings with clear confusion on his face, "What is this supposed to be? A table with... words?"

I smiled and shook my head, "I have a specific design in mind that must not be leaked, if you accept to keep it secret, I wish to commission it. I will reward you handsomely and of course, we will write a contract."

He became interested and curiosity flashed in his eyes, "Oh?"

I had noticed that the writing language was English yesterday, and people spoke English as well. And one of my ideas had come from this.

You see, the principle behind a printing machine is quite simple. You need to have the letters and numbers made and then a device to be able to arrange them orderly beside each other in lines to form words, sentences, and pages. Then one just had to put the already arranged page in ink and stamp it on paper, and now you just made a simple printing device.

I didn't know more than this about a printing machine, I also was no mechanical engineer to design something great but this alone could help me a lot and advance the world. This was a long-term project of mine though, I did not expect great things for now. It had to begin now, however, to be useful in a few months.

"What's you name lad?" He asked after my basic explanation.

I smoothly said, "Leon Sunstrider." I had thought about a fitting last name for this world while in bed at the Inn, in case I ever became a lord or king, and chose Sunstrider after thinking for a while. Sunstriders were the royal family of blood elves in Azeroth.

He smiled and extended his hand, "You are a genius, lad. I accept on the condition that you only buy from my shop."

I was a little surprised, "Why that condition?"

He grinned, a few of his tooths were missing, "Just the hunch of an old man."

I thought about it for a second then nodded, "Why not? Any items from a blacksmith that I will need in the future, and in the condition that you are available and not too distant from my location and of course, said items charged fairly and of good quality, will be bought from you. Is that good?"

He laughed, "Crafty one, aren't you? I like you. Name's Ragnar Smith."

After writing a contract and paying the blacksmith 40 gold dragons in advance, with 60 being paid after it was done, he accepted my commission. Enough tools made of iron to make 1000 full pages, since it needed lots of work it was quite expensive. The blacksmith seemed very excited to do it. He began making the molds for it immediately.

The items would be delivered in 2 or 3 months from now on, with that out of the way, I made way my way to a 2-story building nearby. I had heard the owner wanted to sell the place. The bottom level could be made into a rather large shop or something, while the 2nd floor was going to be my future house.

I had to haggle till it was noon before I managed to lower the price to 250 gold dragons and buy the place. After getting the deed for the building, I began cleaning and changing it to be to my liking. I was finished when it was dark. The house was big enough for a family of 4 to live comfortably, and it was quite beautiful from the outside and inside. Its location was also excellent. I had chosen it carefully.

Looking at my inventory, I saw I still had 77 gold dragons. More than enough for what I had in mind next.

'I now have a house, the first project is also started and will begin later, now I need to sign in then we are done for today.' I thought and headed out, wandering the city in hopes of getting a notification. I didn't want to sign in at a random place and get ordinary rewards.

Night arrived and no significant location had been triggered. I sighed and decided to just let it go this time.

'System, Sign in.' I mentally commanded.

[Sign in at the streets of Lannisport?]

I sighed, 'Yes.'

[Signed in Successfully. You have earned the book of recipes of Tōtsuki Culinary Academy (Elite recipes for making food)]

I was taken aback, 'There are items from anime too?! Won't I get superpowers then if I get super lucky?!!'


Main Character Looks something like this. (Check Paragraph comment.)

The Main Character will have a lover in every world he goes to, so it is a harem in a sense but not without deep connections and reasons. I don't like romance without character development.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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