
Gacha System

You know... Life is full of surprises. One night, I'm just your regular office drone that tries to survive the capitalistic city where the rich, but it changes quickly. One night, I died. Yup, just like that. I died while sleeping. However, it was not the important thing. The most important thing is that I reincarnated into a fantasy world. That sounds good, right? No! I get reincarnated into the world where monster roams the land, and what makes matters worse is that I'm reincarnated as the son of a lord who defends the land from monsters. And that is not the worst of it all! I got a Gacha-based system! The bane of my existence!

LuxVonDeux · สมัยใหม่
26 Chs

Chapter 10: Plan For The Future

Thank god that the rain is still going.

It has been ten hours of rain, and I can see the lake slowly get filled up by the rain. The lake and the man-made pool near the lake also filled up nicely. We are lucky that the pool is ready because I know that the lake will absorb the water because of how dry it was previously.

The pool is made of wood coated by some kind of sticky mixture to make sure the water stays inside the pool. It is a substitute for plastic.

We even put all the barrels out so they can fill up nicely, and we will store them in the storage room where we can use them later.

"Here is your breakfast, young master."

"Thank you, Cassandra. How is the other doing? Anyone is sick because of the rain?"

"No, young master. Lucky for us, you have already healed us, and we are not sick because of the rain."

All the servants get wet from the rain because we take out the pool so it can fill up. We need to take out two pools, and it takes time to do it.

"Good. I don't want them to get sick. Make sure to feed them something warm, okay? They deserve it."

"Of course, young master. Fufufufu~"

"What? Why are you laughing suddenly?"

"It is nothing, young master. I'm just happy that you still think about others even though you are also getting wet from the rain carrying that massive pool."

"They are my people, and I'm taking care of my people."

"Of course, young master. If there is anything else, please let me know."


Cassandra bows a little and leaves me alone in my room, enjoying the rain breeze and the food in front of me. While eating the food, I open the system and press the Y button.

After a couple of seconds, a card appears in front of me. I take it and read it. I sigh a little when I see what it is.

"|Twenty Block of Stone| |Common|. Another material drop, huh? I want something I can use now. Oh well. Stone is something we need, but not immediately. When the rain stops, I will ask Sebastian and the one making the pool."

While the stone is great and all, we do not need it because there are a lot of stones around us. If what Sebastian said is correct, this place is a former stone quarry village where most of the people living in this place are stone miners.

The quarry is a few hundred meters away to the east.

I guess we did not need to transport the stone here because of my new reward. I will think of it tomorrow. For now, I want to enjoy the rain and the food in front of me.

=/Line Break/=

The rain stops after it has been raining for two days. The entire lake is now full of water from the rain alone. We now have a source of water, but we still cannot waste the water as if we have an infinite amount of it.

I open up my journal and see what kind of thing I need to do.

=/Line Break/=

[Things to do]

{1.) Search a temporary source of water (Completed)}

{2.) Fill up the lake temporarily or permanently}

{3.) Rebuild the village

{4.) Get more inhabitants for the village}

{5.) Create a farmland}

{6.) Build a wall around the village for protection}

{7.) Make a trade route with the nearby village or town}

{8.) Make a small unit of guards.

=/Line Break/=

I write [Temporary] behind the second line. The lake is temporarily filled and only needs to be cleaned occasionally for safe consumption. Now, into the third point… rebuilding the village needs a lot of resources, mostly wood and stone.

I have both of them, and I think the gacha has a large chance of getting them. They are a [Common] item, after all. They have a large chance of dropping.

We can now start building with the basic tool already taken care of. Not only that, with the horse and camel we bought, we can move heavy objects more easily. Before, we did it manually. We need more than ten people to move one log of wood.

"Young master."

I look to the side and see Cassandra bringing some food into my room. She walks toward me and puts the stew, bread, and a small block of cheese on the table in front of me.

"Thank you, Cassandra."

"It is my pleasure, young master. I also brought Sebastian with me."

I look at the door and see the old butler waiting for me at the door. He bows a little when he sees me and gets closer.

"I hear you are asking for me, my lord?"

"Yes. I want to ask what kind of thing to move forward. What kind of resources do we need to rebuild the village?"

Sebastian thinks for a few seconds before saying.

"We need woods and stones, my lord. We had a stone quarry nearby but did not have enough resources to mine it. We can take a small amount of it every now and then, but it will take a long time to rebuild the village with that amount of stone."

I look at him for a few seconds, take a few spoonfuls of the stew, and get up from my chair.

"Let's get out for a minute. I have something to show you."

"Huh? Of course, my lord."

Cassandra and Sebastian follow me, leaving the house. Some of the servants who look at us curiously also follow us. We walk toward the building that shields the wood logs from the rain, and I take out the card from my inventory.

I rip it apart, and a second later, a stack of one cubic stone appears in front of us. I'm lucky the stone is not stacked like a mountain but spread out. It is a waste of space but easier to move and safer.

The other looks at the stone in awe, and I nod my head. I look at Sebastian and say.

"Ask someone to start repairing the house. This one first before rebuilding the nearby house for the other to stay. Use the stone and woods wisely. Right! I also want you to tell the one taking care of this to make tools to move the stone from the quarry. We only use these woods and stones to make tools to get more. Tell me if the wood logs are gone so I can grow more."

I pat Sebastian's back and get back home. I have some gacha to do.

Hello, guys. I have some bad news. My mother needs to go to the hospital once again. Her chest is in pain, and now she is vomiting constantly.

I'm sorry to ask you this, but can you guys help me once again? I will post daily to compensate for it. You can donate to my Paypal (Paypal.me/luxvondeux) or visit my ko-fi (ko-fi.com/luxvondeux) if you want to read more chapters while also supporting me.

I'm sorry for asking you to do this but I did not have any more choices.

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