
Sign In And Become Rich

Jimmy_Young12 · สมัยใหม่
15 Chs

Unexpected Encounter

The day had been long, filled with lectures and discussions that left Richard McGregor both mentally drained and intellectually invigorated. As the final class of the day drew to a close, he gathered his belongings and prepared to leave, the weight of his backpack heavy on his shoulders.

Exiting the lecture hall, Richard let out a sigh of relief, grateful for the respite from academia. The sun was beginning its slow descent, casting a warm glow over the campus grounds. Taking a deep breath, he decided to take a leisurely stroll around the campus before heading home.

As he walked, Richard allowed himself to relax, the tension of the day slowly melting away. He admired the vibrant colors of the fall foliage and the peaceful atmosphere of the college grounds. It was moments like these that reminded him why he loved Westlake College despite its occasional challenges.

Lost in thought, Richard almost didn't notice the small group of people gathered near the entrance of the main building. It was only when he heard his name being whispered that he realized who they were—Esther and her friends.

Richard's heart sank at the sight of them, his stomach twisting with apprehension. He hadn't seen Esther since their messy breakup, and the thought of facing her again filled him with a sense of dread. But he squared his shoulders and approached them, determined not to let them see how much they affected him.

As he drew closer, the whispers grew louder, and he caught snippets of conversation about his car and his newfound wealth. Esther and her friends seemed to be discussing him, their faces alive with curiosity and speculation.

"Look, there he is," one of Esther's friends said, nudging her with an elbow. "Isn't that Esther's ex?"

Esther turned to see Richard approaching, a hesitant smile playing at her lips. Richard could see the mischief in her eyes, the subtle satisfaction of someone who believed they held all the cards.

"Richard," Esther said, her voice sweet but tinged with an edge of superiority. "What a surprise to see you here."

Richard forced a polite smile, though he could feel the tension in the air thickening with each passing moment. "Esther," he replied evenly. "Likewise."

Esther's friends exchanged knowing looks, their expressions smug and self-assured. It was clear they relished the opportunity to witness their former classmate's discomfort, to revel in his apparent downfall.

"So, Richard," Esther began, her tone dripping with condescension. "I couldn't help but notice your... new ride. Quite the impressive car you've got there."

Richard resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He knew exactly what Esther was doing—trying to bait him into revealing how he'd acquired such an extravagant vehicle. But he refused to give her the satisfaction of knowing.

"It's a Lamborghini Aventador," he replied casually, deliberately avoiding any mention of the Sign-In system that had gifted him the car. "And yes, it is rather impressive."

Esther's smirk faltered, replaced by a flicker of annoyance. She hadn't expected Richard to be so nonchalant about his newfound wealth, and it was clear that her attempt to rile him up had failed. But she wasn't about to give up that easily.

"And how exactly did you manage to afford such a... luxurious car?" she pressed, her tone bordering on accusatory.

Richard's jaw tightened, his patience wearing thin. He knew Esther was trying to provoke him, but he refused to let her get under his skin. Instead, he kept his expression neutral, refusing to rise to her bait.

"I suppose you'll just have to wonder," he replied coolly. "Some things are best left a mystery."

Esther's eyes narrowed, her lips pursed in frustration. It was clear she wasn't used to being denied answers, especially from someone she considered beneath her. But Richard wasn't about to indulge her ego—not now, not ever.

Before Esther could respond, Richard turned on his heel and walked away, leaving her standing there with her friends, speechless and seething with anger. He could feel their eyes boring into his back as he made his way into the main building, but he refused to look back. He had more important things to focus on than petty squabbles with his ex-girlfriend.

Inside the building, Richard's mind was still reeling from the encounter with Esther. He couldn't believe she'd had the audacity to confront him like that, especially after everything that had happened between them. But he refused to let her ruin his day. He had classes to attend, lectures to absorb, and a future to build.

The rest of the day passed in a blur of lectures and discussions, with Richard throwing himself into his studies with renewed determination. He took notes diligently, absorbed every word the professors said, and participated actively in class discussions. He was determined to make the most of his time at Westlake College, to prove to himself and to others that he was more than just the owner of a fancy car.

As the final class of the day drew to a close, Richard gathered his things and prepared to leave. He was exhausted but satisfied, his mind buzzing with the knowledge he'd gained. He glanced at his watch and realized that he had some time to spare before his next commitment. He decided to take a walk around campus, enjoying the late afternoon sunshine and the feeling of freedom that came with it.

Richard then determined that he was not going to let the past affect him. He was going keep his head high up and face anything.