
Sign In And Become Rich

Jimmy_Young12 · สมัยใหม่
15 Chs


Richard McGregor woke up to the sound of his phone's alarm. The soft glow of morning filtered through the curtains of his new villa. It had only been a day since he moved in, but he was already growing accustomed to the luxury and space.

As he sat up, a notification pinged on his system—his daily Sign-In reward was ready. He couldn't wait to see what the system had in store for him today.With his mind he said 'Sign In', he accessed the Sign-In rewards. A cheerful animation played across the screen, indicating his reward. Today, he was greeted with three red packets. "Red packets? I hope this would be like the first time" he thought, intrigued. He tapped on the first packet to open it.

Congratulations! You've received 75% shares in TerraTech Industries. Check your email for the documents.

Richard's eyes widened, this was better than the other one. TerraTech Industries was a major technology company with a global presence. Owning 75% of the shares made him the largest shareholder. He couldn't believe his luck.

He quickly opened the second packet.

Congratulations! You've acquired the skill: Mastery of Martial Arts. You now possess complete knowledge of all martial arts.

Richard felt a surge of energy course through him. He'd always admired martial arts, but never had the chance to train extensively. Now, he could feel the knowledge and skill within him. This was going to be fun.

Finally, he opened the third packet.

Congratulations! You've received one million dollars. Check your bank account for the deposit.

Richard couldn't help but laugh. A million dollars in a single day? The Sign-In system never ceased to amaze him. He quickly checked his bank account, and sure enough, the deposit was there.

After soaking in the excitement, he decided to head to the gym. It was time to put his new martial arts skills to the test. He changed into workout clothes and drove to a nearby fitness center. The gym was spacious and well-equipped, with various exercise machines and a dedicated area for martial arts training.

At the reception, he signed up for a membership and headed to the training area. There were a few people sparring and practicing various techniques. Richard joined in, stretching and warming up. As he moved through the exercises, he felt the fluidity and precision of his new skill. It was as if he'd been training for years. Other gym-goers watched in awe as he demonstrated flawless forms and techniques.

After a vigorous workout, Richard returned to his villa and took a shower. He decided to go to a restaurant called Golden Pavilion for brunch.

So he took his car, went there and ate. Richard felt a sense of elation as he left The Golden Pavilion. The brunch had gone smoothly. As he stepped into his car, he took a moment to reflect on how much his life had changed. The Sign-In system had transformed him into a multi-millionaire, a villa owner, a master of martial arts, and now a major shareholder in a leading technology company—all in just a matter of days.

He glanced at his system, noticing a new notification. It was a message from the system.

Quest: Use your skills to uncover hidden opportunities within TerraTech Industries.

Richard smirked. The system is pushing him toward new challenges. He wondered what hidden opportunities lay within the company, and what his role as the majority shareholder could reveal.

He decided to take the rest of the day to explore his new surroundings. His villa in The Glenwood Estates was vast and offered numerous amenities. He hadn't had much time to enjoy them yet, so he planned to do just that.

Returning to the estate, he took a leisurely walk around the grounds. The manicured lawns, serene gardens, and private pool areas gave the place a resort-like feel. He was still getting used to the luxury, but he was definitely enjoying it.

As he strolled through the estate, he received a call, from a number he didn't recognize."Hello, this is Richard McGregor," he answered.

"Mr. McGregor, this is Dr. Harlan from TerraTech's research division. I heard you recently acquired a significant stake in the company, and I wanted to personally welcome you. We're working on some exciting projects, and I'd like to invite you to our lab for a tour and a discussion about our latest developments. Would you be interested?"

Richard raised an eyebrow. This sounded intriguing. "Of course, Dr. Harlan. When would be a good time to meet?"

"How about tomorrow morning? I'll send you the details and arrange for transportation.""Sounds good. I'll see you then," Richard replied.

After the call, he returned to his villa and decided to take advantage of the pool. The water was cool and refreshing, and he enjoyed a leisurely swim. As he floated on his back, he couldn't help but think about the upcoming meeting at TerraTech. What kind of projects were they working on? What hidden opportunities would he find?

That evening, Richard relaxed in his luxurious living room, watching the sunset through the large windows. He knew that his journey with the Sign-In system was just beginning, and he was eager to see where it would lead.

The rewards were becoming more significant, and the challenges more complex. But he was ready for whatever came next.

As the night settled in, Richard prepared for the next day's visit to TerraTech. He laid out a sharp suit and set his alarm early. He knew that this meeting could be a turning point, and he wanted to make the most of it.

With the sound of crickets in the distance and the soft glow of the city lights, Richard drifted off to sleep, his mind filled with possibilities and the excitement of new adventures.