
Sigilborne: The Awakening Chronicles

Its been 120 years since the Sigil has appeared, Human have created hierarchy, powerful humans over weaker ones, Stronger the Richer one gets, This is the Story of our MC gains his sigil unaware of its powers, Join the journey where our MC goes through a remarkable journey and creates his dream into a relity.

ArcusDreader · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Chronicles of Sigil-The Forbidden Forest

After the victory against the forces of oppression in Aetheria, Alden's thirst for adventure led him beyond the city walls and into the depths of the Forbidden Forest, a place whispered of in hushed tones and rumored to be home to ancient secrets.

As Alden ventured deeper into the dense foliage of the forest, he felt a sense of unease creeping over him, as if the very trees themselves watched his every move. Yet, fueled by his curiosity and determination, he pressed on, his senses alert for any sign of danger.

As he journeyed further into the heart of the forest, Alden encountered a myriad of fantastical creatures, from mischievous sprites to fearsome dragons that soared through the sky. Each encounter tested his mettle and forced him to rely on his wits and resourcefulness to survive.

But amidst the dangers of the forest, Alden also discovered signs of ancient civilizations long forgotten by the passage of time. Ruined temples lay hidden beneath the tangled undergrowth, their crumbling walls a testament to the grandeur of a bygone era.

Driven by a thirst for knowledge, Alden delved into the depths of these ancient ruins, deciphering cryptic inscriptions and unraveling the mysteries of the past. Along the way, he uncovered artifacts of great power and learned of the legends that had shaped the destiny of the world.

Yet, as Alden delved deeper into the secrets of the Forbidden Forest, he also uncovered a darkness that lurked at its heart—a darkness that threatened to consume him and all that he held dear. For hidden deep within the depths of the forest lay a malevolent force that sought to unleash chaos and destruction upon the world.

With the fate of the world hanging in the balance, Alden knew that he must confront this darkness head-on, armed with nothing but his courage and determination. For in the heart of the Forbidden Forest, where the line between myth and reality blurred, Alden's greatest adventure was about to begin.

HMMH too short but dont worry i got stuff up my sleeve.

ArcusDreadercreators' thoughts