
SIGHTSEER: A Post-apocalyptic World

Zero woke up in the middle of a desolated desert, he doesn't know when it started but he is accompanied by SAI (Systematic Artificial Intelligence) and his fragments of a memory. Zero venture the world, a world different from what he knows. He shall see the world in his eye and judge it based on that. Whenever he understands his adventure or not is up for him to say. Who knows he might discover why he woke up in the desert later on. Update every Saturday (THOUGH I WILL BE HALTING ON UPDATING RIGHT NOW [05/ 02/ 2023], I STILL NEED TO FINALIZE SOME CHAPTERS I HAVE IN STOCK. AND IM KINDA BUSY WITH PERSONAL STUFF.) Hello, I saw some collections today (July 11, 2024) thank you for those peps who find my novel interesting, to those who's wondering if this is a dead novel, no it's not I have stock up until chapter 60 but still need further revision also chapter 1-33 will also undergo changes. However I would still halt myself from publishing those chapters, I would like to focus more on my last years in college, Thesis is coming up. STILL HOPE YOU LIKE MY STORY. (when I start uploading again)

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31 Chs


|Location: City ruins, ???|


I quickly exited the trembling building I was in and ran to see where the explosion had come from. The buildings I had previously seen in the north were gone, and black smoke came out of them while also enclosing the region.

I instinctively jumped to a higher location so that I could see what was going on better. I made an effort to scout and survey the area on my own, but the smoke grew thick and obscured my vision. As soon as I yelled for SAI, I waved my hand.

I told the hologram, "SAI, data," and it immediately gave me what I needed.

[Four life signatures found, triggering acute perception.]

At that very moment, I heard a trinket chiming inside my head, and my sight started to magnify and I could penetrate the smoke.

When I finally got to the end of the scope, I could make out three individuals: two women and a man. One of the individuals appeared to be close to death because she was lying on her back with her back to the ground and barely able to grasp for air. She was accompanied by two other individuals, each of whom wielded a long sword with a single sharp edge. One of them kept watching over the creature's back while the other pointed their sword directly at it. "I assume they are the ones you found to be SAI."


This creature has more robust features than the animaloid form would suggest. Its back is protected by a razor-like scale rather than fur, and its fangs are the size of a human head and covered in acidic saliva. The creature is three times bigger than it, which makes matters worse. I could already tell that there was nowhere else for the people down there to flee as it prepared to attack them. And from where I was, I could feel the animal's bloody glare at its prey, suffocating them with its intense bloodlust. To sum it up, things aren't good for them.

That's what they might feel at the moment, but I felt nothing like concern. Towards them, that is.

However, I did enjoy everything I saw from where I stood. They are the first living things I have encountered, and they have already begun to demonstrate something intriguing.

[Zero notice, based on the previous book acquired, God's Anatomy, the creature ahead is a specimen SK381]

When SAI said that, I had an epiphany. It was as if books started to open one by one inside my head, giving me access to a wealth of knowledge all at once. The creature's lethal structures, skin components, the soft tissue around its belly, and its movement patterns made me feel like I knew everything about that beast.

I don't know what came over me, but based on that information, "sympathetic" came to mind.

Putting that aside, this organism was created through bioengineering by fusing canine DNA with ancient DNA from unknown fossils, which was then incorporated into human genes. The creature is therefore extremely intelligent and environment-adaptive.

My mind briefly strayed because I was so fascinated by the creature, but soon returned to the three other people who were also struggling to the ground. They were in danger if I didn't help them, as evidenced by their blood-stained clothing and trembling in front of the creature. "Hmm, but do I have to save them? I don't even know anyone down there; once more, I do have some questions."

I began contemplating and imagining different methods of approach. from shaking hands when I jump down, landing in front of them. Then what if I walk slowly as I enter the scene? Or what if I suddenly kick the creature and act like I'm passing by? But I can also smash those three and try to converse with the specimen. or I can try to reconcile them.

Numerous ideas popped into my head.

But I'm taking too long to make a decision. When I returned to the scene, the man had moved forward and had attempted to strike the beast, but he had been easily deflected. I twiddled my thumbs and said, "That's to be expected."

He felt his legs and arms tremble, and as far as I can tell, he tried to distance himself from the beast's talons after the beast blocked him with them. allowing himself time to prepare and launch another attack.

Incredibly, he was aware of how undesirable their situation was, but it's still fascinating.

The animal struck without hesitation; the man had a hard time dodging the attack because it appeared as though its claws were moving so quickly. The attack immediately sent him flying. The man's chest was covered in blood as he rolled in the direction of his friends. The creature mocked the man as he struggled to stand on his own, licking its blood-covered claws and grinning. As soon as she saw her friend struggling, the girl standing next to him rushed to help.

The beast suddenly let out a gas that moved in the direction of the opposing party.

When I noticed the two people below started to cough violently while I was still looking down, something there piqued my interest even more. I found it difficult to hide my grin any longer.

The man from before, who could hardly stand after taking the blow, is now standing firmly despite his heavy coughing and blood-drained skin. "SAI, what's that?" she asked, pointing at the girl as her hand started to glow.

The purple gas was immediately dispelled by the wind created by the man's sword swing as he cut it. like a fan blowing smoke.

I merely observed their predicaments and their joy at the strange gas's disappearance.

[Scanning reveals that the girl affects cell regeneration in some way. Close examination is necessary to learn more about what is resonating.]

Even SAI has little to say about it. It appears she knows very little about that phenomenon, so it might be something outside of her comfort zone. Nevertheless, I discovered more justifications for going down to help those three.

SAI turned off the magnification, I see.


I started to smile as widely as I could at that precise moment, from ear to ear. Things began to take an interesting turn. Once more, I can't stop the rush of adrenaline that makes my hands shake wildly, my feet get impatient, and my stomach rumble unconsciously.

"Better get going, then,"

I spoke. I leaped to the ground while firmly holding the mask, landing in front of those three. And judging by the expressions on their faces, they didn't anticipate a visitor.

The man, however, reacted to my sudden appearance by standing in opposition to me and directing his blade in my direction. And well, I'm not that dense to not realize immediately how wary they are.

However, wouldn't he at least allow me to speak before pulling a prank on me? I shifted my focus to the beast at that point.

Of course, I was able to easily block his unexpected sneak attack. I quickly counterattacked, using only my fist and the flat of the sword to kick the man away from me. After making an effort to catch him, the girl let go of him and released a Borealis-like effect that engulfed him. As I continued to observe them, my curiosity grew. I immediately observed the girl carefully.

However, I could still see their labored breathing and their faces continuing to turn pale as the girl continued to emit this strange light, and the bruises the man had sustained completely vanished. It was fatigue that embraced the two.

I assumed it only repaired the injuries they sustained, not their stamina.

The creature tried to launch a surprise attack as it dashed toward me, its claws aiming at me before I could continue to investigate the strange phenomenon.

I sighed in disappointment, saying, "Please, can't I have a moment to watch?"

I instinctively shielded my hands from its mutant claws. I noticed a sensation from it that I had never felt before, and at that precise moment, an idea popped into my head. I'm getting hurt by this thing; a layer of my skin started being torn off by its razor-sharp claws. The beast's head immediately pierced the concrete wall when it made contact with it as I launched it far away.

That should do it, I thought after picking myself up. "Um? Hi, I'm Zero," I said before turning my attention back to those two and the unconscious girl.

To appear friendly, I grinned once more.

Despite my friendly greeting, their pupils shrank, sweat dripped from their brows, and I could feel them trembling as they looked in my direction.

I then heard the beast's snarling sound emanating from my back. Then I understood why they trembled in terror when they looked at me.

I saw a bigger piece of the cement wall fly towards me as the man pointed at me with his shaking finger.

I quickly shifted my body and, with a clenched fist, effortlessly punched it to pieces, only the accompanying dust getting in my eyes. I observed the beast standing there, unaffected by my actions.

I thought, "That exoskeleton must have protected it," and I looked around for something to use to get past its defenses. The only useful item nearby is the man's sword, which I borrowed.


Without paying any more attention to him, I swung the sword as I ran in the direction of the beast. I struck the creature, intending to cut off its head, but it was quick on its feet and managed to quickly put some distance between us. I didn't hesitate and pursued it right away, this time being more accurate with my strike. The fight continued, with me striking the creature repeatedly, thinking, "Wow, this is a good knife." Though it took longer than I anticipated, the beast eventually realized that every time it thwarted my attack, it had gradually dulled and cut its razor-sharp claws. I observed the beast turning vicious.

When it realized what I had done, it began to screech loudly, filling the entire ruin with its loud voice and nearly blowing our ears out of their sockets because I was in front of it. Its raucous sound started to negatively affect me. I clamped my hand over the sword and struck with all of my might, slicing the blade toward its neck. Moreover, it was too late for it to respond.

I yelled at the top of my lungs, "SHUT IT!"

Ironically, from my strike, a strong force suddenly burst forth, unleashing a massive shock wave that rendered me speechless. The best and nearby structures were destroyed by the slash made by the broken sword in my hand. The massive tremor it generated caused the nearby buildings to quake and begin to fall. Before the buildings could bury us, I quickly snatched the three people.

I told the guy, "Hold onto me, and don't let go."

I immediately began running away from the ruins before he could finish his sentence.


We manage to escape completely.

I feel bad as I look at the once-enchanting ruins of an ancient city that are now crumbling in front of me.

I set the final two on the ground next to one another. They appear to be unable to process what has happened based on how speechless they are, and all I can do is do what I do best. I was hoping to brighten the mood after that eventful encounter.

I unmasked myself and smiled more broadly. They didn't say anything; they just stared at me strangely. However, I continued to smile. I wish they wouldn't take this as something bad anymore.

I noticed how the man looked at me nervously as he spoke with his trembling voice.

"W-Who are y-you?"

"Me? Zero."
