

Sierra was born a poor woman in a village in Plython. She was made a slave and treated indecently in the kingdom of Plython. Her life was unexpectedly so sadistic and tragic. Her only son was murdered by the King of Plython. Anger and vengeance raged within her to overthrow the throne of King Plython and destroy the Plython Kingdom. Ten years after Sierra disappeared, the whole kingdom was shocked when she arrived. Sierra had been consumed by the red magic of anger and vengeance. The higher the level of Sierra's anger the greater the magic she has, it can be fatal.

plfy · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

The Red Magic of Death

Orsh was startled when he heard a violent explosion from the direction of the Leviathan Sea. He stared intently at the old urn in front of him. His eyes rounded at the sight of Lalitha transforming into a Siren and Sierra transforming into a monster, the woman's face looking terrifying. The red aura she had was getting bigger and so was Lalitha, the girl with the white aura kept holding back from hurting Sierra with her magic. The waves were rising higher and higher, boom after boom kept screeching.

"That woman's red aura is getting stronger. The three auras in Plython's world are becoming more and more visible. This woman is one of the three strongest auras, including Lalitha. I have to get her." Orsh said with a grin.

Orsh was instantly shocked as the water in the jar sprayed onto his face. He groaned in the heat, his skin burning. He screamed at the top of his lungs, until the jar suddenly shattered. Orsh panicked even more, he let out a rough sigh.

Orsh ran to grab the wand hanging on the other side of the door. The old woman hurriedly came out of the hut and closed the door of the old hut. She summoned her dragon named Airs. A dragon with rough dark green scales with deep dark green eyes, wings so wide they stretch with two small horns, pointed ears with sharp teeth, it looks terrible.

"Now go to the high cliffs of the Leviathan sea!" Orsh ordered after boarding his dragon Airs.


Sierra's anger was getting the better of her. From the top of the cliff, she stared intently at Lalitha who was sitting on the edge of the cliff. The Siren's tail fin was oozing fresh blood, apparently wounded.

"Sierra! Stop!" shouted Lalitha.

"I'm not stopping until my son returns!" Sierra retorted.

"You're only hurting yourself! Hold your temper or it will all be fatal!" Lalitha kept reminding Sierra, but the woman remained adamant that she wanted her son back.

"Enough! I've been silent all this time! I've been tormented as a slave!" Sierra continued to rebel. I don't know what possessed her to be so ferocious.

Sierra's red magical energy grew even bigger. Her legs turned into membranes with sharp, pointed nails. Her body rose into the air while making a large circle in her left hand. Her eyes remained fixed on Lalitha. Lalitha didn't know what else to do. She couldn't resuscitate Sierra for now.

"Hold your temper, Sierra! You'll kill me!" Lalitha shouted. "Or I'll kill you first!"

Sierra ignored Lalitha's words. The red circle on her left hand was getting bigger. Lalitha was surprised as the red circle grew larger with the spirits of darkness enveloping it. She realized that it was the magical power of the three strongest mystical auras in the land of Plython.

"It's the red magical power of death." Lalitha emphasized with rounded eyes as if surprised.

"LALITHA STOP!" shouted Lalitha loudly.

Lalitha's gaze shifted to Orsh who was heading through the air towards her. Lalitha felt a little saved, but she hoped it wasn't too late. From a distance, Orsh looked shocked by Sierra's growing magical power. "This woman is no ordinary human, she is one of the cursed evil spirits who harbors so much anger. Those evil spirits have really gotten the better of her."

"Granny Orsh! Please stop Sierra! This woman has gone completely mad! She didn't think of the fatal things that would happen if she unleashed the red death magic! That woman's mind is gone!" railed Lalitha.

Lalitha was shocked with rounded eyes as Sierra threw the red death magic at Lalitha. Without thinking, Lalitha jumped from the top of the high cliff to the sea floor away from Sierra's magical power. The waves pounded even harder. The sea water was rising. The rain was getting heavier with a loud clap of thunder.

Orsh rushed with his dragon Airs toward the suddenly weakened Sierra. He saved the woman who was about to fall from the hard blow of the red magical death. Orsh was still thinking, if he needed Sierra for his plan. He didn't bother looking for the red magical aura anymore. The old woman flew on her dragon to carry Sierra away from the high cliffs of the Leviathan Sea.

Suddenly a huge boom was heard from the direction of the Leviathan Sea which caused the sea water to rise and triggered a tsunami which was not too big because the red magical power was not yet perfect. The wind blew us strong with smog. The sound of the boom continued to echo all the way to Plython.

From the kingdom of Plython, King Plython immediately stood up from his throne when he heard the loud boom. He felt an unusual aura, as his body became redder and hotter. "The red magical aura is out."
