
Truth be told

T.W. Mention of Murder, arrest and blood. If these things trigger you please skip or read up to the flashback.

Thank you <333

Damiens POV

"ORDER, ORDER IN THE COURT!" The judge yelled.

"The jury and I find the defendent...GUILTY OF ALL CHARGES!"

The room was filled with yells and cries. I looked over to my mother. Her head in her hands and cries escaping her lips.The tears she she'd were my fault.She cried because of me. She cried because of what I was excused of.

"Damien hand over your badge and wait over there to be escorted to Prison. Your sentence is life with a chance of parole for murder and man slaughter."

My blood boiled. He believed the lies over the truth. No one cared about what I had to say and it did not matter how many times I tried to explain it. No one believed me. Except my mother. My whole family had sided against me. Even my own father and my siblings. My mother stood by me the whole time. Even when the paparazzi crowded her for a statement or a photo, she stayed. Now I was disappointing her. Would she start to believe the lies to? Would she join the rest of my family in hating me?

Two guards came and handcuffed me. Its wierd to think that that used to be my job. Putting criminals in jail and handcuffing the guilty. Now I was going to be taken away to a place where I had put people in. It's like Karma in a wierd way. This world discipling me for something I can't remember doing.

I walked over to the exit with two men holding my arms. We walked down the front steps of the court room then down a small path leading to a car park. There was a few paparazzi waiting but security guards were pushing them back, not letting a single photographer through. All of them begging for pictures.

A jet black van stood on the road. A few guards surrounded it and bright orange fences were placed to stop the public from running to me. The doors of the van opened and I was pushed inside. The handcuffs stopping my movement.

Oh how my life would be different if I had listened to Jay. If only.


"Dude I'm telling you it's a set up!" Jay yelled as I grabbed my belt and put it on."Really you are falling for a trap!"

"I'm doing my job" I replied coldly filling my gun with a magazine.

"Damien think about it! That's Charles Rode your going up against. Yes we have evidence that he could be serial killer  but no one in the world knows that except us! He is rich like extremely rich and will put your ass in jail for trying to arrest him"

There was a part of me that agreed with him but I had been chasing this case for months. A 15 year old girl was found dead in her home. The maid found her and called tye police immediately. It was hard to hear what she was saying as she did not speak English but in the end we got a translator. We got there and to our surprise the maid had spread the gossip to neighbours who had all come to see. The body was taken away to be examined.The unusual thing that turned up was that there was no cause of death. We were unable to find anything. Not even bruises, cuts or fingerprints that could lead to a suspect. A few guys and I investigated the case for ages until it ran cold. Well that was until we received a tip telling us the girl had been poisoned. The case was re opened and woke started again.We did every poison test over and over again but they were all negative. I was feeling disappointed and annoyed at myself. Everytime I looked over the case my mind went foggy and I became even more confusedthan before. I was busy drinking my problems away in my living room when I got a call. A call from a seriously pissed (if you are not English this means drunk) Charles Rode. He told me about a experimental drug he was testing on random people. The drug obviously failed and killed the girl. He confessed everything right there but nothing was recorded. Not a single word or phase. He even told me all of his victims names and I stood there paralysed, making now effort to move. I was afraid if I moved he would stop talking. My body heated up with rage like a wildfire. I ran to my office to grab my things. That's when I met Jay and when he tried to convince me to stay over an over again.

End of flashback

Tanya's POV

The rain was pouring as I made my way into my cell. I had just seen the warden regarding my behaviour. He was definitely not happy and I could feel the  disappointment radiating of him. It was only 6:00 but the sky was pitch black and filled with small stars. I hopped onto my bed and my body became limp. I fell onto the bed feeling the metal strings of my old mattress. Hoping if I closed my eyes it would magically become more comfortable. The night took over me as I closed my eyes and fell asleep to the sound of sirens and cell doors rattling.

Another day, another cell mate. After beating up the other for spreading rumours about me, I was expecting someone new to live with today. Mabye this time they would listen to my clear and set out rules.

1. My stuff is not your stuff.

2. Take anything from me and you won't survive Prison.

3. Don't talk to me anywhere expect the cell. I don't like people.

4. Most importantly, I am not your friend. You won't get special treatment.

See? Easy rules! And I even spent time to write it out neatly. Ungrateful bitch.

I looked at my self in the mirror trying to look intimidating for my new cell mate. My short brown hair was dirty and desperately needed a wash, the orange jumpsuit was doing nothing for me and my eyes looked tired. Just like always. I would do anything for a small bottle of concealer at this point. And I mean literally anything. It could cover up everything that need to be kept hidden. Even if it was for a couple moments till you washed it off.

Authors Note:

Hii reader! How are you? Do you like our main characters? Well I hope you do. I can't wait for the drama that is about to come!

Have an amazing day/night!


-Caroline <33