
Sick Fantasy

Roses are red, so is blood. To what is more dangerous than hatred would be love. A clear sky with no cloud in sight, could turn into a raging hell storm over night. But why the obsession, why the storm? Read right now to learn more...

Sora_Gemini · วัยรุ่น
13 Chs

Chapter 11: Date

It was a Saturday afternoon, I arrived at the mall a hour earlier than the actual meeting time. I wanted to look like I'm capable a person. But when I got there, I saw Angelo already standing next to the arcade entrance where we agree to met up.

BASTARD! You deliberately wanted to one up me, didn't you!?

"Hi Sage~ you're here already?" Angelo said with his angelic smile.

"I wanted to come a hour early." I stated.

Angelo had his hair slicked back with a black headband. He wore a white high neck sweater, white tight jeans, black leather jacket and a pair of black sneakers.

He definitely looked like he's going on a date, meanwhile for me on the other hand.

I wore a plain blue shirt, black sweat pants, a black beanie and some worn out red sneakers.

I looked like some homeless guy you see across the street.

"Come on, since were both here early. We might as well enjoy ourselves." Angelo said as he took my hand walked me through the mall.

This felt strange, Angelo didn't say anything about my appearance. I thought he might've been disappointed, but he just seemed happy to for me being with him.

Through a few hours, me and Angelo watched a movie, played at the arcade, and stopped by at cafe. It was nice, but I couldn't shake away my insecurities about my choice of dressing.

What was I thinking? I should've dressed more nicer, this is the first time dating someone after all.

"Hey, if you don't mind. I would like to go somewhere this date is over. Is that okay?" Angelo said so sweetly.

"Where to?" I asked.

Angelo smiled at me. "To a clothes store."


What was he planning? Was he going to show off that he has a better fashion taste than me? If he does I'll punch him.

We walked into a surprisingly luxurious clothes store. I immediately felt nervous as I sense the the intensity of unwanted gazes on me. I didn't what to do, I felt scared for being judged. But then Angelo held my hand and rubbed his thumb over the back of my hand.

I stared up at him to see him looking at woman clothing. I turned my gaze at clothes prices and I thought my heart stopped. Theses prices were absolutely ridiculous, who pay that much money on stupid pieces of cloth.

Angelo grabbed a shirt and faced it in front of me. "This colour really suits you, want to try it on?"


After that Angelo grabbed some pants, shoes, a jacket and a hat.

"Try them on, wearing them won't hurt you." Angelo said as he placed the clothes he chose in my arms and pushed into the nearest changing booth.

He's right but I felt uncomfortable wearing some like this.

The shirt was a light violet colour, made by silky soft fabric. The pants were some long black cargo pants. The shoes were black and purple sneakers. The jacket was a black blazer. And finally the hat was a fedora with a purple stripe on it.

I walked out of the changing booth and I saw Angelo surrounded by a crowd of girls. I would've felt hurt if I never been in the same school as Angelo. Angelo Vice; the guy with an angel face and assumed innocent personality, one of the top students of our year, and one of the most attractive guys in our entire school.

Honestly, I'm surprised girls only showed up until now. But in the end, it doesn't matter.

I pushed through the crowd and grabbed Angelo's hand. Angelo immediately glared but soften his gaze when he realized it was me. I held back my smirked when I saw the growing blush across his face. I then pulled Angelo out of the crowd and pulled him to my side.

"Sorry ladies~ sadly this man is already taken." I said as I hugged Angelo's arm.

"Aw~" the girls moaned as they eventually walked away.

When the girls were finally gone I let go Angelo, only to have Angelo embraced me while he buried his face into my neck. I could feel the heat from Angelo's face against my cheek. I could only imagine Angelo did this to hide his blushing mess.

"I thought you looked lovely before... but now you're absolutely stunning." Angelo whimpered, it gave chills up and down my spine.

"Wow... that was really cheesy." I laughed.

Angelo let's me go before he walk me to cashier, he said he was going to buy my clothes. But I immediately attempted to stop him not to when I learned the actual price. Again I repeat, I attempted to stop him but I failed miserably.

"That price is ridiculous."

"There's no price that worth more than anything other than you."

"But I wouldn't be able to pay you back."

"Whoever said you need to pay me back? I giving you this as a gift, there's no need for pay back."

"But this is far too nice for someone like me!"

"Someone as yourself doesn't matter, because personally I wished I could give you more."

"But what if I lose it or it gets stolen? Than you spend all that money for nothing."

"If you do happened to misplaced it, than I just have to simply replace it. And if you misplaced it twice than I'll have to give several pairs."


"No matter how many excuses your pretty head come up with, I refuse to stand down. So you might as well give up your advances."

"I... okay."