
Chapter 18 ~ Create Memories with Forever


After having a delicious dinner with my grandparents, I focus back on my book and I can feel the hours passing by. Suddenly, someone touches my shoulder and I look up, locking with Draven's silver eyes.

He is wearing a navy blue hoodie, jeans and black sneakers. I quickly take my earbuds out of my ears.

''Hey, I thought you were in Allentown.'' Not that I mind him being here.

''I decided to come here.'' He glances around, taking in his surroundings. ''Nice room.''

''Thank you.'' I put my phone down and stand up. ''How did you get in here?''

''Your grandparents let me in. They're going to the neighbors.''

''Oh, you met Gramps?''

''Yeah, he is nice. He was happy when I told him that I am studying law.'' His eyes are shining in amusement.

''Gramps is always happy when someone is studying the same course as he did.'' I giggle.

Gramps wanted me to study law as well, but I told him it was not my thing. He even said he will pay me for it, but I still refused.

As I stand up, I notice the scar below his eye and trace it with my thumb. ''How did this happen? Did your father do something?''

He sighs. ''Actually that's what I wanted to talk about.''

I can feel the panic spreading over my body and gulp. ''What happened?''

He sits on the bed and I join him. ''My dad and I got into a fight. For a moment, I thought that he wanted me to come to celebrate the holidays with him, but he wanted me to study for my upcoming exams and tests. When I refused, he punched me. I pushed him, then sprinted to my car and drove away.''

''Are you okay?'' I place my arm on his shoulder, but he pulls me on his lap and wraps his arms around me.

''I am okay now.'' He nuzzles his face in my neck. ''I have never stood up against my dad. I am so scared.''

''I totally understand,'' I kiss the fresh scar. ''Do you want a bandage? Painkillers or ice?''

''I will clean the cut.''

''I will do it for you.'' I tell him and stand up to get the first-aid kit from the sink in my bathroom. I dab some alcohol on the wound and some iodine on it. I am about to put the kit back in the bathroom, but he grips my wrist and takes the kit from my hand to put it on my nightstand.

His lips collide with mine and he places me back on his lap. To my surprise, my hands go under the fabric of his shirt, sliding my hands from his abdomen and stomach to his chest. Draven takes his shirt off and tosses it on the floor.

This is the second time I have seen him with his shirt off, but now it's different. I don't want to run away this time. I examine all the scars on his body. He has one on his abdomen, stomach and two on his chest. I leave kisses on every single scar, making him groan. I wish I could take his pain away, but it's not possible. Scars are permanent. The only thing I can do, is lessen it.

I can feel the adrenaline rushing through my body and don't miss a single scar or wound on his body and face with my lips and tongue. He knots his fingers in my hair, pulling me back and tugs at my shirt to take it off.

I am left in my bra and my shorts, and we fall onto the mattress. Never had I thought that I would go so far with a guy. I arch my back, so he can take off my bra.

''Are you okay?'' He asks before taking it off.

''I am good.'' I tell him, which makes him smile and unhooks my bra, falling over my arms. There are no nightmares, insecurity or scary thoughts, because the only thing I can think of is that I want him so much. I am ready to take the next step with him.

I have waited long enough. I have made him wait for so long and he is still here with me. It means so much to me, because most guys only want sex from girls, but he waited for me.

The touching of our skins and chests brings tingles between my legs. My hands wrap around his neck to decrease the gap between us. I open my legs and he falls between them. He laces my fingers with his, squeezing it and pins them to the sides of my head as our lips connect.

He slips a finger inside of me. ''Do you want to stop?''

''I don't ever want to stop.'' I whisper, arching my back in pleasure and shut my eyes. I rock my hips against his hand when his hand disappears between my legs, while he is sucking on a nipple. I want more than this, I can't think of anything else.

He slips his finger out. ''Tell me to stop.'' He breathes against my lips.

''Don't stop, please. I want you Draven. All of you.'' I moan.

His pupils are dilated when I open my eyes. ''Are you sure?''

''Yes.'' I nod, pressing a kiss on his jaw.

He takes my panties and then his jeans and boxers.

''I have to tell you something first,'' He says when he grabs the condom from his pocket and I frown. ''I am a virgin.''

''Really?'' I ask surprised.

''Yeah, I always wanted to do this with someone I actually care about.'' He informs me and I am glad to be that person for him. ''I am going slow with you.''

''Okay.'' I mutter and he plants a kiss on my neck, making me forget the last part he told me. He kisses me with so much passion and depth, that I forget everything and the only thing that matters is him and I.

I secure my arms around him and move my arms around his neck. I can feel the anticipation flowing over my body. I feel the moisture of his tongue in my mouth and collect every second of this moment. When his hips surge forward, I can feel him inside of me and it slightly hurts.

''Are you okay? Can I move?'' His voice is shaky and hesitant.


I clung onto his warm rough skin and focus on the upcoming pleasure. He pushes back into me and I hiss at the pain. It stings a little and it feels a little uncomfortable, but I would take the pain over and over again to feel this moment. The more he thrusts inside of me, the more I want him to move.

I feel like time has frozen as he moves in and out of me. His jaw is clenched and his eyes are shut, focusing to not hurt me what only makes me care about him more. He caresses my cheek and clamps his lips on mine again. I can feel my body opening up for him and there is this new feeling inside of me.

We don't need to talk, because our silence and movements are communicating. The pain is replaced with pleasure and desire. At this moment, Draven means everything to me than anyone else in this whole world. Our bond has become stronger and deeper. Our bodies are sweating and I know that we have almost reached our limit of intoxication and addiction for each other. With one last rock, he rolls back on his back, taking me in his arms.


We have both lost our virginity and I don't regret it for a second. I have felt the intensity and depth of our bond in this moment, but I have also felt the trust. Shaina looked at me with trust, because she knows that I will never ever hurt her. Nobody has ever made me feel this way before.

As I thrust inside, I kiss her with every emotion I feel at this moment with so much fierce and passion. Her eyes are glossy and her pupils are so amplified that I can barely see the blue shade. Her lips are slightly parted and her hair is spread across the pillow. No matter what happens to us in the future, but this moment will always be precious to me. It's a moment where I have reborn and learned to be happy. It's a moment filled with hope.

She arches her back, moans and gasps when she rocks along with my movements. I hate the barrier of condom between us, because I want to feel her, make her mine in every way possible. I don't know if there will be forever for us, but the moment gives me hope. This moment can be the beginning of our forever.

When I release my hold, my hands massage her breasts and I admire the skin of her collarbone and neck with my tongue, feeling the rush of heat and blood beneath the surface. She leaves a trail of her tongue on each of my scars and I lose my control. Her moans fill my desires and I join her on the bed. The moment is irrevocable and I will never be able to let her go.

''Are you okay?'' I finally ask her, combing my fingers through her hair.

''I feel more than okay.'' She traces the tattoos and scars on my stomach, leaving a kiss on them.

It's dark when I look at the window. It must be midnight. She rolls onto her side and I roll towards her, burying my face in her neck and my body pressed against hers. Her body is sweaty like me, but warm and comforting.

''I am going to end this thing with my dad, Shaina. I can't do it anymore. I am done with him.'' He whispers.

''If that's what you want, then I am supporting you.'' She brings my arms around her. It's comforting to sleep with someone like this and soon my mind drifts off to sleep.