
Chapter 17 ~ Going back Home


The next morning I wake up in Draven's arms. He is holding me tight and my arms are wrapped around his waist. I stare up at the ceiling with my mind drifting off. Next week winter break will start and I hope that Draven is coming home with me. Not because I want him for myself, but because I want him to be happy and celebrate the holidays with a family. A family that actually cares about him and where he feels loved.

Granny was right. I am going to bring a boy home. Not sure if he is my boyfriend, but he means more to me than a friend.

''Hey, what's wrong?'' He asks, staring at me.

''Nothing.'' I shrug it off.

''I know it's not nothing. Tell me.'' He insists.

''It's nothing serious.'' I promise him, but he doesn't look convinced. I give him a peck on the cheek.

''Do you want me to drive you home?'' He offers.

''What about Maira?'' I glance at her and she is still sleeping on the couch next to Allison.

''She will be fine, she has her own car.'' He assures me and we exit the house. As I am about to climb in the car, his phone rings and he frowns.

''Do you mind if I take this? You can sit in the car.''

I nod, unsure who it is and climb in. ''Sure.''

I wonder who he is talking to, but it's actually none of my business. God, I am so nosy sometimes.

He steps in the car and starts the engine.

''I can't celebrate the holidays at your house.'' He says, raking a hand through his hair and looks a little frustrated.

I peer over my shoulder at him. ''Why not?''

''It was my dad. He wants me to come home for Christmas, so I can study more. I can't refuse him. I would love to come with you, but I can't.''

''No, it's fine.'' I tell him. I don't want him to get hurt because of me.

''I just need to handle it. I have been dealing with this for six years.'' He adds.

''Why don't you tell someone?'' I ask.

''Why didn't you tell someone about your mom?'' He fires back and I look down in shame, feeling the tears coming.

He realizes and looks devastated. ''Fuck, I am sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that.''

''I didn't tell anyone, because I didn't have any proof against my mother. I was just ten years old.'' I mutter.

''I know and I am sorry. I didn't mean it like that.'' He brings my hand to his lip, while the other is on the steering wheel.

During our walk to the dorms, we are quiet. Even though he apologized, I still feel a little guilty that I never told anyone about my problems. Someone could have helped me, but I didn't. Instead I hurt myself and kept blaming my mother for years.

I am about to turn the knob, but Draven places his hand on top of mine, stopping me.

''Hey, I am so sorry about what I said. I didn't mean it.'' Hurt is in his eyes and I don't want him to feel guilty.

''Don't be sorry, you're right. I should have talked to someone about it. Maybe the pain would have been less. I still blame my mom for my problems.''

He lifts my chin up. ''Stop. Don't say things like that. Like you said, you were just ten years old. You couldn't have done anything and your mom is guilty for what she did to you.''

''Draven, it's-'' I am cut off by Draven's lips sealing on mine, making me suck in a breath. He slides his tongue in my mouth, deepening the kiss and groans.

He pulls away. ''I'll see you later.'' He says, while I am left in a blushing mess.


Maira wakes me up by shaking my shoulders. It has been a week since I last saw Draven and he has been a little nervous lately, because we haven't gotten our grades for the history test yet. Now winter break has started and I am going to visit my grandparents. I have missed them.

Draven told me that he lives in Allentown, which is one and a half hour away from my home town.

''Hey, good morning.'' Maira greets me with a smile and gives me a latte.

''Morning, thank you,'' I say, sitting up and take the latte from her hands. ''I thought you were heading home this afternoon.''

She is already dressed and ready to go. ''I am, but I am dropping Lilly off at her parents in Lancaster and from there I am driving to Allentown, so I had to wake up early.''

I sip on my straw and ask. ''And the rest of the group?''

''Bryson is going to Pittsburgh with Oliver and Allison is driving to Hershey.'' She informs me as she sits on her bed.

''So, you're going with Draven to your grandparents?'' Perhaps Draven told her.

''No, he is just dropping me off at my grandparents' house.''

''Sounds great.'' She finishes her coffee and closes her bag.

''How are you going to celebrate the holidays?''

''I am going to visit my sister.''

''And your parents?''

She gulps with her look hard and icy. ''My parents don't want to talk to my sister and I want to celebrate the holidays with her. It's a long story.'' She dismissed the conversation. It's clear that she doesn't want to talk about it.

''Call me if you need anything. My phone is on.'' She tells me, slinging her bag over her shoulders.

''I will, enjoy.''

''You too.'' She smiles and leaves the room.


Draven drops me off at my hometown and goes directly to Allentown. After I ring the doorbell, Granny opens the door with a grin on her face and she has her expensive cashmere scarf draped around her upper body. Gramps gave her the scarf on her sixtieth birthday.

''Shaina, I am so happy to see you. I have missed you so much.'' She pulls me into an embrace.

''I have missed you too.'' I smile back at her. I take my shoes off and I can smell the strawberry candles. Granny is very fond of candles.

''Jaxon, Shaina is here.'' Granny announces.

Gramps enters the living room and hugs me. ''Hey kiddo, how are you?''

''I am good, how are you?''

''Busy, but good.'' He beams at me.

''You look so happy.'' Granny says, running a hand through my hair. ''You are glowing.''

I don't know how to respond, so I give her an appreciative smile. Granny has already chicken, sausage and white bean stew, my favorite.

''I have also made my famous chocolate cake.'' She notices me eyeing at the table.

''You're amazing.'' I tell her.

She turns on the radio. ''By the way, we should go to the beauty salon to get our hair and nails done.''

''Granny you know I don't do these things.''

''Oh come on, Shaina. I have missed you.''

''Me too, but let's do something else.''

She knows that I don't like to dress up, but she thinks it makes me more girly. On my sixteenth birthday, she wanted to organize a birthday party and invite everyone from school, but that's the last thing I wanted. I didn't want her to know that I am a defective weirdo, who can't make friends. Somehow I made up an excuse that I didn't want a birthday party.

''Granny, I am going to my room.'' I inform her.

''But you have just arrived here.'' My grandma protests.

''Rachella, let the girl be.'' Gramps says, without taking his eyes off of the television.

''Thanks, Gramps.''

He raises his thumb up and I head to my room. My room still looks the same with the white walls, my Apple computer, my light purple dresser, my wooden book shelf and my big bed covered in a red silk sheet. Granny must have made the bed, because the last time I left, there were light blue sheets. I don't have any posters of my favorite celebrities or movies like other teenagers. I am more into books than television or movies.

I take a book out from the shelf and sit on the bed with my earbuds in. Unfortunately, I can't focus on reading, because my mind dozes off to Draven. I hope his father doesn't hurt him.

What would it be like if we were in an actual relationship? Draven would be my first boyfriend in my whole life. It sounds crazy that I could ever have a boyfriend.