
Should I not tell?

Han Marie just wants to find the scent of her first love and meets Jil Eunsool who helps her in tough times but no too long Jin Noel her first love enters their life and a whole new story unfolds

Chinonye_Ezeoke · สมัยใหม่
9 Chs

Trouble in the office 1

Marie usually goes to get coffee with Ye lin before work hours begin as she was getting her order, a man came from nowhere and held her on the shoulder.

"You look just like my daughter but your actually more prettier"

"sorry but I'm sure your daughter is the pretty one "

she removed his hand went to her table and sat with ye lin , she gave her the coffee.

"what took you so long?"

"they were some bugs at the counter, I had to take care of them "

" you mean those old men, they never seem to get it, so what was their excuse this time?"

" the classic daughter lookalike"

"I thought they really improved, always looking for young girls to use"

"thankfully I showed them their place"

Eunsool was sitting with his colleagues at the end of the café. Sun bae, the guy who Marie had a thing with came over to their table after sighting her from the entrance, he had received a lot of shame for Marie every time she told him off so he began to put up an act.

"Marie, you thought I was some poor loser and dumped me every time I ask you out but the tables have turned and now I'm no longer that poor man you once looked down on"

Marie couldn't care less about what he said.

"wow good for you"

"I remember when you gave me a chance with you and after spending my money on you, you left me for another guy who was more richer and handsome"

everyone at the café started murmuring and saying all sorts of words with her name, Marie stood and defended herself.

"why don't just stop lying and tell everyone the truth"

"what truth , this is the truth"

Ye lin stood up to defend Marie.

"sun bae, who is that guy that you said she left you for huh"

"how am I supposed to know, we started hanging out and suddenly she stop meeting and didn't answer my phone calls since then"

Marie couldn't take the lies sun bae was talking about and she tried to defend herself again suddenly someone in the café shouted "slut!"

Ye lin dragged Marie out of the café, she didn't want sun bae to humiliate any further.

Eunsool overhead the conversation but he didn't care because she wasn't to him, he excused himself from his friend and went to the bathroom, he saw sun bae kissing another girl.

"isn't it that guy who created a scene earlier, what's he doing with another girl"

The girl asked sun bae when they would go for their 2 year anniversary.

"I couldn't care less about Marie and her love life but this guy is a scumbag he deserves what's coming"

he took a video of them and left to meet his colleagues soon after her left.

After work hours, he went to look for Marie at her office but unfortunately he ran into sun bae, sun bae asked who he was looking for but eunsool didn't talk to him and continued walking, sun bae hurt at eunsool attitude towards him and took a picture of him secretly and posted it as marie's rich and handsome boyfriend. eunsool didn't find so he left to catch up with his colleagues and ran a few errands before coming back to the office to find her but he couldn't find her, he continued searching until he found her working, she looked tired and weak he rushed and dragged her away from her desk.

"why are you still working by this time!"

"it's sun bae, he lied to our boss and she punished me and now I have to work over time"

"that guy has too far, don't worry I'll help you"

they finished the work and it was already late, they headed for the elevator to the leave the office but suddenly the power went out and the elevator stopped.

Marie had a phobia of dark places so she cuddled up in the corner and kept quiet, eunsool was looking for a way to get out and noticed that she hasn't said a word since he went to ask her why she wasn't talking, she was shivering so he tried to comfort. a bright light quickly lit up and went off, eunsool stood up to check where the light came from he removed the elevator panel and saw that the wires weren't tampered with, he then opened the roof of the elevator and took a rusted iron piece and cut the rope, he jumped down and held marie tightly, the elevator fell and crashed to the ground, he forced the door open and they both went out.

he checked his phone and it was already 10:00pm .

"hey, what time does your estate close"

"around 9:00pm"

"it's too late, the only place left is my house"

"I'll have to go since I don't have a choice"

They arrived at his house and he gave her drugs to calm her down.

"umm, I would like to take a shower"

" the bathroom is upstairs to your right the second door and the next door is the bedroom"

she went to take a shower to while he went to prepare dinner. Marie finished bathing went into the room he told her.

"this looks like eunsool's room, it really clean but what would I wear?"

she went to hi closet and took a white t-shirt and laid it on the bed.

"now that I have what to wear I need a hairdryer my hair is dripping even after drying it with a towel"

she looked for the dryer but didn't see it

"I have to where it like this and ask him where it is"

the water was dripping from her hair on her body and made it transparent. eunsool's shirt was big on her because he had broad shoulders and the shirt stopped at her thighs, she wasn't wearing any undies under the shirt so she was feeling uncomfortable.

she went downstairs to thank him, he was about serving her plate.

"eunsool, thank you for everything"

then he turned around to notice her, he looked up and saw her, she was looking so sexy, her nipples were standing out and her curves were made visible plus the scent she emites after her bathe and her posture topped it all up. she had big voluptuous breasts and a nice figure.

She was embarrassed because of the way he was staring at her then she interrupted him.

"why are you staring at me"

"(I didn't notice that I was staring so much but she's so damn sexy, I have to control myself but the face she's putting I can't help but to tease her)"

he came closer to her and she retarded as he came closer until she got the wall, he pinned her to the wall.

"what do you think I'm going to do?"

"I - I don't know"

she turned her face away.

"why are you hiding your face , you're really pretty"

he turned her face towards him and brushed her hair aside then he leaned in to kiss her, they face almost touching.

"(wh- what is he doing, his is to close what should I do)"

"Pfft, hahahaha"

"what are you laughing?"

"you thought I was actually going to kiss you, you should have seen your face"

"you jerk!"

she stomped on him and sat down, she was looking flushed, eunsool sat down.

"I can't believe it, your face is bright red"

"enough of this joke, I want to borrow your hairdryer, where is it?"

"it's in the drawer in the closet, you can go to bed straight away"

"your not coming?"

he gave a slight grin.

"want me to join you?"

she was a little flushed .

"stop teasing me, I've had enough of you for today ,I'm off to bed"

she went to the room and dried her hair, she looked around the room, it was just like him, she lay down on the bed. eunsool finished cleaning and went to the balcony to enjoy the night breeze, he brought out a cigarette and lighter from his pocket and started smoking.

Marie stood up from the bed she couldn't sleep, she began to roam the room and searched through his stuff and saw a small teddy bear , it had a soothing rose scent emitting from it, she took the teddy and cuddled it , she still didn't feel sleepy and went to look for eunsool at the dinning but he wasn't there, she saw the balcony door open and went closer she could perceive the smell of smoke, she went towards the smell of the smoke , it was eunsool smoking.

"eunsool, you smoke?"

he turned towards her and turned back ,he didn't say a word.

"I don't like those who smoke , it irritates me"

"but it calms me down"

"if you must smoke, don't do it here"

"then where should I do it, this my house"

he notices her holding a teddy.

"where did you get this from?"

he collected it immediately from her.

"I found it so give it back"

he raised the teddy higher.

"come get it"

she jumped high but couldn't reach it.

"your too short"

she couldn't get the teddy and she hated the grin on his face, she wanted to get back at him, she took the cigarette from his hand and put it in her mouth.

"(what are you going to now I have your cigarette)"

she smirked, he stared at her and she wondered why he was staring at her then she realized that the cigarette had just been in his mouth.she immediately threw it out of her mouth and spat out the taste while he was laughing at her.

"I thought you don't smoke "

"enough! this is too much for one night, let's go to bed"

she drags him to the room.

"how do you want to arrange the sleeping positions"

"I sleep on the bed and you on the floor"

"this is my house I can't sleep on the floor"

"that's not my problem, I'm sleeping on the bed"

"then I'll go to the next room"

"wait! I'll sleep on the floor so don't leave"

"are you scared?"

"I'm not scared! it's just - -"

"just what?"

"I can't really say"

"I won't force you but I won't let you sleep on the floor"


he brought out a futon and laid on the ground and they slept"

The next morning, she woke up and took her shower, she didn't have what to wear so she wore the clothes she wore yesterday. she went down and made breakfast and woke eunsool up, she went downstairs and started eating. he took his bathe and tied a towel round his waist and used another towel to dry his hair and came downstairs.

"what's for breakfast?"

"oh, your done this is yours"

she turned and looked up at him to give him his plate, she was surprised to see him half naked, he had broad shoulders, strong abs and biceps, a seductive abdominal waist line and his scattered hair made him look more handsome.

"why aren't you wearing clothes!"

"but I am"

"tying a towel is not clothes, show some decency!"

"decency, I'm in my own home"

"is this how you eat with an outsider"

"thinking about it your not an outsider"

"whatever put on some clothes"

he left and came back wearing proper clothing and breakfast was peace after that.

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