
Should I not tell?

Han Marie just wants to find the scent of her first love and meets Jil Eunsool who helps her in tough times but no too long Jin Noel her first love enters their life and a whole new story unfolds

Chinonye_Ezeoke · สมัยใหม่
9 Chs

Scent instructor

* Marie is whining about her current situation to Yeon over the phone*

"Can you believe that guy, at least apologise before leaving, above all I thought I was going to die of embarrassment" Marie said

"where did you meet him ?" Ye lin asked

"I just saw at the mall where I bought A-mond perfumes" Marie replied

"Oh, so what happened?" Ye lin asked

"I mean what jerk pushes people and stuff, I was so shocked that I couldn't do anything , I mean, I'm sorry that I grabbed first but it wasn't like I grabbed so hard for him to push me" Marie said

"So basically your saying that the smell that came from that guy was like the smell that came from your first love right ?" Ye lin asked

"it's been ten years are you sure you're not mistaken" Yelin asked again

"No , I'm sure my senses still remember it" Marie replied

*Doorbell rings*

"Hang on Ye lin , my little sisters got back" Marie said as she hung up

Han Sori, the youngest sister, 18 years

Han Haeri, the second sister,20 years

"Haeri, how's the study room you moved into?"

"it's good"

"Sori, how was the academy"

"it's alright"

"eat before you go in "

"I don't want to" they both said together and entered their room

"Ha, those kids are picky"

"Are the kids back?" said father as he came out of his room

"yes Dad, should I get you some citrus tea"

"it's alright . Either way, Marie you said you had someone your going out with, bring him here sometime"

"Later" she said and quickly escaped to her room.

*she calls Yeon*

"I'm going to go crazy because my dad, seriously" she said

"you don't have anyone you are seeing right now and it ended up with that guy you had a thing with" Yeon replied

"don't talk about it" she said

"fine, I won't talk about him, bye see you at work" Yeon replied and ended the call

"I really need some healing" she said as she reached for the scented candles in her bag

"the aroma coming from the scented candles is slowly making the fatigue to go away, plus I have Noel's necklace with me" she said

Marie suddenly noticed the candles, it was not the one she usually buys and Noel's perfume wasn't there, she sprang up from her bed searched the bag but it wasn't there , there were candles and perfume which she never bought, then she remembered, the elevator incident and realized her stuff got switched "Noel's is popular, so I probably can't buy it if I went now, maybe the address of the store the product was bought is there then I can find the person who bought these candles"

She wrote down the address of the store and went there. The store was very spacious, it was decorated with flowers and different floral designs painted on the walls , perfumes and candles were lined up at the store shelves, it also had a café.

"would I be able to find that guy,he looked rude and scary- looking ,I didn'twant to meet him again but I have to get my perfume"


"For stress and headache, I recommend this scent"

"AAAH!!!, you scared me"

She took the scent and sniffed it, her nerves were relaxed and she felt at ease

"wow, my stress is gone is it possible for that to happen?"

"Our store's products are special like 'Magic' "

"You brought me a suitable product,you must be a skilled employee"

" I am the boss"

"you look a bit young to be a boss"

" Is this your first time here"

"Yes, actually my stuff got switched with someone"

She told him the whole story

"Finding that person might be hard, we do have branches in many places"

"As expected that would be the case but still would you take a look"

She shows him the products

"Hm, this product is still a test product, by chance was there a tattoo on the person neck?"

"Yes, there was a tattoo that looked like a rose"

"Thankfully, he's someone I know"

" Really, thanks so much "

"The matter of the products being switched is our fault , would you like us to counsel you on aromas as an apology"

" Is it like a therapy"

"The uses really vary. we could help find today's scent or even your own"

"Sounds good, there actually a scent I've been trying to recreate"

"It seems that our store instructor has arrived"

"Instructor? it is you who does it but an Instru...."

She turns around to see the instructor and noticed it was the guy from before.

"Say hello,she is the one your stuff switched with and came back to return it"


"He is the person who will be counseling you on aroma"

The sight of him made her to remember the elevator incident which made her angry.

"Ok, let's go"

They entered a room and he brought out different scents.

"what scent do you want to recreate"

"actually it's the scent of my first love"

he gave a slight but noticable smirk.

"why are you smirking"

"it's nothing"

"wait, you think I'm stupid"

"maybe, maybe not"

"first you pushed me and now Insult me"

"it was your fault that you fell"

"Mr instructor, I don't want us to argue let's carry on with the research"

"to clarify things I wasn't because of what you said I was just interested"

Marie put aside her differences with him and mentioned some ingredients which were similar to the content of Amond's brand.

"hold on,do you use Amond"

"Yeah, I do what's wrong"

"So your one of those who fawn over them and their products"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I'm just saying it's rubbish"

"how can you say that about them!"

The manager heard their shouts and came into the room, he didn't plan on breaking up the fight instead he sat back and watched.

"I don't hate them, I love their music it's the products that I hate"

"Mr instructor, I'm tired of arguing, I think I'm going to leave"

"but we haven't even found your scent"

"we'll meet later, I'll send you the location"

The manger came to him and said

"when a wolf meets a rabbit what do you think will happen "

"She's not even my type so forget it"

"at this rate you'll never find love"

"I don't need love"

"you can't say that , everyone needs love"

"I'm going"

he left the store.

"what am I going to do to that kid"

the manager left and went to attend to another customer.

Marie called him at night and told him their meeting place, he told her to address him normally so she should call him by his name Eunsool. she told him about people to avoid when he comes to meet her.