
Should I not tell?

Han Marie just wants to find the scent of her first love and meets Jil Eunsool who helps her in tough times but no too long Jin Noel her first love enters their life and a whole new story unfolds

Chinonye_Ezeoke · สมัยใหม่
9 Chs

First Encounter

"Ugh,please just stop this"Marie shouted,

"How can you talk to me like that after failing your test?"her father shouted back.

"How can the daughter of a renowned professor fail her exams?"he said,

"if you cared,you would've have checked on my school performance" she replied,

"Han Marie,it is my duty as a father to pay your fees and your duty as a child to read" he said.

"Here we go again, it's because of all your nagging and proving right that mum left us" she replied.

"Marie!" her father angrily shouted

"go make dinner for your siblings" he said after taking a deep breath.

Marie could feel tears about rolling down her cheeks at the thought of mentioning her mum.

"Marie,go prepare dinner your siblings and I are starving" he said again

"Do it yourself dad!" she shouted as she ran out of the house.

Marie walking in the cold night nagging at herself.

"I can't believe I was scolded at for 2 hours straight"

"just because I failed a grade, it not like I wanted to fail"

"sometimes I feel like I should just run away, but the problem is where to go"

Marie finally got to a bench and sat down reflecting on her previous actions.

"but maybe I acted rashly and sori must be hungry" "No, I did the right thing"

"still for an older sister fighting with dad I should at least go back to say sorry" "No, why should I be the first to apologise"

Then a nice scent filled the air, Marie wondered where the scent is coming from.


she looked up to know where the slight laughter came from.

"Ah, hello "

"I didn't mean to laugh at you, it just that your so amusing"

The boy sudden appearance startled her.

"Huh, were you crying?"

the boy was so handsome.

"Are you okay? your not hurt anywhere,are you?"

"did something happen?"

I could just tell the boy to mind his business but I didn't when the words just started coming out of my mouth and tears rolling down my cheeks.

"it's my dad, he's always been strict with grades, he's a renowned professor that graduated from a prestigious University and he wants his daughter to do the same" *sniffle*

"Mom left us long ago after their divorce and at home are my siblings who are much younger than me" *sniffle*

Marie wiped off the tears from her eyes.

"I mean how can I still do the house chores and still have time left to study"

"it's just so exhausting"

it suddenly came to her that she told her private matters to a stranger.

*feeling embarrassed*

"Uh... thanks for listening to me"

"you must really want to see her, I mean you mum"

"I get your trying your best but your dad's being unreasonable, isn't he"

they were just simple words of comfort but tears kept forming for the fact he was acknowledging my feelings,even someone I met for the first time understands me .

"I've cried too much"

As she was wiping her eyes, she saw the boy face close to hers their nose almost touching.

" your eyes are really pretty"

"eh..." *her faced turned red*

"I'm sorry if I offended you"

"No, it's just... nevermind"

the bitter sweet scent of lilac and mandarine momentarily brushed past the tip of my nose , I think it's coming from him.

"as an apology I'll give this to you"

"what's that?"

"it's a pendant made of wood and coated with a nice fragrance, when you smell it you will feel much better"

"Umm, thanks"

"Also, there's no need to live up to everyone's expectation, just do the much you can and I'd like it if you live for yourself"

A voice calling from yonder.

"Ah, my friend is calling me, I'll be going"

The boy immediately stood up.

"Ah,wait! hey!"

she sprang up and shouted,the boy was already gone.

"you could have at least told me your name before leaving"

she went back to sit on the bench.

"Live for myself, huh"

"it's getting late, I'd better go back home"

Marie went back home and laid on her bed.

"the boy just left his scent behind just like how Cinderella left her shoes and disappear, maybe one day I'll learn to live for myself"

she slept off.