
Should I not tell?

Han Marie just wants to find the scent of her first love and meets Jil Eunsool who helps her in tough times but no too long Jin Noel her first love enters their life and a whole new story unfolds

Chinonye_Ezeoke · สมัยใหม่
9 Chs

10 years later ...

That was a story that happened 10 years ago now I'm 25 and work as an assistant manager in a small jewelry company.The company I work for is absurd, which company have you seen where a boss uses her employees as models and on top of that the employees are lazy, I feel like without me this company is going to crumble without someone like me to manage it.

"when will the products be delivered?"

"I'm sorry ma'am there was a slight delay in shipping the products, it was supposed to arrive today but due to some issue it will be arriving tomorrow"

"What! do you know how long I've waited for those products, I need them for the new brand my company is working on"

"but ma'am I've tried everything I can, the products could have arrived a little later"

"Well you aren't trying hard enough"

Marie overheard the conversation between the boss and the delivery staff and rushed to collect the phone,Marie knew that the staff could suddenly decide to bring the products late, took matters into her own hands.

"I'm sorry for my boss rude behavior but the products that we ordered are needed urgently for the project we're working on"

"I understand that but your boss shouldn't act all high and mighty because she's friends with our boss"

"don't worry, she will take note of that"

"and I'll try to get your products here as soon as possible"

"thanks so much"

Marie ended the call and handed the phone over to her boss.

"Marie, what would I do without you"

"you could have at least tried to have a deal with the staff to help speed up the delivery"

"nevermind that, I've I just remembered that you should do the photoshoot for the new brand"

"why not Ye lin?"

"Ye lin is doing her separate photoshoot"

"you could as well hire some models"

"why would I do that when we have two beauty's, you and Yeon"

"fine, I'll do it"

A man coming in with files in his hands dumped them on Marie desk.

"Assistant manager Han, finish up this paperwork and return to my office" said the director

"but Mr director the work is too much"

"that's why your assistant manager" the director said and left.

A girl running towards Marie.

*panting* "Assistant manager Han"

"what's wrong"

*the girl calms down*

"Assistant manager, the paperwork for the new brand is missing"

"where was it filed last ?"

"the budget for the project was done in the account department"

Marie and the girl went over to the account department.

"everyone check your stations for the file containing the budget for the new brand" said Marie

They all searched and the file was eventually found in the department manager desk.

Marie went back to her station, opened a bag close to her desk and brought perfumes and a few scented candles, she lit the candles and smelled the perfumes, the fragrance calmed her down.

"manager Han,this place seems like a store.Can I take one and give to my wife?" an employee asked

"Use your card and buy her one that matches her taste" she replied

"you she's known for being a maniac about perfumes, ask for things that make sense to ask for" Ye lin said to the employee.

it's true, I'm a maniac for perfumes, it all started 10yrs ago after meeting that boy, that meeting left a big impression in my mind and ended up becoming more than just a memory, my first love became my life consolation and support.For 10yrs I've been searching for that scent but couldn't find the same one, will I be able to find it?

"Assistant manager Han,I'm going to drink some beer,do you want to come?" said an employee

"No, I have something more important to do, so I'll be leaving first" Marie replied

Marie left.

"Does Ms Marie has something urgent to that she even rejected beer" said the employee

"Today, a brand that Marie likes released a new perfume also it's not the beer she rejected but you" replied Ye lin.

Ye lin left after, soon the whole workers had signed out and left.