
Should I Destroy The World or Not?

Lu is a typical American with a bit of a sociopathic side of him. He lusts for power and wants every the world has to offer. After he gets all he wants he wants he has one ultimate goal in mind....To destroy every human being on the planet. But then lu is encountered by an alien race that has the same goal in mind . But will he follow through with this plan?

Isiah_Whittington · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Should I Destroy the World or Not?

Chapter 1

"My name is lu". I'm an American from the fresh lake of Michigan. I'm a 21-year-old living in my mother's basement. I have a half-sister and a half-brother. My siblings have different dads. If you ask me my mom has shitty luck and shitty taste in men. I tried going to college after I graduated from my high school east Belford. And let me tell you !!! I have never been so miserable in my life. So after one semester, I dropped all my classes. Now I just work a low-skilled job at glamazon. And I start to wonder why are we humans even here? All we just do I suck the resources out of mother Gaia and offering nothing in return….. We. Are. Parasites. And I want to exterminate them all with just me in the end. Alone and peaceful not a care in the world just wondering the beaches of Michigan aimlessly. But the world would be so boring without humans especially with the new improvement of their technology. Well, it's time for me to go to work. I work what you call a graveyard shift. I enter My work building going through the security gate using my issued ID. I look at the main screen of the building to see which job I will be working on today. (10 hours past) time 5:25 in the morning as I'm driving home from a long day of work I'm extremely drowsy. As I'm driving down the dark road I start to see dark figures in the road I can't tell what it is. So I turn my high beams on and the second I turn my high beams on an animal pops up right in front of me! It's a dumb-ass deer!?! I swerved really hard trying to dodge the deer but all I did was flip my upside down. I crash with slowly running down my head into my nose. I feel really cold. I can feel myself starting to lose consciosness. Me alone in this dark road with no other cars around. It's getting quiet and I slowly close my eyes and at those last moments a flash of bright lights hits me and the color of the light is something I have never seen before. A color a cannot identify. I lose consciousness. And the next thing I know I wake up in my bed the next day perfectly normal but exempt for one thing. I have a scar on my head that was never there before. Then I ran outside to see if my car is still intact and everything looks fine but something was off about my car it looked brand new as if I got it fresh from a jeep dealership.Then I ran back inside to check on my forehead again and it's still there. But I notice something else about my body. I have six-pack abs and my body seems totally different from what it was before? "What is happening?" " Is this a dream?" lu body feels better than ever! And decides to go do some workouts in his basement. With his many dumbbells laying around. lu decides to start off with something somewhat heavy and picks up the 30-pound weights. And to his surprise, it's super light to him barely putting in any effort. So lu with a hilariously evil smile on his face he drops the 30-pound weight and goes straight for his 75-pound weights. And to his surprise again little to no effort on his part. Lu lets out a small chuckle with a grin on his face. It's about 1:00 pm afternoon so he decides to get his weighted jump rope and speed rope and go outside to take in the sunshine. The moment lu skin hits the sunlight he feels energized and excited. "Let's see what this sexy body can do'' said lu, lu started with the 2-pound heavy rope. And with the same reaction, he was amazed at what his new and improved body could do. After going hard at it with the weighted rope for 2 hours he did not even break a sweat. So lu decides to go back inside and skips doing the speed rope after seeing his results. He goes into his room and sits down. And starts to brainstorm on what has happened to him(talking to himself obviously). "What happened to me last night I know for a fact that I crashed my car last night ?" "who did this to my body?" "Well I'm not mad of course but hmmmmmmm….." "very suspicious. " lu decides to not dread it too hard so he decides to meditate and as he is meditating for at least 1 hour or so he feels a weird feeling in his forehead.

As lu opens his eyes, things around him floating lu lets out a yell. "Eeeeyyyaaaaaaaa"

!!! After the moment he left out that screams his mother that is sleeping upstairs yells at him from upstairs. " lu shut the f***** up I'm trying to sleep damn you!!!!" said Judy "OKAY!" angrily yells lu. Kind of pissed lu loses concentration while meditating and everything that was floating in his room suddenly drops onto the somewhat flat carpet floor. from his many books, dumbbells, dirty cloths and plates and bed suddenly hits the floor making a big thud sound. Lu cringing at the noises he made hoping his mother and other siblings do not hear. But to no surprise, she hears everything. "Damn it lu I'm trying to go to sleep after a long day of work!" yells jody " sorry it won't happen again…. Damn ". A few hours have passed and lu was getting practicing with floating things with his mind. First, he started with something small like a pencil then started to move on to something heavier. First, it was the pencil then it a couple of coins and next was a vase then it was a 12-pound dumbbell and finally, it was his 40-pound medicine ball. Lu kept on practicing until it was 12 at night. So lu decided to go on a run. since lu lives in a quiet neighborhood near lots of trees with a forest he was able to go all out with his newfound abilities. As lu was on the run he decided to test out his jumping abilities. Jumping 15 feet in the air then jump onto the trees.Jump from tree to trees lu finally reach a clear meadow where he could the dark stary skies he stops. Taking a deep breath allowing his body to take in the fresh oxygen. He falls to the floor with the soft grass of the meadow to greet him on his way down.Looking up at the stars with an nefarious look on his face his he says" I don't know how exactly I got like this but with these abilities I have the power to do things that the average person cannot even dream of doing." " I will do everything in my power to save this world from dying from us foolish humans". Lu then closed his eyes thinking…. Concentrating on coming up with a plan to do the very thing that he has always had at the back of his mind. Exterminate all humans…. All of the sudden the lu open his eyes and had heard something a faint sound, the same sound from the night of his crash. " holy shit". As lu was looking up at the dark starry sky he sees a formation of bright lighted spheres. First the light start off small then it got bigger and brighter. "Ok what in the fuck is that?" "Well, it looks like it's time for me to go" Lu starts running as fast as he can. Then the lights started the following lu into the woods. Lu jumps from tree to tree trying to get away with his impressive agility. " fuck leave me alone! As lu is high up in the air jumping from tree to tree one of the branches breach making him fall from 32 feet in the air. " shit no ahhhhhhhh!" closing his eyes as he was falling, he suddenly stop for a moment. slowly opening his eyes there is a ray of light shining on him making him float. Then lifting him higher and higher up in the air. As lu is being lifted up he sees that the light formation is a ship of some kind shaped like an egg. Lu passes out.