
Shoto In Another World(Discontinued in order of rewrite)

After being transported to another world in his sleep the sixteen year old Shoto Kuzakabe has to now make a life for himself in this new world.

OtherworldlyGrey · แฟนตาซี
39 Chs

Chapter 17: Getting Answers #2

"IT WAS BRAN!!!" Victor screamed.

"What?" Shoto's grip tightened around Catalina's neck.

"Kauk!" Catalina struggled to breath.

"It was Bran he said he'd repay my loan I took from the merchant guild if I sent thugs to attack your employees" Victor spoke still looking down.

A year ago Victor DiCaprio came to La Breon with the goal of expanding his desisted father-in-law's business.

There was one problem though he needed a large amount of money to further the business so they Bran Merchant Group offered to give him a loan if he joined them. Like Shoto he knew he wouldn't gain much by joining the merchant group so he refused and instead asked the merchant guild for a loan.

His loan was approved but Bran used his connection to hinder their earnings. A year passed and the time to pay back the loan was about to come, Victor didn't what to do.

Then one day Bran got into contact with him and told him he'd pay off his loan if he did something for him. Victor knew he was making a deal with the devil but he'd do anything even if it meant wronging someone else to save the business he was trusted with. The rest lead us to this moment.

Shoto let go of Catalina and she dropped hard the floor. A dark aura covered Shoto's entire body making him look like a monster the aura was about to explode but Shoto to a deep breath bringing it in. Shoto's eyes were dark he looked blank.

Catalina laid on the floor still catching her breath she heard everything. Rage began to surge within her body, she got used like a cheap whore by that bastard.

"That bastard he used me!!" Catalina leaked her rage.

"What do you mean by that?" Shoto asked.

Catalina realized her mistake and put her hand over her mouth to stop herself from talking. Shoto pulled her up with <Force Control> and tried to force her to speak but her lips were sealed like a clam.

"Sigh your just like your husband Mikel break his hands and if she doesn't talk cripple him from the waist down" Shoto order.

"Y..yes Sir" Mikel responded he was familiar with torture. 

Mikel to Victor's right hand was about to break his fingers when Catalina screamed.

"NO DON'T!!!"

"Then speak!"

Her lips trembled she knew what she was about to say would hurt more than a broken arm.

"Bran... said if..I .. gave...him my body he would give... me the money to pay off the... loan ...we took.. from the merchant.. guild" tears began to fall from Catalina's face.

"Catalina what are you saying" Victor could not trust what he heard.

"I had sex with Bran in order to get money to pay off the loan" Catalina cried.


Even if he screamed no one would here him the sound distortion aura was still on. This situation was straight out of a soap opera but Shoto didn't care for it as he dived into his thoughts.

Bran had been using both of them to get to him , he had no intention of helping them. He could kill Bran and be done with it but someone else would take over the merchant group. The merchant group had to go and a plan to destroy it began to brew in Shoto's head.

"Mikel your a thief right?" Shoto asked.

"Yes Sir"

"Go and steal me something incriminating from the Bran's office"

"Incriminating like what?"

"I don't know it could be forged documents,a leger anything that that I can use against him"

"Yes Sir"

"Oh and before you leave"

Shoto placed his finger upon Mikel's forehead. Something began seeping into Mikel's being.

[You have received the skill <Quick Step>] Mikel heard a voice in his heard.

Shoto had used the sub skill of <Harvest> ,<Sow> to gave Mikel a skill.

"Meet me back hear before midnight and if you try to run you know what will happen?"

"Y.. yes Sir"

"Now scram" Mikel vanished.

"Now what do I do about you two?" Shoto stroked his chin as he dropped Catalina on the floor again.

"Please we told you everything don't kill us" Victor begged.

Shoto didn't say anything and took bottles alcohol from the night stand. It was Victor's secret stash that he drank when Catalina was not around. Shoto opened one bottle and received the strong smell of alcohol.

He grabbed Victor's head and pulled it back,he began pouring the alcohol down his throat. Once the bottle was done he opened and poured another bottle of alcohol down his throat.

"What are you doing!?" Catalina asked laying weak on the floor.

"Shut up"

Shoto finished pouring all the bottles of alcohol down Victor's throat. Victor was now completely drank his eyes were dull and he drooled from his mouth.

"Bewitch: Control" Shoto casted a spell.

Victor now looked like an emotionless being with no will of his own. Shoto did a few tests with Victor like letting him stand up,raise his hands and hit his wife.

"You monster!" She yelled with blood drooling do her mouth.

"Okay his under my control" Shoto ignored Catalina.

"Bewitch: Dark Whispers" Whatever Shoto said with this spell on Victor would do.

"You are going to write a letter to Catalina say that you couldn't bare the guilt of the terrible act you were forced to do by Bran decided to take your own life, you will leave the company in her name and hope that someone help her"

"And put emotion in it if you can"

After Victor finished writing the letter Shoto took it and schemed through it.

Shoto could hear Catalina screaming and cursing Shoto while he read.

[My dearest love Catalina.

I have sinned I have committed a terrible crime because I was desperate to save our business. Bran told me to attack the an innocent promising to pay off our dept to the merchant guild but I know he is lying. This guilt I can not bear it anymore so I shall take my own life. I leave the company in your name and hope someone saves you and the company

Your husband Victor.]

There was emotion in the letter more than Shoto had hope for.

"Now jump out the window and if you are still alive do it again until you die" Shoto said.

Victor jumped from the window and was impaled by the spear tipped fence.

"NOOOOOO!!" Catalina screamed like a banshee before collapsing.

Seeing the husband she loved so much die with her own eyes broke and now she looked like she had lost her soul. Shoto pick her up and threw her the bed, Catalina flopped on it like a corpse.

"Shit I guess it worked to well" Shoto's plan was to mentally break so he could alter her memories with Grysilia's ability <<Mind Gazer>>.

The only problem was <<Mind Gazer>> took a toll on the mind so Grysilia had to alter her memories. After thinking for a while Shoto cast a sleep spell on Catalina and then whole house.

Once everyone was asleep Shoto placed dire wolves in the shadows to guard everyone.

(Grysilia) Shoto called.

(Yes Sir)

(Have you found them?) Shoto was asking about the five mob members who attacked the Inn.

(Affirmative Sir)

(Good I'm on my way) Shoto warped to Grysilia's location.