
Part 2: Dance With The Devil

"Hey!! Are you okay?? Are you at-" He stopped himself, knowing her reaction wouldnt be good. "Where are you?" he asked frantically. Silence. 

"You- ugh. You know where i am. Your on your way, im guessing." i could feel my hands shaking as i approched the cliff. Jumping off my bike i spinted up the hill, and he noticed, she hung up.

"Shit!" then he heard

"I dont belive in you! I will prove to you, i can see right through all your empty lies! I wont stay long here in this world with you, say goodbye as we dance with the devil tonight, dont you   dare look at him in the eyes…" **Dance with the Devil by breaking Benjamin**

he ran faster than he ever thought he could, finally getting to the top "Sick bitch, you told my doctor i was insane!!! And you want to know what she said? She said 'Oh dear, im sorry. We cant really fix you, but take this' bullshit!!!" she pulled out a bottle and shoved at a man he'd seen her with sometimes. She always said they worked together. Though now im not even sure. Whats happening? Without thinking he walked beside her. 

"Who the fuck are you?" His eyes go wide, and seem to just get wider and wider.

"I-Im just a co-worker!! I promise, s-she wasnt acting normal, ever really, but even more so, an-and so i told our boss, a-and i have no idea what happened after that. Yes one night when i was drunk may i point out i called you a series of names…" I glared him down

"Like what asshole?"

"U-Uh… S-sick bitch, psycho, bat shit crazy, maniac, suicidal whore, parnoid bitch, pshycopath, sociopath, nutter, loon, nut job, perve, whack job-"

"Alright! We get youve got a great vocabulary of bitchy things to say." she hisses. fucking bitch, i would kill you... she mutters under her breath.

"Screw off, what was that? Perve? Whack job? What do you prefer?" i hiss


"Actually i dont give q shit, dont think she does either. So, simply, screw off." He turns and runs away "pussy-" i mutter with a snicker.

We both quietly watch as he runs away, soon the sunset b egan to appear behind us. And i found myself shaking. Damnnit  I muttered, making her jump.

"Why? Why choose here?" i say looking at her in the eyes. She quietly looked at me then back down

"I-I wonder sometimes. Wonder what its like to wake up in the morning and actually love yourself. Wonder what its like to look in the mirror and not want to cry. What its like to weigh yourself and not want to puke. What its like to be with freinds and not feel ugly. What its like to got clothes shopping and not  feel fat. In short, what its like to love your life, not to want to make it dissapper." My eyes go wide