
Draconic Revenge

"Did you see that?" He shouted, pointing off into the woods. Of course, no one believed him, as per usual, but I merely smiled. The growling grew with my smile, and soon, everyone was backing away into the tents. David was the first to run, and the snarl as a shadowy black beast pursued him. The leathery wings and horns now glistening with David's blood gave it away. A dragon had entered our camp.

My dragon had entered our camp. And now, it was time for revenge. A bolt of bright white fire curled over the tents, setting them all alight as I heard the infantry screaming in pain and fear. I thrived on this, and I knew Percival did too. I had raised him from an egg, imprinted on him, and he felt my anger at this army. They had set ablaze my home, so now I set ablaze theirs. But, I couldn't have done it if they had left me alone, my family alone. Instead, they ran me off, allowing me to find Percival, abandoned and hopeless. His egg was nearly dead when I found it, but now he fought by my side, and proved a formidable force. He was also rather comfy on nights where I had no place to sleep aside from curled with him. Carlota was at a loss for words. She stared at me. I suppose I felt something akin to grief. She had taken me under her wing, figuratively of course. She had taught me pretty much everything, and now I took it from her.

But she took away my life first, and she will pay.

Not the best one I have done, but I have a collection of these that are all half-finished. I plan on finishing them and publishing them here.

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