
Short Stories with no Plot

Short Stories with no plot is a compilation of short stories with no plot. (Yeah. I can hear you saying, "you don't say". It has no pattern (unless done unintentionally) and definite characters. The characters come from different unborn series. They may or may not exist (in fiction). None of the characters are from the real world, of course. Anything resembling anyone is just a coincidence. The leading gender is male solely due to having more male protagonists. There might be female protagonists from time to time. Do not mind the genre as there is no plot, setting, or other elements that make a story- a story. If possible, the description of this book (?) should have been a compilation of scenes. Maybe I should change the title to Scenes. Meh. I welcome criticisms to characters. You may tell me what makes them awkward, bad, empty, and/or uninteresting. Criticisms on anything else or questions regarding the context would be ignored. I have no idea what to say on those points. I do not welcome ridicule. Anything that exudes condescension would be rewarded with a range from a barrage of trash-talking to complete disregard. Read at your own risk of cringe and possible spoilers. Comment with decency. PS. In case this gets readers, contrary to expectation: Any of the scenes may or may not appear on the respective series of the characters featured. Do not expect anything.

LoluNGL · สมัยใหม่
9 Chs

The classic transfer student

"Hello, classmates. My name is Andrea Acuña. I moved here from... the south. I'm good at kicking- the ball. Yes. Haha. I hope to get along with you."

"Alright students, Andrea here would need a tour of the place. Is there anyone who wants to volunteer?"

A boy put his hands up. He has a gloomy expression, no, it is more accurate to say that it is dark and wary. His school uniform is clean, but his hair is dishevelled. He has black hair, black sharp eyes, and a black mark on his neck... a number. His face is pale and has a hint of attractiveness. For some reason, he has a bad atmosphere. Even the teacher felt awkward and surprised at the boy's action.

"Oh, haha. I see. Are you sure, Kevin?" The teacher showed a conflict of emotions. With Andrea's keen observation, she was able to see worry, fear, and a hint of expectation. Many possibilities came to Andrea while looking at the strange boy.

"I know her. I don't know if she recognizes me, but we're acquaintances."

Andrea was alarmed by the declaration. She does not know anyone with the name Kevin. She is confident in her memory, thus she is flustered. No, maybe the boy wanted to flirt? That would mean a creep is interested in her. Adrea thought of multiple ways to avoid Kevin.

"Ohh, um, Kevin, you might have mistaken her for someone else? She couldn't have met you. She's from... you know, the south."

"She should know the name Chief Handker."

Andrea's eyes widened. She couldn't believe what she heard. She was agitated but calmed herself immediately. She needs more information from Kevin.

"Yes, I know that name."

This is not really what I had in mind. I thought of this scenario with a similar dialogue, but different execution. I really need to learn more phrases and metaphors. No, actually I should read other similar scenarios and use different descriptions. This doesn't have the same feel as the one I thought of.

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