
Short stories from an alternate Universe

A collection of stories from another word

TheTeller_ · แฟนตาซี
111 Chs

Chapter 6: Unearthing the Past

Sheriff Jameson knew that confronting Dr. Alexander Hawthorne was a treacherous path, one fraught with danger. The town's future depended on irrefutable evidence to convince its residents that their brilliant scientist was the curious killer. To gather this evidence, the sheriff had to delve deeper into the past, unearthing secrets that had long been buried.

He revisited the town's history, seeking clues that might explain how Willowbrook had become so enamored with curiosity. It was a history steeped in mystery and tradition. Willowbrook had been founded by a group of pioneers who had been drawn to the town by stories of a hidden treasure buried beneath Oakwood Mansion. These pioneers had been relentless in their quest for the treasure, a reflection of the same kind of unquenchable curiosity that now plagued the town.

The pioneers had left behind a series of journals and maps, detailing their search for the elusive treasure. Sheriff Jameson wondered if there was a connection between their quest and the sinister experiments conducted by Dr. Hawthorne. The Oakwood Mansion had once been the epicenter of their treasure hunt, and the ancient symbols found within its walls had been interpreted as clues leading to the hidden wealth.

As he pored over the old journals and maps, a chilling revelation emerged. The pioneers' obsession with the treasure had been more than a mere curiosity—it was a madness that had led them to commit heinous acts, including murder, to protect their secrets. Could the legacy of this dark past be what fueled the curious killer's actions in the present?

Sheriff Jameson couldn't ignore the possibility that the sinister experiments conducted by Dr. Hawthorne were linked to the town's founders and their obsession with the hidden treasure. The curator of Willowbrook's historical society, Evelyn Thornton, might hold the key to unlocking this connection. She was well-versed in the town's history and could provide vital information.

With a sense of urgency, Sheriff Jameson visited Evelyn Thornton, who greeted him with a mix of curiosity and trepidation. He needed her expertise to uncover the truth, but he also understood the danger that lurked in the shadows. As they delved into the town's history, they began to piece together a puzzle that had been hidden for generations, one that held the answers to the curious killings and the ominous presence of Dr. Hawthorne.

Unearthing the past would lead them closer to confronting the malevolent force that had gripped Willowbrook and reveal the true extent of the darkness that had festered beneath its picturesque exterior.