
Short Stories

#1.) The Dream

 I wake up to seeing the stars in the sky twinkling together as if they were singing a song together. I sit up, looking around my surroundings, but all there is, is water. I notice that the boat seems to be like a little raft that looks like it was made by hand. Then I start to wonder out loud to myself, "Where am I?" Then a voice calls out to me replying with, "The real question you should be asking yourself is "Who am I?" That's what you should be wondering to yourself."

 The voice fades away, but yet still there. I look around to find where it was coming from, but I could not find it. "Why should I be asking that instead? That makes no sense!" I called out. Then the voice comes back, saying, "It does make sense, and you should have the answer to it as well. But it seems that you don't have the answer to that anymore..."

 The voice fades away again, and I pause and think about what the voice said at that moment. Then I hear the words in my head repeating over and over again saying, "Who are you?" Then my own thoughts begin to be, "Who am I anymore?!" I start to get overwhelmed by the thoughts and the voices. I start to cry and yell out, "I DON'T KNOW!!" 

As I yelled a huge wave crashes the boat, I wake up from the dream with tears streaming down my face. I curl up in a ball and question myself quietly saying, "Who am I anymore..." With tears still forming in my eyes, and down my face.