
Shooting Anime In Another World

Elias is the lord of the tower of Magus. In fact, his life has been gray, dull, and lifeless until he suddenly has an idea that will make this world interesting and more colorful. And that is... Shooting anime in another world!

ru5i56 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
3 Chs

Lord Elias

There was once a powerful person who almost dominated the world.

Everyone could only hold his feet as he slowly took everything from them.

He sealed the Gods from heaven and hell, befriended all the spirits, made another race his slave, and caused humans to rise to the top of the pyramid.

The sword could only touch his nail but never kill him.

The spear was his toothpick.

The fangs of dragons were his pork, and the wings of angels his food.

He was living his life.

That was because he was the strongest magus!

"Boring shit!"

Elias threw the book to the side with disappointment and aggravation written on his face.

"Owie!" A woman with brown hair and wearing a magus robe rubbed her aching brow and picked up the book on the ground. She looked at the book, which has the title: Daily Life of the Strongest Magus.

"Oh, it hit you. I apologize." Elias apologized and smiled, noticing this.

Seeing that he smiled, Moffea blushed and shook her head furiously.

"No, no, it's okay lord Elias, you can hit-you can read more books."

Moffea's face turned red, realizing she had almost let out her true feelings.

"But can I ask Lord Elias what seemed to bother you?" Moffea calmly continued as she pushed the glass up her nose, showing the quality of being an assistant to the Lord of the Magus Tower.

Elias looked at her for a second and let out a sad sigh.

"I just realized how colorless this world is. People are fighting here and there just to get stronger, and the entertainment is about fighting. This world was full of that and now I have become bored that I want to eat shit!"

Elias touched his head and continued.

"There are so many people with a mind that can invent many things that could change history in the process, but... but why has no one invented a more entertaining entertainment? Are their brains full of coal!?" In exasperation, he couldn't help but punch the wall, causing a small crack to form on it.

"Hmmm, if I say, there is actually another entertainment besides fighting," Moffea spoke in a neutral tone while putting the book back on the shelf.

"What is it?" At first, Elias's face became bright, as if hope was about to burst on his face, but at the same time, suspicion emerged from his heart.

Elias had tried all kinds of entertainment this world had to offer, and Moffea, his assistant, always accompanied him, so she knew that very well.

"There's called a tea party, fashion show, card battle, a-and..." Moffea put her finger on her chin, seemingly in deep thought.

"Do I look like I have time for a tea party, and seeing a woman and a man showing off their beauty arrogantly is kind of irritating," Elias said.

"I think you are just jealous."


"Oh, I'm sorry!"

Elias ignored her bowing and motioned to her, "Continue."

"I-I forget! I'm sorry!" Moffea nodded and said so with seriousness, but halfway through her face flushed.

"I only remember them using the magic recorder because you said I only needed to remember important things like your daily foods and when you sleep, so I didn't bother remembering them." Moffea quickly replied, seeing Elias's disappointed face.

Elias didn't seem to mind, or perhaps because it was his fault, he tried to avoid it, but his interest was piqued when he heard the phrase "magic recorder."

"Magic recorder? I remember we had such a thing... Where it now?" He asked because an idea was beginning to form in his head.

"Ahh, you threw it because you said a magus only needs himself, and now our entire tower is banned from using it…" Moffea said in a neutral tone, and by her voice, it sounded like she didn't care.

"Did I say that?" Elias asked, his face showing that he didn't remember such a thing even though it came from him.

"See, that's why we need a magic recorder... Oh, sorry!"

"Seems like you are getting out of hand. Do you need a spanking?!"

"Yes, daddy—"

"Shut up!" Elias waved his hand in annoyance and was speechless. Even though he was his assistant, he never got used to her personality because when he was serious, she always liked that.

And Elian, for some reason, never got angry.

"Anyway, bring it here. Hurry!" He said as he realized that caring about such a matter was not important because no matter what he said, it could never change her unless he used force, but he was never such a person.

"Yes, sir!"

After a while, Moffea brought a blue orb and handed it to him while bowing, showing she still respected him.

Elias caresses the blue orb and has put some mana into it.

And then a blue holographic screen emerged above it.

"Hey, how do I use it?" Elias asked, still looking at the screen.

"Sigh…" Moffea sighed and shook her head, and went beside him, "There are two buttons beside the small hole; click the first button to record and the second button to stop. To watch what you recorded, you just need to click the first button again. Remember, each magic recorder can only record one."

The buttons were small and blue, so Elias didn't notice them immediately.

Elias clicked the first button, and immediately Elias and Moffea appeared on the screen.

Moffea put her peace sign finger behind Elias's head while sticking out her tongue.

While Elias caresses his chin, showing every bit of his face to the screen, and said, "I don't know I'm this so handsome… I think I should use this rather than the mirror."

Elias had white hair and deep blue eyes and wore a black robe with sleeves embroidered with white threads and a white undershirt. It could be said he was coldly handsome.

While Moffea had long brown hair tied into a long ponytail, and behind the glass were light blue eyes, wearing a violet robe. She was a village beauty.

"Get off," Elias said to her, as he got up from his seat.

"Can this turn into the front?" Elias asked.

"No." Moffea shook her head.

"This is not enough. I want you to call some magic engineer to fix it. No, upgrade this. Also, add a reset button. And also bring some girls with an age below 18." Elias then scribbled something down on paper.

"G-girls?!" Moffea was shocked, covering her mouth, and looked at Elias with disbelief.

"A-are you possibly recording anything... like lewd stuff?" Moffea's face became red as she said weakly.

"Maybe I can join..." she continued.

"Shut it!" Elias shouted, and handed her the paper, "I'm not doing something like that ye- Yes, you should look at girls like this."

Moffea quickly recovered her composure, but Elias could see the disappointment in her eyes.

Moffea looked at the paper and read aloud, "A girl with brown, blond, and black hair prefers they look cute and can sing, blah, blah, blah."

After reading it, Moffea looked at Elias weirdly, "Is this..."

"No!" Elias quickly shut her up.

"If I may, can I ask what you are planning to do, Lord Elias?"

"You will know soon, and now hurry up!" Elias walked to his desk, and he waved his hand.

Moffea looked at Elias for a second before leaving.


Elias had a big secret that he would not tell a single soul.

He was... a reincarnator!

(A/n: ��)

Elias was a normal student on Earth until he reincarnated into this world by accident.

And so Elias's new journey began. He met new friends and enemies, and he explored this world, tasting different foods and women until he became the strongest magus of all time.

Also, he achieved that without a system, not like the other typical MC with a system.

He would now create another history by himself.


Elias was floating in the middle of the room with his eyes closed.

"Hotdog, cheese dog, coke, pico, hentai, baby dance, gold nigger, oppai." Many words come out of his mouth, like a chant.

After a minute, Elias opened his eyes as he slowly landed like a sage.

Elias used memory magic on himself to bring all buried memories to the surface of his mind, but the downside was that he remembered all the worst memories.

Elias sat at the desk as he wrote the script he needed.

Why was he writing a script? Is this a lewd script? What was he planning to do?


Elias's plan was simple.

He was going to shoot anime in this world!