

Shiva a teen his life changes when he learns about his parents and his grandpa is actually the king of a mithical worlds. He is not a human but a blooder who protects the other worlds from capturing from gods, devils ,etc...., A mystrious shadow teaches him to become strong. The worlds which is like a fariytale and the story of why Shiva was hidden by his grandfather for past twenty years? how he will make gods and devils tremble just by hearing his name.

Sanjay_K_L · แฟนตาซี
28 Chs


After two days of continuous training of sword and spearman ship. On the day of going to the bloody forest.

Early in the morning Shiva wakes up and started to get ready to go to the blooders season. Yuriyna tells Shiva that he got a parcel from the palace.

Shiva opens the parcel's that arrived from the palace his sister Asiri has sent new dress for his first blooders season along with gave him two pairs of blades with a letter it says"

Dear Shiva, how are you?

I heard you got chosen by the Yali house congrats.

Today is your first blooders season so I sent a surprise for you I choose it personally. I hope you like it.

The dress I sent you is made of fire gorillas leather it is fire resistant and tough as rock and the dual blades name Paris.

Which are made of moon silver and the sun gold which as the attributes of fire and ice attributes their powers are unknown because it is a relic,

I brought in an auction today.

Don't use it rashly.

Use it safely your safety comes first. All the best I am waiting for your safe return. Yours lovingly Asiri."

Shiva opens another parcel.

It was from another sister Indri he opens the parcel it contains a black glove's,

chain made of rainbow gem and black spear with a voice letter" Oi Shiva, how are you? Congrats for chosen by the Yali house.

Today is your first blooders season so I sent a present for you I bought it specially for you. I hope you like it.

The black gloves are made up of black fibre which is made using the web thread of the black forest spider.

Which as a high grip and it can enhance the strength of your attacks;

Chain of rainbow gem it will protect you from 10 vital attacks and other attributes are unknown;

Black Spear which is made of lava mantel and shadow rhino tough as iron and has shadow and dark attributes.

When someone or beasts or monster dies by the attack of this spear it can revive them and make them your slaves or your dead soldiers it can also use in dead bodies when we stab or make a mark on the bone of the death its name is Death.

When someone was injured by this weapon,

they will feel immense burning sensation like lava touches the skin.

It was from my personal collection I found during an ancient building evacuation.

Don't use it rashly.

Use it safely your safety comes first.

All the best I am waiting for your safe return. Yours world best Indri."

And the third parcel is a red wooden box with different carving on it.

Shiva tried to open the red wooden box but he can't open it he sees the carving on the red wooden box.

When he turned the upper layer of the box the carving on the red wooden box disappears and suddenly a carving appears when he reads it says password.

After thinking for some time, he writes his name Shiva on the top of the box it shows the password is wrong and he tries his grandpa's name Karin Kalan it also the wrong password he tried everyone name but the password is wrong.

He thinks very deeply about the password suddenly a woman screams a name Sivadi in his mind he subconsciously writes his full name Sivadi.

The password is correct and the red wooden box opens.

A radiant green colour sword and boots.

Suddenly his grandpa's video messages he says "All the best for Shiva.

I know you will do your best in the entrance exam of D.A.S.P school. The green sword is made from the mixture of acid phoenix bones and acid slime its name is Acid.

The boots are made by the helix leather which is very lite and poisonous insects or animals can't penetrate the boots. Have a safe return."

And the last parcel is from his grandma he opens it.

Shiva opens the parcel it contains an amulet and a voice mail" How are you? Take care of your health.

Eat healthy food and take rest properly.

This amulet is your father's amulet. It is used to create an Armor of your imagination and axe. Be careful don't do anything wrongly."

Shiva wears the gifts given by his family he looks like a badass warrior in black clothes.

Everyone wears the dress or present Shiva asks Yuriyna "Did the dress and equipment's fits my look."

Yuriyna answers immediately" You are its perfect match master it's like a king arrival before war." Shiva laughs loudly" Enough!!! Enough!!! Don't exaggerate it."

Shiva meets his friends there he noticed everyone got ready for their first blooders season.

Everyone shows their gift to others that their parents gifted them.

James is a student from the same class as Shiva he was from Narashim he shows his father's gift Albert stone to his friends Ronnie from Sheshnag and Catharine from Phoenix.

Suddenly Aradin takes the Alberts stone from James and he bullies James. James breaks the nose of the Aradin.

Aradin was taken to the Infirmary professor Krishnan punishes James and banded him from participating Blooders season.