
Shits and Giggles

My dumbass set the wrong genre, So I reuploaded.

ChrisTian3421 · แอคชั่น
41 Chs

Bagging the first

(Victor POV)

{A week passed}

I woke up the next morning, groggy but curious. Getting out of bed, I made my way to the mirror and observed my "body".

The reflection staring back at me was that of an eighteen-year-old young man with brown spiky hair, pale olive eyes, and a sharp jawline with the beginnings of a beard forming. I wore a fitted white shirt that highlighted my sleek figure, standing at a height of 5'10.

"Not bad," I muttered, turning my head to get a better look at my new features. The body felt both familiar and foreign, a strange sensation of déjà vu washing over me.

Lisa had advised me to familiarize myself with my own body. They had given me at least five years to train, which seemed both generous and daunting.

Interestingly, this body was that of a "reincarnator," they had said, which apparently meant that its previous owner had potentially lived multiple lives. Even more fascinating was that this body and I shared similar tastes.

"TOM sure is scary," I mused, thinking about how perfectly this vessel fit my preferences.

After a quick wash-up, I felt more alert and ready for the day. I threw on some workout clothes and made my way to the simulator room.

The anticipation of testing out my new abilities was exhilarating. The simulator had impressed me the day before, and I was eager to see how I fared in a fight now that I had a handle on my new form.

As I stepped into the simulator, the familiar hum of the machinery greeted me. I selected a training program designed for hand-to-hand combat and weapons training.

"Alright, let's see what this body can really do," I said to myself, a smirk playing on my lips.

The environment materialized around me, a dojo-like setting with holographic enemies ready to attack.

I could feel the muscle memory kicking in, as if the previous owner's skills were merging with my own. Every punch, kick, and dodge felt natural, and wielding the various swords felt like second nature.

By the end of the session, I was drenched in sweat but exhilarated. The fusion of our abilities was more seamless than I had expected. "Five years to train, huh? This is going to be fun," I thought, heading out of the simulator room with a newfound confidence and determination.

I decided to start my training with a skill I had always admired: Shunpo, the high-speed movement technique that allowed for near-instantaneous travel from one spot to another.

Stepping into the simulator, I selected a training module focused on Shunpo. The system projected a series of targets that I had to reach in rapid succession.

At first, my movements were clumsy, but as I pushed myself, the muscle memory embedded in this reincarnated body began to surface. Each step became smoother, and I felt a rush of exhilaration as I blinked from point to point in the blink of an eye.

"This is incredible," I thought, marveling at the fluidity and speed I was achieving.

Next, I turned my attention to elemental manipulation. The body I inhabited had already acquired skills in earth and lightning manipulation.

I started with earth, feeling a connection to the ground beneath my feet. With a focused thought, I raised a wall of stone, then shaped it into various forms. The power felt raw and sturdy, an extension of my will.

Switching to lightning manipulation, I felt a different kind of energy coursing through me – sharp, quick, and electrifying. I summoned bolts of lightning from my hands, practicing precise control and devastating power. The more I practiced, the more natural it felt, as if I had been wielding these elements all my life.

After an intense training session, I made my way to the library to delve into the skills and moves of one of my favorite characters: Vergil from Devil May Cry.

The library's AI assisted me, pulling up detailed holographic demonstrations of Vergil's combat techniques. I watched in awe as the holograms depicted his fluid swordplay, rapid movements, and devastating special attacks.

I immersed myself in studying Vergil's skills, practicing each move meticulously. The "Judgment Cut" and "Rapid Slash" became part of my training regimen.

I mimicked his precise, elegant fighting style, blending it with my own abilities. The combination of Shunpo, elemental manipulation, and Vergil's techniques created a unique and formidable combat style.

By the end of the day, I felt a deep sense of accomplishment. The fusion of these ones in diverse skills was exhilarating, and I knew I was just beginning to scratch the surface of my potential. As I left the library, I couldn't help but grin, eager to see what other abilities I could unlock and master in the days to come.





{Four months passed}

After months of rigorous training, honing my skills with Shunpo, elemental manipulation, and the deadly techniques of Vergil from Devil May Cry, I felt ready for my first real mission. Lisa approached me one morning with a serious look on her face, holding a mission briefing.

"Your first task is to 'cleanse' a world that's gone wrong," she said, handing me a holographic tablet. The screen displayed a grim, dark landscape. "It's a Dark Souls 1 world that has become even more twisted and corrupted than usual."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "So, you're sending me into a nightmare version of an already nightmarish world?"

Lisa nodded. "Exactly. Your mission is to eliminate the sources of the corruption and restore balance. You'll need to fight your way through some of the toughest enemies you've faced in training, and possibly some new ones the corruption has spawned."

I grinned, feeling a rush of adrenaline. "Sounds like fun. Do I get a shiny sword to match?"

She rolled her eyes but smiled. "You and your swords. But yes, you'll have access to our best equipment. Now, go get ready."

After gearing up with a blend of modern and medieval armor, I stepped through the portal into the Dark Souls world.

The air was thick with a sense of dread, and the sky was a perpetual twilight, casting long, eerie shadows over the twisted ruins and gnarled trees.





For the next three months, I fought endlessly through this corrupted world. My enemies were relentless, each battle pushing me to my limits.

I ate what meat I could find, drank what liquid I could find, pausing only long enough to refuel before diving back into the fray. My weapons and armor took a beating, but I repaired them whenever I had a moment of respite.

Early on, I encountered twisted versions of familiar enemies, each more grotesque and powerful than the last.

The corrupted form of Ornstein and Smough was particularly challenging. Their attacks were infused with chaotic energy, making them faster and deadlier. I used Shunpo to dodge Ornstein's lightning-fast spear thrusts and summoned stone spikes to disrupt Smough's charges.

After an intense battle, I separated them and exploited their vulnerabilities, ultimately defeating them with a combination of lightning-infused strikes and summoned spikes.

As I delved deeper into the heart of the corruption, my preference for a particular weapon began to emerge.

The Tachi, a longer and more curved Japanese sword, became my weapon of choice. Its balance and reach suited my fighting style perfectly, allowing me to combine the fluid movements of Shunpo with precise, powerful strikes. The Tachi's blade seemed to sing through the air, cutting down enemies with a grace and lethality that felt almost poetic.

One of my toughest encounters was with the corrupted Artorias the Abysswalker. His monstrous form was a blend of savage power and agile grace, making him a formidable opponent.

We clashed repeatedly, our swords sparking as they met. Using earth manipulation, I created barriers to block his attacks and used the Judgment Cut to force him back.

With a final, decisive strike, I channeled lightning through my Tachi and struck him down, cleansing the corruption from his body.

As I neared the end of my journey, the battles grew even more intense. I faced off against the twisted form of Gwyn, Lord of Cinder. His fiery aura was tainted with shadows, and his attacks were unpredictable and brutal. We fought for what felt like days, my Tachi a blur as I countered his fiery onslaught with lightning and earth attacks. The energy from our clash illuminated the dark world around us.

Summoning all my strength, I executed a flawless Rapid Slash, slicing through Gwyn's defenses. In the final moment, I channeled both lightning and earth energy through my Tachi and delivered a devastating blow that shattered the corruption's hold on him. The world around us began to heal, the oppressive darkness lifting.

Exhausted beyond measure, I felt the adrenaline fade, replaced by a bone-deep weariness. My vision blurred, and the last thing I remembered was collapsing to the ground, my Tachi still clutched in my hand. The world faded to black as exhaustion claimed me.

When I finally awoke, I was back in my quarters. Lisa was there, a relieved smile on her face. "You did it. You've cleansed the world."

I managed a weak grin. "So, what's next? Another nightmare to conquer?"

She laughed. "Rest first. You've earned it."

As I lay back, the thrill of victory mingling with the exhaustion, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for the challenges ahead.

Tequila everyone?

ChrisTian3421creators' thoughts