
Chapter 10: Entrance exam results

After a few days of relaxing, although I took advantage of the times we didn't meet to train to rest, the admission letters arrived so we met in my room to look at them all three together.

-Well let's start with you Reiko - I said after Reiko came out as the first to open her letter followed by Yui.

The envelope opened, dropping a small circular device with a button, after placing it on the coffee table and pressing the button, a projection of present mic was seen that began to speak in the high tone that the hero spoke.

-Candidate Reiko Yanagi I am proud to tell you of your successful passage to the hero program of the UA academy - said present mic in a tone that caused me to have to cover my ears - with 32 points in the practical exam and 79 in the written exam you were admitted to class 1b, we will wait for you in your uniform on the day of the beginning of classes.

-Among boys - said Reiko excited by the news screaming with excitement.

-Congratulations Reiko - said Yui while clapping and putting a small smile on her face.

-You're still your Yui - I said while hugging my childhood friend and she only put a small smile while resigning herself to my usual friendly treatment with her.

-Candidate Yui Kodai I am pleased to announce your entry to the UA academy's hero course - said a projection of Ectoplasm that had appeared from the device that Yui's card had - your score of 87 points in the written exam and 34 points in the practical exam makes you worthy of your entry to class 1b.

-Congratulations Yui - said Reiko as soon as Ectoplasm finished speaking in the projection while I began to hug Yui too who was next to me as well, since the three of us had sat on three poufs that were in my room.

-My turn – I said after letting go of my friends, I tore open the letter and carefully placed the device on the table, to press the button carefully.

-Candidate Shinzen, I am pleased to announce you as a member of the UA Academy Hero Course – said the projection of Vlad King with a serious voice, but with a smile on his face – Your performance in the written exam was 85 points, but the performance in the practical test for your help to the other candidates is awarded to your already 35 points for eliminating robots about 40 rescue points, leaving you in class 1b we are eagerly awaiting you.

-Well, we are in the same classroom – I said as I left the room for a moment to return with a large amount of snacks that I put on the table.

-I'm glad we shared a classroom - Reiko said happily after I sat down to eat a meat bun with an expression of pure happiness - it would have been strange if we were from different classrooms.

-For me it's also a good thing that happened - said Yui while eating some popcorn - not only did we get into the hero course, but the three of us will be able to be together for the next three years.

-For me it's a joy girls - I said while I cleaned a small amount of meat that I had on my cheek with my tongue - although we still have to wait to see who our other classmates will be, maybe we could grow the group of friends.

-Because every time we talk you like to want to include people in our group of friends - said Reiko curiously - a month ago you didn't touch on the subject and now you don't stop asking the subject in every conversation.

-Well, we'll be surrounded for the next three years by colleagues who will be professional heroes like us in the future - I said explaining my point of view a little embarrassed after Reiko's question - it would be good to make more friends, so that when we become professionals we can have more people to count on.

-It's not a bad idea - said Yui intervening after listening to me - besides it would be good to have more people to talk to and develop ourselves with, although we have been friends for several years it's not a bad idea to meet new people to relate to, both thinking about new people to relate to and the future we will have with them as professional colleagues.

-If they say it like that, I'm also interested in meeting new people - said Reiko somewhat curious to meet the new colleagues we would have.

-Well, let's leave that aside, we have to celebrate - I said while stuffing my mouth with meat buns, causing my two best friends to laugh.

After that we were talking about what we could expect in our classroom like what classmates we would have, who would be our teacher and what we would have to experience in the hero course.

The educational system of the UA was the same for all the courses that we took no matter what objective they had subjects like math, science or foreign languages ​​that we had to take every year like a normal school, but as members of a hero department we would have classes where they would teach us how to use our quirk better, some things from the world of heroism and in general the basic skills to be professional heroes.

Leaving aside the fact that I knew some things that would happen after the camp arc where, I would begin to live the important events that involved the league of villains being from class 1b, but I was curious about how things would be being a member of the class that did not have the initial conflicts with the main villains of the series.