

Anko was brushing her teeth, getting ready for the day. The Hokage gave her a few days of paid vacation for some reason but she wasn't going to complain. More time to go party, get drunk, dance, push the pain away.

The minor hangover was worth it. She was pretty sure she was on her way to a medical discharge soon, though, and that would not be worth it. Had to put food on the table and that was hard to do without ryo coming in.

It didn't matter, though. She pushed one of the kindest, sweetest people out of her life with repeated acts of betrayal. The sake helped her forget. She wanted to say it helped her heal.

Anko knew that was a lie, though.

The doorbell opened.

Who would be bothering her at this time in the morning?

She slowly walked to the front door, undid the locks and pulled open the door.

Anko's entire body was paralyzed and her breath caught as her eyes struggled to comprehend the sheer horror of what they were seeing.

"Hello, Anko-chan." Orochimaru stood at her front door, serpentine face smirking amusedly. "It's been a while. How are you?"

She dropped the toothbrush, seizing a kunai out of its holster at her waste and chucking it at him. He just dodged effortlessly, moving in and grabbing her by her wrists, the rest of her body seeming to freeze just at his touch.

"How?" Anko breathed in terror. "How are you alive? Daisuke killed you. I held your head!"

"Oh, Anko," Orochimaru shook his head in disappointment. "You couldn't have thought me gone forever, could you? In fact, Daisuke and I met again just yesterday!"

Anko felt a cold shiver running down her spine.

Orochimaru reached up to his face and dug his nails into his skin, pulling it off and revealing his bodies face. An extremely familiar face.


Daisuke's face, with Orochimaru's eyes stared into her own.

"Yes," Orochimaru grinned happily. "You should feel it, Anko. The power of the gods, coursing through my veins."


"His overconfidence was his downfall, Anko-chan," Orochimaru pointed out with a feral grin that only marred Daisuke's wonderful face. "I was ready for him this time."

"I'll kill you," Anko growled in anger as she felt her eyes started to well up. "I'll kill you a million times for this! This is unforgivable!"

Orochimaru just hummed. "Oh, I don't believe so. I'm so far above you now that you'll never be anything other than my little experiment forever."

"No!" Anko struggled against his grip, kneeing him in the groin, letting snakes pour from her sleeves. But the attack to his groin didn't phase him and the snakes withered as they approached.

"But I learned something after he generously gave me his body," Orochimaru started to purr. "He wanted to get to know you better. He wanted to know you. Your mind…and your body. And you know what I think?"

Anko froze again.

"I think I can oblige him," Orochimaru replied with a feral smile.

No. Anko's body filled with revulsion and horror. She pulled, resisted, did everything she could to resist her old mentor as he pulled her face to Daisuke's, the long snake-like tongue first sliding across her lips, then forcing its way into her mouth…

Anko shot right awake, gasping loudly as the dream finally dispelled itself. She was breathing, panting hard as she gulped down precious mouthfuls of air. It was just a dream. Just a dream. Orochimaru didn't defile Daisuke like that. Daisuke is still out there, safe and healthy. It was just a dream…wait.

Her sobs were interrupted as she found that she didn't recognize where she was, the same feeling as waking up in a stranger's apartment following a one-night stand. But the walls were made of steel, there were couches and furniture in the spacious room.

Where am I? Anko thought quickly. Wait…

Beside her, Daisuke, now a fully-grown adult again, slowly sat up and looked at her with concern. "Are you alright, Anko?"

Anko, her eyes wide as she took in the sight, merely nodded. "Yes! Yes, I am. Just a nightmare."

"I'm sorry," Daisuke said, opening his arms wide. "Come here."

She leaned forward into her husband's embrace, shuddering pleasantly at the feeling of his powerful arms around her. Her head buried itself into his chest and her breathing started to slow and relax.

It wasn't a dream, Anko thought in disbelief. It actually happened! I got married to Daisuke. He comes from another world. He deified me. All within a day of him coming to see me and wanting to ask me out to breakfast.

The married couple just sat there, embracing each other. Anko felt the terror of the nightmare evaporate from her body, and sighed contentedly. Then there was a slight feeling of discomfort as she realized that she had to go. "…I'll be right back; I need to use the bathroom."

"Alright," Daisuke released her and she slid off the bed. He pointed to the door built into the corner of the room. "It's just through that door there."

"Thank you, Daisuke," Anko turned back to him and favored him with a smile, which made his face light up in the dark, which in turn lit her up. As she stood up, she froze as she felt something slide out of, well, her front and onto the floor with a wet slop.

Anko stared at the clump of her husband's bunk, feeling just a little embarrassed at the mess she just made.

"Don't worry, I got it," Daisuke reassured her, hopping out of the bed and giving her a fantastic view of his grown, muscular body in its entirety.

That just brought to mind a whole other set of memories as he cleaned it up with just a jutsu. The titanic, earth-shattering feeling of him inside her, being held ever closer whenever she begged him to go harder, deeper. "Thank you, Daisuke."

"My pleasure," Daisuke replied with a smile that sent her over the moon.

Those memories sent her to the bathroom with a huge smile on her face. He obviously wasn't experienced, given that they didn't switch positions or that he didn't do anything like tie her to the headboard, but he was a force of nature in bed, to the point where things like alternate positions and bondage play became afterthoughts.

All after just a single day, Anko thought with a shake of her head, pressing the button to the door. The bathroom, just like the bedroom, was expansive. The shower was big enough for three people at least, the tub too. Next to both of those was the toilet, which she sat on.

If someone had told her prior to yesterday that she would be married to the boy she had committed the nearly unpardonable sin of betrayal against, multiple times, and that he was also a man, all in one day? She'd have laughed in their face, then fed them to her snakes. But it had happened and reality was laughing now.

Surprisingly, I don't really care, Anko thought to herself, still smiling. It's just more work that we would've taken care of if we dated like normal people. It'll be fine. A challenge, but fine.

Anko started chuckling softly to herself.

It's not like he ever does anything gradually, does he? She shook her head with an amused expression. Actually, I can use that when I'm giving him his gift…

After she finished, flushing the toilet and washing her hands, she walked back into the bedroom. She looked at her husband, who was looking at her in concern. Probably a good thing I didn't try to 'resist' so he could make me feel helpless, as much fun as that would've been. With his lack of experience, he probably would've thought I actually didn't want him and that would've killed the mood…

She slid under the covers with her husband. "I'm sorry I woke you."

"It's fine," Daisuke replied. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Anko thought for a minute. It would be a good time to see if he could handle it, at least and she did need to talk about it. "I dreamed about yesterday, when you came to ask me out for breakfast…instead of you, it was Orochimaru."

Daisuke hummed in concern and wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. She appreciated that.

"But then it turned out that he had stolen your body while you were gone," Anko continued, stopping herself from devolving into sobs. "And then he tried to…force me, while wearing your face."

"That sounds horrifying," Daisuke replied, sounding devastated.

"It was," Anko nodded, her cheek pressed against his chest. "It really was. Have I ever told you how happy I am you got rid of my cursed seal?"

"Yeah," Daisuke nodded. "Have I told you how happy I was to do it?"

"Yup," Anko smiled.

Daisuke smiled back, then his face changed. His eyes narrowed and he looked off to the side in thought.

"What's wrong?" Anko asked quickly. "Did you get a quest notification?"

"No, I just remembered something from my old world," Daisuke answered. "There was a book series, where the bad guy had split his soul into several parts as a way of obtaining immortality. Awesome series, but then I remembered how Orochimaru placed his soul in his seal when he marked you."

Anko froze and her heart stopped. "You don't think…"

"I think it's possible," Daisuke replied with a nod. "You want to take his head this time?"

She couldn't stop either the smile or the laugh that came out of her as the tension immediately evaporated. "Yes! I'd love that."

"I thought you might," Daisuke agreed with a huge grin on his face. "Besides, you're a goddess now. I seriously doubt he can actually pose a threat to you because he is not going to see it coming."

"Oh," Anko's smiled turned predatory. "I am really, really looking forward to that."

"It's going to be a lot of fun," Daisuke replied. "Now, do you think you'll be able to go back to sleep now, or are you wide awake?"

Anko hummed. She didn't want to go back to sleep when there was something, she incredibly fun she could be doing with her husband instead. She got a coy smile on her face and started walking her fingers up his chest. "You know what, husband? I think I'd like to go for round two."

Daisuke got a predatory grin on his face that set Anko's heart ablaze and he got on top of her. She wrapped her legs around his and they started kissing.

Well, that was my first taste of Anko's PTSD. Not that bad, but I can't assume that was the worst of it. The day that my wife can stop having nightmares about rape by her old sensei is a day that I can celebrate. As a god, can I declare that day a holiday? What would I even call it? Hm. I'll think about that more…

On a positive note, the second time was just as awesome as the first. A little bit more, actually, since I was more comfortable with it after I had some experience pounding my wife's tuna.

…that's a Team Fourstar reference I thought I forgot. I am absolutely introducing her to what I remember of their fine work and I hope she enjoys them. Or at least tolerates them so I can watch them more. Pretty sure she'll find them funny.

I was standing at the door to the museum wing which I had started but never finished. All the exhibits were empty, but since Anko's here, I was going to finish them! Or at least get a good start on them.

Anko walked up the stairs, hand on the railing, fully dressed in her freshly cleaned fishnets and trench coat that just made me feel good in all the right ways, smiling all the while. "So, this museum, you were going to finish it before you went home originally, yeah?"

"Yup." I nodded. "My way of explaining to people what exactly I was when I wasn't around anymore since, well, I didn't want to do it in person."

"You know, we really should do a tell all," Anko suggested. "Just let all your friends know, since they've been trying really hard to figure it out."

"Maybe," I said with a non-committal shrug. "I was going to tell Naruto and Kakashi, at least."

"And they're going to want to tell their teams and friends," Anko pointed out with a thoughtful expression. "Which would mean that they're probably going too, and then they might tell other people…it'd get out kind of fast. Are you okay with that?"

I hummed, then shook my head. "No. I'd rather it stayed within my circle of friends."

"Then you should absolutely host a tell all," Anko insisted again. "I feel like, at least, Hisako and Ino deserve an explanation as to why you wouldn't even look at them, but married the easiest woman in the village after a day."

I blinked and frowned at how she referred to herself. "Anko, you shouldn't think that way about yourself. I made you an honest, respectable woman, remember?"

"It's just my reputation," Anko shrugged. "I haven't had nearly the same number of partners as some other kunoichi I know, but it's all perception."

"Yeah, I know," I agreed. "It makes sense for them to see you that way, but who cares about them? I just don't want you to see yourself as that."

Anko smiled. "Thanks, Daisuke."

"I love you, honey."

"I love you too," Anko said, getting under my arm and pulling me into a brief kiss. "Will you do the tell-all?"

I hummed in thought. "I'll think about it. You do make a good point, though, Ino and Hisako need an explanation."

"Thank you," Anko replied with a smile. "Now, can you answer a question for me?"

"Sure," I nodded.

"Did you actually like them back?" Anko asked with an analytical expression. "If I wasn't interested, would you have gone to them instead?"

…ah, man…

I'm not lying to her. I know this is probably a test and going to cause problems later, but she and I need to be nothing short of completely honest with each other if this marriage is going to last longer than the honeymoon. "I did. Ino more than Hisako."

"Alright. I guess that makes sense," Anko nodded with a frown. "Ino actually cares about you. A lot. But, Hisako?"

"Well, Hisako was more like a friend," I replied with a wishy-washy gesture. "A friend that I was physically attracted too, though, if that makes sense."

"Friends with benefits."

"That feels almost," I began, almost feeling my stomach sink. "Like a classless way of putting it."

"But is it true?" Anko asked directly.

"Yeah, I guess," I replied with a sigh. "I just don't feel good about it. You mad?"

"Why would I be-?" Anko started with a look of confusion. Then her eyes got a bit wide. "Oh! No, no. That wasn't a test. I was legitimately curious. Thank you for being honest with me."

"Okay," I said, smiling at her. "Thank you for not getting upset."

"It's fine," Anko shook her head, pulling me in for another kiss, this one lasting longer. "Now, the museum?"

"Right!" I said, opening the door.

We came to a large hallway with empty exhibits that took an immediate right turn about ten feet forward. Directly before the turn was one such exhibit, which I extended my hand to start filling.

"The first nuclear bombs were Fat Man and Little Boy," I said, constructing a stand for the two bombs, with monitors shining and showing the nuclear bombs going off. "They annihilated the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima horrifically and just the two of them were so powerful, they literally left shadows on the ground of those who died in the blast."

"So, like you inside me last night," Anko piped up with a catlike grin.

"Exactly," I replied with a matching smile of my own.

Anko hummed in delight and turned to the exhibit, laying her head on my chest. "But seriously, they left shadows on the ground?"

"Black imprints on the ground," I confirmed. "Technically, by bleaching the surface of the ground behind the shadows, making it permanently brighter than the shadow around it."

"Wow," Anko said. "And these bombs dropped on the same country our manga came from?"

"That's right," I replied. "I wonder if, had the bombs not dropped, if the manga would never have come out of japan, or would've been much different than it is."

Anko hummed. "I've been wondering, did the creation of the manga create us? Or did it simply make you aware of our world and let you come here?"

"I think it's the second one," I said. "There is no way your whole world would've been made by something as simple as a manga being written."

"I guess." Anko shook her head. "It's just hard not to think about, you know? If those bombs didn't get dropped and the manga never got written, would I have ever met you?"

"Maybe," was my response. I just shrugged. "I'm just glad we met; you know?"

"Me too," Anko replied with a smile.

We continued the tour. The next exhibit was the great war, and the end of the old world. Then I talked about the mutations, which made Anko's eyes bug out of her skull when she saw what radiation did to geckos and crabs. "Those don't look like crabs!"

"The setting is based on 50's science fiction," I told her with a shrug. "They were obsessed with things like Fishmen and other monsters like that, so that's where they came from. No, they don't have crab legs, which is the biggest change."

"But still," Anko shook her head. "I was thinking that this setting just had feral summon animals walking all over them because of the radiation."

"Oh," I said. Then I laughed. "Not a bad assumption, I guess."

"I mean, giant roaches," Anko pointed out, looking a little annoyed. "Come on, it's not that outlandish."

"Not at all," I said, still smiling. "I just didn't think of it that way. It does makes sense."


We continued the tour, the next exhibit showing ghouls. "In my world, as close as we call it to 'real life', radiation just makes you really sick, rots your body away and kills you. In Fallout, it mutates you."

"Fascinating," Anko said, looking at the zombie-like creatures with viciously burnt off skin, then looking at the one who was actually clothed and using a rifle like a normal person. "I'm guessing there's mental degradation?"

"That's right," I confirmed. "When a person turns into a ghoul, it's almost like they turn into a timebomb, as their minds slowly degrade overtime and they become cannibalistic monsters. Though not all ghoul's minds degrade, or at least they degrade very, very slowly. Maintaining an active social life and engaging their minds seems to slow the degradation."

"Makes sense," Anko nodded. "Is there a cure?"

"Not that I ever saw in the games." I shook my head. "I imagine they could find one once people pull their heads out of their butts; they could at least develop a treatment."

Anko hummed. "Wouldn't that be hard with the world in shambles like it is?"

"Well, that depends on what coast you're on," I said as we came to the next exhibit, which I made into East Coast and West Coast. "East Coast is still almost completely screwed thanks to sheer amount of ghouls, super mutants and radiation there, even after two-hundred years. The West coast is rebuilding, most especially the New California Republic."

"The New California Repubric," Anko repeated, looking at the map. Then she froze, and said the name again. And again. And again. She looked at me. "How do you pronounce that word?"

"Republic," I replied with a surprised smile. "I'm amazed you can tell there's the difference."

She kept trying and then grunted in frustration. "I'll figure it out later. What's that sound?"

I held an L for her, showing how my tongue was stuck slightly between my teeth as I made it for her. Then I gestured for her to try. She couldn't do it. "Do it again?"

"L-" I said, then I noticed her starting to smile. "Something funny?"

"No, I was just thinking about your tongue," Anko said playfully.

"Ah," I said with a nod and a frown. "I see."

"Something wrong?" Anko asked, matching my frown.

"I'm not sure how I'd like giving you oral," I replied with a shrug. "I mean, I'll do it for you, but thinking about it feels off."

Anko hummed. "Well, are you worried about if I'm clean down there?"

"Since I taught you that jutsu, not really," I replied. "It's just, I don't know, it feels weird."

"Well," Anko started slowly. "We can take it slow. I don't want you to do something you don't feel comfortable doing."

"I mean, I at least should try it once," I replied. "Maybe I'll like it and my hand-wringing's for nothing."

"Are you sure?" Anko asked with a frown. "Seriously, no shame in not liking something. I mean, I'd be disappointed, but it'd be fine."

I love my wife. "I'll try it tonight. For you."

"Thank you," Anko replied with a smile. "We can do Anal too, since you wanted to try that."

"You think you can hold the chakra technique or will that be my job?" I asked.

"Uh," Anko started, adopting a thoughtful expression. "Maybe that would be your job. I don't think I can hold it yet."

"That's fine," I said with a smile. "Wait, how did we start talking about sex?"

"We're on our honeymoon," Anko explained with a cheerful smile. "And us having sex has been the highlight of both our lives."

"Even though you've had it before?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh yeah," Anko nodded with a vicious grin. "You don't have a lot of experience, sure, but you have a lot of raw talent."

I felt really warm all of a sudden. "I love how you get soaked with sweat when we're in bed together."

"I love it too," Anko replied, still smiling. Then, she stopped, getting a thoughtful expression. "Actually, can we talk about something? Something a bit more serious."

"About your gift?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No, I'm saving that for after our honeymoon," Anko replied. "Because it's going to be, well, another massive change for us and we should take some time to adjust before we do that."

"What is it?" I asked with a small smirk.

"I can't tell you, it's a surprise," Anko replied with a grin. "…and I don't want to talk about it until I understand all the laws around it thoroughly and make sure it's something I can handle."

…yeah, I'm not even going to try to guess what it is. Because if there's laws around it and she needs to make sure she can 'handle' it, which I think means 'emotionally', there's a good chance she might not give it to me, so no point in getting excited about it.

"Honestly, that's probably for the best," I said with a nod. "My life's just been a series of non-stop, drastic and immediate changes and I need to start slowing down."

"I need to start slowing down," Anko parroted with a good-natured laugh. "He says after I marry him."

"Too much of a good thing, my love," I replied with a smile. "Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. Now, did you want to talk here, or would my office be better."

Anko thought for a moment, placing a finger on her lips. "Your office."

"Alright, let's go," I said, turning us to head off.

Well, I got the Nuclear Bomb, Great War, Ghouls and other creatures of the wastelands in their exhibits, so I did get some stuff done.

Anko and I sat down on the same couch. I conjured up a cup of steaming green tea for her, and I just had a mug of hot chocolate. She took the cup and sipped, humming appreciatively. "This is good."

"Thank you," I replied appreciatively. "I'm glad you like it."

She nodded. "Now, Daisuke, I know we both want a large family."

"That's right," I said with a nod. "I can't wait until we start having kids."

"Neither can I," Anko said, the sparkling eyes she got whenever this topic came up overshadowed by sadness. "But, Daisuke? I don't think either of us are ready for children."

"I don't think you can ever really be ready for kids," I pointed out with a frown. "But you're talking more about us, specifically, being unfit to be parents. At least for a while, right?"

"Yes, that's exactly it." Anko nodded. "For me, there's the fact that Orochimaru, well, he left scars. Bad ones. Ones that are starting to heal, definitely, but scars that are there and I don't want our kids to deal with their mom when she freaks out. It would be really bad for them."

She had a point. I was nodding gingerly, taking her hand in mine. "I understand. That takes a lot of strength to admit, though. So, I'm really proud of you."

"But, see the other part of it is that I don't think you're ready for kids either," Anko started with an apologetic expression.

"Honestly, I think you're right," I answered, cupping my lips in thought. "I'm mostly over dying and coming back, but I'd be lying if there still weren't some issues with that."

"No, no." Anko shook her head. "I think you're almost entirely over that and I'm in awe of you for getting past that. But I'm mostly talking about your dual ages."

"You think my constantly shifting between a teenager and an adult man might be bad for them?" I asked with a deep frown. "I didn't think about that. It could be really confusing for them, and then they'd have to come to grips with their dad being a teenager, and an adult and…yeah, I can see why that'd be bad."

"I'm glad you see it," Anko sighed in relief. "I was afraid this would turn into a fight because I think you want children as much as I do."

"I do want kids." I nodded in agreement. "But we can hold off for a while. Why did you want to talk about this now?"

"Because I'm going to be ovulating in a few days," Anko answered, matter-of-factly. "We needed to get ahead of that so that we could have this talk now instead of after I accidentally get pregnant when we were just trying to have some fun."

"Ah, I see," I replied. "Good to see that you're on top of that."

"It really pays to keep watch on that," Anko replied with a nod. "Especially since I was planning on spending last night clubbing."

"You know, I've never been in a nightclub," I pointed out, thinking about this gap in my life experience. "Is it fun?"

"Music, dancing, booze, one-night-stands," Anko listed off on her fingers. "Yeah, it can be a lot of fun. Of course, now that I'm married, that last one's lost its appeal. Especially after last night. We should go, though, just so you can experience the night life."

"That's a good idea," I approved with a grin. "Of course, I don't think I can dance."

"Think of it like a Taijutsu kata, except set to a beat," Anko told me reassuringly. "You'll be fine, Daisuke."

"Good point," I said, standing up. "Now, I think I should sterilize myself so we can avoid unwanted pregnancies."

"Wait," Anko held up her hands. "What are you going to do?"

"Vasectomy," I replied. "Just remove the tubes and seal up the holes until we're ready for kids."

"And you know, for a fact, that you can undo that, right?" Anko pressed with a very serious expression. "I do not want a surrogate father because you made a mistake."

"I am perfectly confident in my ability to undo the surgery," I replied reassuringly. "Remaking the tubes and opening the testes is simpler than removing the tubes. I promise."

Anko's eyes narrowed and she took a deep breath. "Alright. I trust you. I'll undo it the hard way, anyway, if you can't do it the easy way."

"I will make sure that surgery is unnecessary," I replied, continuing to be as reassuring as I could. I performed the jutsu.

Oh…Hm. That was uncomfortable. Not painful, necessarily, but uncomfortable.

Perk Added: Sterile!

You decided to be responsible and get a Vasectomy! You will no longer cause pregnancies until the procedure is reversed.

"There we are," I replied. "I got a perk from that."

"You got a perk," Anko repeated, taking the book I offered her. "Sterile. Okay…so it can be reversed, confirmed. Good. Good. I was worried for a second."

"Push comes to shove, I can just use a jutsu to artificially inseminate you," I replied, as she kept reading through the book. Being honest, I'm so freaking glad I've got someone I can share all that nonsense with.

Anko got this disgusted look on her face, shutting the book and handing it back to me. "No, no, no. We are doing it naturally. That's part of the fun. If we have to result to artificial insemination, I will be very upset."

"We both know that Vasectomy's can be undone," I pointed out neutrally. "We'll have tons of kids. Our kids. When we're ready. I promise you."

She sighed. "You're right, I'm just worried over nothing. It's okay. Besides, it works out better for us anyway."

I sat back down. "By the way, I don't know if this is obvious, but I really, really appreciate how we can just talk about stuff and be frank without any drama."

"No kidding," Anko said, rubbing the back of her head. "If we couldn't this would be a lot harder than it has to be. Thank you for being calm."

"I love you," I told her with a smile.

"I love you too," Anko said with a smile, getting up and sitting in my lap. "Uh, don't hate me for this, But I think a lot of it is your Charisma stat."

"Yup, pretty much," I agreed, nodding quickly.

"How many checks have you gotten in the past couple of days?" Anko asked, curiously.

"I turned them off last night after we had sex together," I answered with a shrug. "So, I don't know."

"That's a shame," Anko said with a frown. "You know, there was something I meant to do for you this morning that I didn't get the chance to…"

I just hummed curiously.

"But first," Anko started, getting a flirtatious smile on her face. "I need your help getting undressed."

We were both naked an instant later. Anko started giggling and I was taking the time to admire her perfectly toned body, and the way it curved and flowed together immaculately.

Surprisingly, she moved off my lap and…got on her knees in front of me, looking at my member while seductively licking her lips. "Hm…yummy."


The Previous was a Fanbased Work of Fiction, written by Fulcon. Naruto is owned by Shueisha, Viz Entertainment and Masashi Kishimoto. Please support the Official Release.

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