
SHINOBI - A Dragon Of Wrath

---- The Warring States Period. A time of poverty and the constant warfare of lords that grasp for power and the ultimate end to rule what is not theirs.

MiracleWorm · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
3 Chs


Being a little toddler is a rather tedious life. Just this moment Ryuki was doing a very exhausting exercise. The thought alone about the simple action of crawling being difficult and feeling like some exercise made him frown somewhat.

But everything had to start somewhere and the sooner he got used to things, the better they would be. Good thing he had the right mindset for now. Hell still waited for him with his actual martial training later.

When he was crawling around the home he soon went past a room and a table where suddenly an object fell down from and imbedded itself right in front of him into the wooden floor.

His little head wobbled a little bit and when he looked up at the object in front of himself a little bit of dread appeared in his eyes.

But Ryuki only frowned a little before coming closer to the object and placing himself on his buttocks, the only position in which he could keep himself without much effort.

Then his little hands grabbed the object that fell from the table at which his father was currently sitting and working at.

"Akira, what is that!!? Why are you letting Ryuki play with a kunai!!?" Suddenly his mother came into the room that he and his father were currently in and started screaming at him.

Both of them were startled and looked over. But the one that was even more shocked was his father that looked down at him seeing how he had a kunai in his hands.

Quickly he went and took away the weapon from him.

"How did you end up in here, Ryuki?" His father sighed and placed the kunai into a bow on the table.

His mother then picked Ryuki up "Why are you still having those in our house? Didn't I tell you to stop bringing them here!?" It seems she was still not finished with arguing.

"You know how things are currently. We can make more money by selling weapons right now." His father Akira tried to explain but that didn't help much.

"That has nothing to do with you bringing those back into our home! Did you not see our son picked one of them up because you are not paying attention!?" His mother was definitely furious.

His father sighed again and glanced at Ryuki again who was staring at his father for a while now. "The kid isn't going to do stupid stuff. He hasn't until this point and I doubt he would start now. So stop worrying so much."

One way or another his father seemed to be rather confident in Ryuki not doing stupid or dangerous things.

Ryuki himself agreed to that but then again it was only because he had a mature mind. So on another note, this was very irresponsible. His mother was angry for the right reasons.

"Throw them out...or you can forget sleeping in a bed for a while..." His mother's voice seemed to be getting cold and she started to leave the room with Ryuki in her arms.

'Yep, that's about what I expected.', thought Ryuki inside his head. He could only feel pity for his father who rubbed his forehead in resignation and went back to work writing something.

As a merchant, he was probably preparing for tomorrow and was doing the accounting for the day.

And about the warning his mother had given him, it was effective. Very much so that his father was later seen by Ryuki how he had put everything away that remotely had something to do with a weapon and transferred it back into the shop.

Yes, they also had a shop that was basically right beside the house. So it was no surprise that his father from time to time brought things back home to store them in their home.

And mother didn't like that at all because lately the market for weapons has increased.

Ryuki could only think about a war being the reason for the increase in those exact goods being sold in the shop.

Even though they were a merchant family, it was actually not an easy life and his father had to go along with the whims of the current trends to keep us well fed.

That, and a healthy merchant mind, that is.

All that didn't really bother Ryuki that much at the time. That is until the time when he finally managed to keep himself balanced on his little short legs and walked around. He managed to sneak out of the house and saw a rainy day outside.

And it continued. One rainy day after the other. If he didn't like rain with its soothing sound, he would have otherwise felt depressed to see the weather that never changed.

Like before it didn't bother him much until he realized where he had been born. The land of rain. The epicenter of the war. The point where three large nations kept doing their battles.

That brought Ryuki back to reality. Not that he ever stopped being a realist, but for a short time, he actually had a carefree life. With all the bliss of being ignorant of the suffering around him.

So after knowing where he was and finally having enough control over his body at the age of 2, he started to do random exercises.

Most of them were actually more inclined to his mind. Meditation being the major exercise that he could do without much trouble. That is with other minor coordination exercises for balance being the exception.

But it was a start and after feeling the change inside his body that was getting stronger and also lighter the more he had increased his energy, the more he believed it was a good start.

Actually, he was a little bit scared by the tremendous difference in impact. Normally his Ki refinement wouldn't give such tremendous and quick results. That is at least what his memories of martial arts were telling him.

But then again, after getting a feel for all three energies, he could see that his energies were all intertwined one way or another.

While meditating and trying to purify his ki, the strain he put himself under to keep control over the energy flow inside him, was also resulting in him refining his mental Od which represents his mental capacity.

So, somehow it also started to get refined together with his Ki. And every time he let his Ki travel through his Meridian system, the Od started to activate and travel through his circuits that let out a turquoise glow from underneath his skin.

They looked like veins going through his whole body and to tell the truth, he knew about the origin of the circuits, but he never was someone who paid much attention to the Fate franchise.

So this was also all new to him.

And what was weirder is that while doing these exercises, he felt like he slowly got a hang of both energies while not knowing of them both.

Well, the talent for martial arts is one thing he did choose from, but somehow it seems the nine arts dragon also had major knowledge about keeping one mind fit.

Ryuki thought it would mostly be because of the Dark Heaven and Earth technique that literally strained your mind to the limit to increase one's ability.

Basically deactivating your limiters inside your head. Something that would need very good control over the brain.

After thinking about that a little bit more, it made Ryuki think if he had turned into a berserker class with his choices? After all, berserkers had a tremendous amount of Od/Mana in the Fate verse, right?


'Nah, I'm thinking too much into that.'


Well, besides him getting the hang of his energies while also feeling it somehow being slow in comparison to his knowledge telling him that it was not being the ideal speed. It was still good enough progress with somewhat frightening results.

Not to mention that every time he tried to cultivate those energies separately it ended up in disaster. His control was nowhere near enough to try that stupid action. That is what his AI companion said.

At least Chakra felt compatible with both energies and never went haywire too much. It seems he also had a very large amount of that said energy. But to have a reference, his companion needed actual data to analyze.

Until that happens, he will not think highly of his chakra amount.


[Name: Kuroda Ryuki (Ryuki Kuroda)]

[Gender: Male]

[Age: 3]

[Strength: 1.4(26.4), Agility: 1.2(26.2), Vitality: 1.8(26.8)]

[Energy-Level: 2.5 --- Od: 2500, Ki: 2500, Chakra: 5000]

[Magan - Locked]