

In a strange world where powers exist! Shinji awakens a hidden power within him but has to fix it!

Kyvid · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs


I open my eyes and see that in my dream again... Still can not move my legs..... But my arms are free and I can still speak.

Shinji: "I'm in this dream again! Look…. evil doer… I know it's you who is making me dream this! I heard all about you.... I'm not scared of you..." Whispers to himself: "But I just don't know your name?"

Evil Doer Whispers from the walls: "My Name is Zaros."

Shinji: "Zaros?" I think to myself: "That name sounds familiar."

Zaros: "Yes, you have heard of me before."

I was shocked!

Shinji: "You can read my mind!"

Zaros: "Yes! I am controlling this dream which means i'm in your mind which allows me to read your mind."

Shinji: "Ya can you please stop making me dream this! It gets annoying."

Zaros: "I will once you join us!"

Shinji: "Join you? But you're a bad guy!"

Zaros: "I am not bad! Why does everyone think that!... Look I am just taking over your dreams and I make your power do no so pleasant things without your permission and it makes you pass out sometimes and can get hot! How is that being evil?"

Shinji: "Ummm.... Well you did not ask me first off like a regular person instead you make my power bad and control the lower half of my body in my dreams so i say that makes you evil!"

Zaros: "I'M NOT EVILLLLL!!!!"

Zaros lunges at me, threw a wall and grabs my neck and lifts me up high! I am having a hard time breathing!

Zaros: "I am not evil!"

Shinji: "Ahh--hh- l-let me g-g-go!"

Source: "Let him GO!"

Zaros drops me! I land on my knees!


Zaros then lunges at the Source! Source is getting pulled fast away from Shinji


I close my eyes, quickly and tightly and open my eyes! I am once again covered in sweat! I look to my side and Elora is standing next to me.

Elora: "Shinji, O my god your okay!"

Shinji: "Why what's wrong!"

Elora: "I was walking by your room and peaked in and you were freaking out while you were asleep!"

Shinji: "Seriously!" I think to myself: "I must have been freaking out in the real world when he was choking me!" I look down… and my clothes are off and I have a morning boner!

Shinji: "O MY GOD!!" As I whipped the blanket over me! "Why are my clothes off!"

Elora: "O….. Um… Im sorry, I came in a little bit before you freaked out and you were heating up and sweating a very lot so I took your clothes off.... Im sorry!" Elora blushes: "don't worry about what happened. It's quite impressive!" Elora blushes even more.

Shinji: "Haha" Scratching his head: "Um… Thanks."

Elora: "Ya" scratching her head: "haha…."

Me and Elora look into each other's eyes for a couple seconds! We both look away quickly

Elora: "Um.,....O I also noticed….. Um as I was taking off your clothes.... that as you were sleeping you gained a bit of muscle mass!"

I looked down and noticed my biceps got a bit bigger and I had a six pack!

Shinji: "SWEET!... Um… so….. I…. should probably.... Uh.. get dressed...ha."

Elora: "O ya sorry… Uh… I'll be waiting in the test room."

Elora leaves and I get up and open my closet and I notice a black cloak with what appear to be fighting clothes. The shirt had ripped short sleeves and was brown and the pants were black with what looked like a karate belt! I put the clothes on and a note fell out of them!

Note: "Be the hero we need" -Source.

I put the note down with confidence and go to the test room.

Elore, Marden and Cade were waiting for me!

Marden: "Well took you long enough! You and Cade are gonna battle!"

Shinji: "Battle! I don't even know how to fight!"

Marden: "Well…. We want to see if fighting skills come with your power."

Shinji: "Um…. O-Ok."

I walk past Elora, she smiles and says good luck!

When I looked at her smile, I could not help but notice how beautiful she was!...... A bell goes off and I get kicked in the face by Cade.

Shinji: "OWCH! How the hell did you even hurt me!"

Cade: "I have some powers just like you! Now enough talking and FIGHT!"

Elora notices that cade hit me with such force that it hurt me a little!

Elora: "WHAT? Since when has Cade had powers?"

Marden: "Elora he has always had powers! We knew how big you were on trying to find someone with powers so we did not tell you for your own safety!"

Elora: "Are Kidding me!"

Marden: "Nope!"

Elora looking mad turns her focus back to the fight!"

Shinji: "So you're just like me!"

Cade: "Haha NO! I'm better than You!"

Cade comes in with a right hook, I dodged!

Shinji: "Woah man why are you swinging so hard!"

Cade: "Shut up and FIGHT ME!"

I could barely dodge his attacks! I turn and look at Marden threw the glass.

Shinji: "I CAN'T DO THIS!"

I turn back towards Cade.... BAMMM…. A right uppercut to the jaw! I fell to the ground!

Cade: "Haha….. Pathetic!"

I get angy!

Shinji: "Im…. not….. PATHETICCCC!!!!!!!!"

Black aura surrounds me..... I stand up.... My eyes change to look all black with a red in the middle that looks like a teardrop!

Cade looked worried.

Cade: "Just because you have a black aura dont me- uhhhhh."

I zoomed up to him at great speeds and punched him in the stomach! Cade dropped to his knees. I look down at him and speak as if there were two voices.

Shinji: "I am not pathetic!"

I look at my hands-

Shinji: "So this is my power! COOL!"

The black aura goes away-

Shinji: "God Dammit….. I need to work on keeping my aura up for longer periods of time but I lose focus!"

Elora comes running in: "Shinji that was amazing! Look and this time you did not melt the metal with your aura!"

I looked around and the metal was not melted or even warm!

Shinji: "I must have had a better control over the heat that time! It did feel different when I did it last time!"

Elora: "Yes, you must have and looks like you did not pass out this time!"

Shinji: "Huh…. I guess I didn't."

Marden comes in: "Shinji that last part was Great!.... Get up Cade…... It looks like you got some training to do!..... And for you Shinji you need to work on your fighting skills when you're not in your black aura!"

Shinji: "Yes, definitely!"

Marden: "Cade will help you learn how to fight!"

Cade: "What!... Wait. wait. Wait….. I don't want to help this loser!"

Marden: "Cade ENOUGH….. You will follow orders!"

Cade: "Sorry general!"

Marden: "Ok now that's over….. Cade… Shinji…. Start training with each other! I'll be back to check on your progress! Elora lets go!"

Elora: "Ok general! Bye guys!

Shinji and Cade: "Later!"

I look over at cade!

Shinji: "Why were you so mean during the fight?"

Cade: "Because I dont show any mercy!"

Shinji: "Well that's not a good way to fight!"

Cade: "Shut up! Lets just train!"

Me and cade train all day for 12 hours straight! We are both exhausted and Marden and Elora show up.

Marden: "So i see you guys have been training like i asked!"

Cade: "Yes we have been for 12 hours general!"

Marden: "Great! Now lets see what you have learned!"

Shinji: "General, sir….. Uhh I actually wanted to get a bite to eat. I am starving after all that training! Could we continue tomorrow?"

Marden: "Uhh… Ya i guess. Can't fight on an empty stomach!"

Shinji: "thanks general!"

Marden and Cade leave the room and it's just shinji and Elora!

Shinji: "So….. wanna join me in getting a bite to eat!"

Elora: "Yes….. Uh.. I mean ya sure!" Elora speaks while blushing!

Shinji: "Great!"

Me and Elora go down to the cafeteria! We get something to eat. We are chatting and laughing about all that has happened today. Even talking about earlier this morning!

Me and Elora get done eating and we head to my room! We get to my room and we sit down on my bed!

Elora: "ya so your powers are quite amazing!"

Shinji: "Ya i guess they are, aren't they!"

Elora: "well.... I had fun at dinner!"

Shinji: "Ya…. Ha…. so did I."

Me and Elora just looked around, soon finding ourselves looking at each other.... We were just looking into each other's eyes and slowly moving towards each other thinking what beautiful eyes she has…. Next thing I knew we were kissing.... We were kissing for a good minute and I slowly lay her down on my bed as we were still kissing.... We stopped kissing and i looked at her and said

Shinji: "Are you sure you want to do this."

Elora: "Yes"

I went back in to kiss her and I started slowly kissing down her sexy body... I tore her pants off!

Shinji: "Oops… sorry?"

Elora: "It's fine."

I slowly take off her sexy pink panties... and do some 18+ things with my mouth for 10 minutes.... She's moaning her brains out.... I slowly stand up on my knees and untie my belt and take off my pants.... My 18+ falls out and hits her leg….. I slowly move up while examining her sexy body and reach down and grab my 18+ and slowly put it in her 18+..... She clenches her toes and fingers and still moaning her brains out...…. We do a bunch of sexy positions doggy, hawk, fanny pack you name it for 30 minutes.... I tell her to get ready with her mouth because I'm about to 18+ all in there.... Shortly after she gets up on her knees I'm standing up and she starts jerking my 18+ with her mouth wide open….. Shortly after I 18+ all in her mouth and on her face she's licking her lips while smirking!..... Shortly after, we clean up and get dressed….. She doesn't have any pajamas with her so I let her wear one of mine! I'm thinking to myself while laying in bed watching her get dressed in my pajamas "Damn she is so sexy.".... She gets dressed and hops in bed with me for the night because it's too late for her to go home… We say goodnight to each other….. Shortly after I'm sleeping and Elora is still awake Elora thinks to herself "Man he is so hot! I-I think i love him!"

Haha i decided to have the lemon scene in this chapter!

It does fel a bit to soon but whatever! Also the muscle at the start just came to him late! If you enjoyed it please leave me a rating!

If you wanna contact me easier with ideas or your opinons you can follow my twitter- https://twitter.com/KyvidYT

Check Auxiliery chapter for any more info!

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