
Shindo Yamaguchi

Darjeeling_C · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

The judgement

After walking a long way Shindo and Shadow finally reaches the end of the tunnel. Outside the tunnel was a large hall. Inside the hall sat a demon and angel together with pen and paper.

Shindo and Shadow gently walks towards them.

Demon shouts from distance in an angry tone: Move fast, we don't have all day

Shindo and Shadow rushes towards them.

Demon: What's your name ?

Shindo: it's Sh..

Shadow stops Shindo in a hurry

Shadow in a very subtle voice only Shindo can hear: Don't give away your name here

Shindo: It's Shagamuchi, Sir!

Demon: HA HA HA HA we gonna have a lot of fun with you shagamuchi

Angel: Don't threaten the deceased you dumb demon, His fate isn't decided yet.

Demon: Shutup Alice, I can very much tell just by looking at his face, he's going to hell for sure

Angel (Alice): You can't judge anyone by looking at their face, he looks innocent to me, Just finish the paperwork and send him for the judgement

Alice hands over the paper and the pen to Shindo, Shindo carefully looks at the paper and reads the content written in the paper.

Paper content: I soul number AU36703L, hereby agree to the judgement given by King Yama by evaluating my good deeds and bad deeds I have acquired during my lifetime. I am well aware of what's written in the agreement and give my authority to the receptionist to send me through the gates of evaluation.

Alice: Please sign the contract

Shindo: What happens if I don't sign it ?

Alice: That'd be very painful for you, if you refuse to sign it, you will be captured by forced judgement crew and a penalty of 10,000 bad deeds will be added in your tab.

Shindo quickly signs the agreement

Shindo: I was just curious, I had no intention ha.. ha… ha… (awkwardly laughs)

Demon: This shitty soul should be sent with me, I will teach him some manners.

Alice smacks the demon in the head.

Alice: Shutup you dumb demon, this previous soul was just curious, there's nothing wrong to be curious.

Shindo sighs in relief

Alice says to Shindo: The gate will open in few seconds now, Please behave well with King Yama, my precious soul

Suddenly there's a crack in the wall behind the demon and Angel, the crack gets bigger and bigger and it forms a gate.

Alice : Please proceed

Shindo and Shadow proceeds to the gate, The gate opens as the reach near the gate. Shindo and Shadow then enters the gate, Inside the gate is an old looking office and a giant, bulky man with his face covered with beard and mustache, wearing a Viking helm was sitting in the chair

King Yama: Come here you two have a seat

Shadow and Shindo sits on the chair in front of the king Yama's table.

King Yama then pulls the horn out of Shadow and puts it in a device which is on top of the table.

The device analyses the horn for sometime and declares 6897 good deeds and 6898 bad deed.

King Yama: Such an unfortunate soul you are may you have lived more you would've done few more good deeds, and you could go to heaven.

Shindo: But wait king Yama, I don't recall doing any bad deeds and you are talking about 6898 that's impossible.

King Yama: Ha Ha Ha child, you may be unaware of how bad deeds work, let me explain you, In your lifetime many of the decisions you made had negative impact on the life of others. For example: Last year you were given an opportunity to go to national level gymnastic but you refused it and gave it to your friend.

Shindo: But isn't that a good deed, My friend was going to a different country for higher studies and it was his last year in our school for him and it was his last chance so I dropped my chance for him.

King Yama: Hahaha you call that a good deed ? You killed 3 people with that decision of yours.

Shockingly shindo replies : No ways, That's impossible

King Yama then takes out his magic crystal and shows Shindo a visual.

Shindo's friend Genji: Thank you Shindo, thank you Shindo for dropping out of the competition, if you haven't dropped out they would never let me compete.

Shindo : I know very well Genji it's your final year and you won't be getting another chance after this, you don't have to thank me for it rather win it for me .

Genji with a big smile on his face : Yes , Yes I will my friend.

The next day Genji goes to training on his regular training hall and hears people whispering.

People Whispering: Did you heard, Genji threatened Shindo to drop down from y the competition so he could compete.

People whispering: Yes, he's a bully after all, Just looking at him makes me scared, he's just scary that's all no way we can win the competition without Shindo

Genji ignores them but day after day the whispering continues, No one really believes in genji. Genji while practicing get frustated and shouts loudly

Genji: Shut up y'all, If you guys don't know anything don't fucking talk behind my back

Ryu, Derek, and Mikasa comes in front Genji

Ryu: We all know you threatened Shindo to drop out

Derek: Yes Yes

Mikasa: You're just a bully, you won't make us win.

Genji: Don't you guys see I practice everyday day to night just to win, I promised Shindo I will win

Ryu: Stop lying on our face, you son of bastard

Genji gets furious in anger and punches Ryu on the face

Genji shouts : Talk about me not about my family

Mikasa: You punched Ryu, I will complain it to principle and force you to drop the tournament for you shitty behavior

Genji: You guys started it

Mikasa tries to escape to the principal office so she can complain while Genji stops her from going while being distracted by Mikasa Derek runs to the door.

Genji runs back to Derek and kicks Derek from behind, Derek lost balance and bangs his head on the wall and bleeds

Mikasa : You fucking piece of shit son of bastard Genji, I will kill you

Mikasa grabs a rod from the corner of the gym and proceeds to attack Genji, Genji rushes towards Mikasa dodges her attack , grabs her rod and beats her to death in front of Derek and Ryu

Derek and Ryu shivers in fear

Genji: I said don't fucking bring my parents in between

Ryu and Derek : Please forgive us let us go, we won't tell anyone what happened here.

Genji calms down: Help me take care of this mess

Ryu and Derek helps Genji clean the gymnasium hall and packs Mikasa body and takes it to the forest to hide . While Ryu and Derek are digging a hole for Mikasa, Genji takes out a knife.

Shindo : Stop this , I don't wanna see anymore

Shindo remembers those three student mysteriously disappeared without proof and it was even in the newspaper, while after few months Genji wins the competition and Shindo gave him a hug and congratulate him.

Present time in the King Yama's office Shindo breaks down in tears