
shin from black

shin fuji just transfer to sunset academy although a school for the high well smart and mighty shin isn't there for academy his on a mission to find his brother who've gone M.I.A in the school for over a year now

takamichi_sora · แอคชั่น
10 Chs

chapter 3


after the P.E class I shin was seating back in my chair while the next class was going on I made a decision to check the library after class was done so after the class I moved quietly to the library to cheek on some files or any hint on my brothers at this point anything will do I walked to a shelf where old records of student where kept I took a book which contain a year book picture of the student I stared flipping through but I was shocked to find Nothing about my brother no photo name Nothing

"something doesn't seem right" I said to my self

"excuse me do you need any help" a voice said to me.

I looked up and saw a girl she seems to be a second year by her name tag her name Mio she seems to be the in charge of the library or at least work's here

"oh it nothing just going though some year book photo" I said

"oh that good you seem to have been lost in deep thought and you had sure a worried expression where you looking for something"she said

"oh it nothing I just got a little side track"I said smiling

"thank goodness your new here aren't you?"she said

"yh sure am shin Fuji a second year class B"I said

"ok and am Mio Nakamura second year class C well I have to get back to work but feel free to ask me for anything ok" she said

"sure will" I said waving at her as she left

"ok now that that's over time to get back to work so to what I know I can't find anything relating to my brother is like he never attended this school if the school year book doesn't have it I wonder". as I was thinking Someone came and sat near me

"oh hey shin didn't see you after you just totally vanished" it was Minato

"oh i just wanted to cheek the library out seems bigger than my previous schools own plus I wanted to check somethings"I said .

so he looked and saw me reading the school year book

"you seem interested in the year books" he said

"not actually I meet them here the moment I got here" I replied back

"you don't say any way you do know our test are coming you right" he said

"this early in the term that fast" I said

"yh it just how the school works don't worry you'll get use to it" he said laughing

am not worried but thanks for the advice I gotta go now but we'll talk later"I said and walked out of the library


so to what I can tell so far is that all information about my brother is no where to be found well I never expected it to be easy from the start but still I was sure he was here so what happened.i kept thinking while walkinh when I came across a familiar face standing outside the class

"what wrong rentaro?" I asked

"it noting just trying get some air speaking of which where where you?" he asked it a some worth suspicious face

"any reason I should tell you" I said

" oh no i was just worried that all maybe you could have gotten lost or got cought and bullied by the othert second or third years" he said

" I think I can handle my self"I said

"so what you guys doing out side" asuna said from behind

"oh hi class rep" rentaro said

"hi asuna" I said

"what ever you guys are doing end it quickly we've got another class in like a few minutes now" she said

" classic asuna our one and only dominatrix" rentaro said while walking away

" I am so not ah your so annoying " she said stomping away"


(student council office)

"president I think you should look at this seems like that thing has made it way here"

"hmm don't worry I'll handle it it won't be a problem for us to handle sato and Irina I trust both of you can handle it"

"yes ma'am"

"good now you can go now I have another matter to handle"

(door close)

"I tought getting rid of it will make things easier but who would've thought that you'll came let have fun shall me"
