The story is about two main characters as their psyche's are being challenged,as their worlds Shift and meld or repel each other
September 4 2020 9/4/2020
Jadden was day dreaming about the first time he met that girl it had only been a week since,he was then interrupted by a tap on his shoulder.He turned to see his friend Adrew,you see Adrew was his first friend he had at this high school.And while they were both speaking to each other multiple people would come over to talk to Adrew though it was mostly girls there were a few boy's too.Now this didn't bother Jadden he was normally the one who waited for other people to talk to him before he'd do the same unless it was through text.
After a while jadden felt the need to take a number 1 or 2 he couldn't tell which he then proceeded to hold his hand for what felt like minutes but was likely only a few seconds.After the math teacher finally noticed him she handed him a pass and he got up and walked to the bathroom which took longer then you'd think because he got lost.But eventually he made it there and after finishing his business he walked to the sink to wash his hands he looked into he saw the girl again.
She wasn't looking at that mirror so she didn't see him and so Jadden just stared the girl had now turned around.Now Jadden could see her back side and he noticed she had long black silky hair that ,and a dark blue shirt with black pants.The girl then turned around and they could now fully see each other.On the girls shirt it said the following "sayre salamanders".
Unfortunately for them they were interrupted,the girl was called by one of her friends and left the mirror.When she had left Jadden remember something he never heard anything the first time they met each other no foot steps,no air leaving the mattress,not even his own breathing.Another thing Jazmine that was her name awfully close Jadden.But maybe he was pointing at dots that weren't there or was he getting to the bottom of this weird phenomenon he and Jazmine were experiencing.
Jadden finished washing his hands and walked out the bathroom door and the day was as normal as any other school day and throughout the whole day he could do nothing but think about what happened.That was until he saw her again while he was walking down the street home for a single moment he thought he saw her in the corner of his eyes right beside him.
It was like any other day Jazmine had taken a shower but on her school clothes and took a ride with her mother to her high school.In school Jazmine was easily the smartest person in her class and probably her grade as well.She was able to answer all the questions she was given,finish her work faster then everyone else and got all or most of the questions right.
But in the third period she needed to fix her hair as the hoodie she had on made it all messy.And that didn't sit well with her so she went to the ladies room and though she was distracted by a sound of the bathrooms door opening when she looked into the mirror she for the third time saw the same boy.
He was in an all black shirt that had words on the inside of his caller though it was hard to make seemed to say sayre sabers in all white,they then locked eyes for a few seconds until she was called by one of her friends and left quickly.After School when she was walking to the next street she saw what she thought was the boy only for a second.
Jazmine was now laying on her bed thinking about what happened while she was in school and she got an idea she wanted to test out the next time she saw him.You see Jazmine had realized she'd never heard the boy not once but that didn't mean he didn't hear her when she was called by one of her friends.And so she on her bed and waited until it was dark,eager to find how whatever this thing that is happening to her works.
september 5 2020 9/5/2020
It was 2:00AM and nothing the boy was nowhere to be found,but because it was a Saturday Jazmine had Monday off there was nothing else to do for the next three days.She finally gotten tired of sitting there doing nothing but staring into the darkness that was her room.Jazmine had thought that maybe he wasn't there because they didn't fall asleep at the same time but that was wrong.Because the first time she and he first met she was awake for a while and it looked like he was just walking up.
Jazmine was too bored to stay awake and finally Jazmine had fallen asleep from staying up too long.It felt like she instantly woke up checking her phone and seeing that it was 9:12Am sighing and siting up on her air mattress she then started her day.Through out the whole day Jazmine try'ed to think of every reason why she never saw the boy the night before.She could barely think of anything else.