
Shifting of Plans

Xenos Waters thought he was a normal seventeen-year-old boy, aside from the obvious things. Namely, his parents being in jail, living in an orphanage, and, of course, the voices in his that occasionally make themselves known. But, other than that, he assumed his life was just as boring as the average person's. That is, until one day he enters his high school and a horrendous creature is waiting for him and this other guy, Felix Zevitas, fulling intending to kidnap them both for some reason. This is probably when things started to majorly go downhill. Since right after they escape this creature, a random man ambushes them and tells them that if they want to survive and control the magic they apparently have, they have to fight eighteen other people in a three-part battle to the death. Seriously, what kind of bullshit is this?

Koi_A_King · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

Types of Mana Beasts and Bloodlines

First: mana beasts. Now, it needs to be said that "type" and "species" are two different things. "Type" refers to a much broader spectrum in which the mana beast belongs, like chimera or nature spirit. While "species" directly refers to what kind of mana beast it is, such as a lacertus or Griffin. For example; a lacertus is a type of shadow beast.

In these families, there will be different titles based upon what tier the specific mana beast is in. These titles are lesser, low, high, and greater. Mana beasts of the obsidian tier have no additional title.


Lesser - bronze and iron tier.

Low - gold tier.

High - quartz and opal tier.

Greater - platinum tier.

There is an additional title for mana beasts in the tungsten tier, that title is "hallowed".

For example; a Giffin is typically in the quartz tier, so it would be classified as a type of high chimera.

Secondly: humans, specifically bloodlines. Bloodlines are categorized by how it allows someone to manipulate mana. There are seven main categories: combatant, enchanter, elementalist, polarist, mentalist, medic, and variant. Every class aside from variant has sub-classes, some much more specific than others.

The categories:

Combatant - anything related to physical combat ability or enhancing physical combat ability. There are four sub-classes; tanker, berserker, striker, and rouge. For example; someone being able to manipulate mana to enhance their physical endurance ( combatant in the berserker sub-class ).

Enchanter - anything related to enchanting objects, mana beasts, creatures, or people with specific effects. There are three sub-classes; abiotic, biotic, and universal. For example; someone being able to enchant an item so it is immune or highly resistant to fire ( enchanter in the abiotic sub-class ).

Elementalist - anything related to controlling, manipulating, or creating the natural elements of the world. There are five sub-classes; upper-ground, under-ground, volcanic, oceanic, and atmosphere. For example; someone being able to create and then manipulate storm clouds ( elementalist in the atmosphere sub-class ).

Polarist - anything related to dark-based or light-based abilities that cannot be identified as a specific element. There are two sub-classes; dawn and dusk. For example; someone being able to control shadows ( polarist in the dusk sub-class ).

Mentalist - anything related to affecting the mind of other humans, mana beasts, or creatures. There are five sub-classes; control, tame, vision, invade, and influence. For example; someone being able to make another person feel their negative emotions at a higher level ( mentalist in the influence sub-class ).

Medic - anything related to changing, manipulating, or examining the body of a human, mana beast, or creature. There are three sub-classes; accelerator, examiner, and manipulator. For example; someone being able to control blood ( medic in the manipulator sub-class ).

Variant - any way to manipulate mana that does not fall into any other category. There are no sub-classes, however, there are specific names for each bloodline that falls into this category. For example, someone being able to see the souls of the dead ( variant called a seer ).

If mana manipulation does not fall into a specific sub-class of a category or falls into more than one sub-class, then the term "variant" is added in front of the category. For example; variant-mentalist. Some bloodlines fall into two or more categories, these bloodlines will be considered variants as well.

For example; someone being able to reanimate dead mana beasts counts as both medic and mentalist, this is because they are manipulating both the bodies and minds of mana beasts to make them reanimate ( variant called a necromancer ). If someone manipulated the bodies of mana beasts to make them into puppets, then they would fall into the medic category as they are only manipulating the bodies and not the minds ( medic in the manipulator sub-class ).

While the bloodlines that fall into the other six main categories do not receive specific names like those in the variant category, prominent enough bloodlines typically have been given names. Such as the Balanius bloodline, which has been given the name portal-hopper.

I wonder what category Felix falls into?

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